Auto check for pathes as ~, /etc/, ./ in turn, and load config content.
npm install node-autopath-config
const {loadConfig} = require('node-autopath-config');
const myConfig = loadConfig(myConfigPath);
myConfigPath is the config file/dir's path, which could be following options, and loadConfig() will return the content of config.
Absolute path
myConfigPath = /usr/local/etc/myconfig.js
will check:
- /usr/local/etc/myconfig.js
Relative path
myConfigPath = myconfig.js
will check:
- ~/.myconfig.js
- /etc/myconfig.js
- ./myconfig.js
Relative path with dir
myConfigPath = myproject/myconfig.js
will check:
- ~/.myproject/myconfig.js
- /etc/myproject/myconfig.js
- ./myproject/myconfig.js
Relative path with prefixed dot
myConfigPath = .config/myconfig.js
will check:
- ~/.config/myconfig.js
- /etc/.config/myconfig.js
- ./.config/myconfig.js