What is node-boot?
Node Boot is a framework for REST API management and it is similar to Spring boot. Node Boot is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with and fully supports TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming).
Node boot makes use of robust HTTP Server frameworks is Express. This gives developers the freedom to use the third-party modules which are available for the platform.
What can I do with it?
You can simplify make your Node.JS web application with Typescript by using Dependency Injection, and RESTful apis throughout simple annotations.
What about this library?
This library is enable the mail feature for the Node Boot framework only. It is easy to use like Spring mail. We have enable the feature to send mail via smtp
How do I use it?
- First of all you need install the lib in Node Boot application.
- Now you need to setup the properties in
file in application.
For the send email via smtp you need to set the below property in application.properties
We are provide the two diffrent ways to use send the email.
Abstract class
Direct method
Abstract class
Abstract class machanism is use for the loose coupling. You can create the service class and extend the BootMail
abstract class. Now you can inject your service and you will able to get the sendMail
method to send the mail.
import { Service } from "node-boot-core";
import { BootMail } from "node-boot-mail";
export class MailService extends BootMail{
constructor() {
class MyClass {
private mailService: MailService;
private method() {
this.mailService.sendMail({ body: "", subject: "", to: "" });
- Direct method
We are provide the other way to send mail via direct method.
import { sendMail } from 'node-boot-mail';
export class MailService {
public sendEmail() {
await sendMail({ body: "", subject: "", to: "" });
The send mail function accept the below properties:
from - The email address of the sender. All email addresses can be plain ‘sender@server.com’ or formatted '“Sender Name” sender@server.com', see Address object for details
to - Comma separated list or an array of recipients email addresses that will appear on the To: field
cc - Comma separated list or an array of recipients email addresses that will appear on the Cc: field
bcc - Comma separated list or an array of recipients email addresses that will appear on the Bcc: field
subject - The subject of the email
body - The HTML version of the message as an Unicode string, Buffer, Stream or an attachment-like object.
attachments - An array of attachment objects (see Using attachments for details). Attachments can be used for embedding images as well.
Optional parameters
headers - An object or array of additional header fields (e.g. {“X-Key-Name”: “key value”} or [{key: “X-Key-Name”, value: “val1”}, {key: “X-Key-Name”, value: “val2”}]). Read more about custom headers
priority - Sets message importance headers, either ‘high’, ‘normal’ (default) or ‘low’
messageId - optional Message-Id value, random value will be generated if not set
date - optional Date value, current UTC string will be used if not set
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Node Boot is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the support from the amazing team members.
Node Boot is MIT, Apache and BSD licensed.