A node implementation of buble sort with user defined predicate function
npm install node-bubsort
const bubble = require('node-bubsort');
const { result, count } = bubble.sort([2, 1, 3]);
// result => [1, 2, 3]
// count => 2. Count refers to the number of passes of sort.
// sort with a predicate function
const { result, count } = bubble.sort([
{ key: 5 },
{ key: 1 },
{ key: 4 },
{ key: 2 },
{ key: 8 }
], (objOne, objTwo) => objOne.key > objTwo.key);
// result => [ { key: 1 }, { key: 2 }, { key: 4 }, { key: 5 }, { key: 8 }]
// count => 3