Provides functionality displaying change sets of entities in a history like ui.
Also adds options to reset or rollback to a specific change set.
This package relies on the angular material library to render its components.
It also uses fontawesome-icons in some components.
To start using the change sets component you first need to provide a change set service.
This service provides default options for the component and handles logic like receiving change sets or rolling back.
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseChangeSetService, ChangeSet } from 'ngx-material-change-sets';
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class ChangeSetService extends BaseChangeSetService {
constructor(http: HttpClient) {
override async openCreatedBy(changeSet: ChangeSet): Promise<void> {
If you want to change some of the default options you can overwrite their respective property on the service class.
You need to provide the service in your app.module.ts
import { NGX_CHANGE_SET_SERVICE } from 'ngx-material-change-sets';
providers: [
useExisting: ChangeSetService
Use the component
First add the component to the imports array in your module or standalone component:
import { ChangeSetsComponent } from 'ngx-material-change-sets';
imports: [
Wherever you want to display the change history simply add:
<ngx-mat-change-sets [entity]="entity" [changeSetsApiBaseUrl]="testBaseUrl">
Where entity needs to extent from ChangeSetEntity
or ChangeSetSoftDeleteEntity
. The base url is a string that will be provided to the rollback and reset methods of the change set service.
That way it can handle multiple different entity types.