Featured command line parser.
Basic Usage
Parse Commandline
code: simple.js
// examples/simple.js
// argv parse
Getopt = require('..');
// Getopt arguments options
// '=': has argument
// '[=]': has argument but optional
// '+': multiple option supported
getopt = new Getopt([
['s' , ''],
['' , 'long'],
['S' , 'short-with-arg='],
['L' , 'long-with-arg=ARG'],
['m' , 'multi-with-arg=ARG+'],
['' , 'color[=COLOR]'],
['h' , 'help']
// process.argv needs slice(2) for it starts with 'node' and 'script name'
// parseSystem is alias of parse(process.argv.slice(2))
// opt = getopt.parseSystem();
opt = getopt.parse(process.argv.slice(2));;
$ node examples/simple.js foo -s --long-with-arg bar -m a -m b -- --others
{ argv: [ 'foo', '--others' ],
{ s: true,
'long-with-arg': 'bar',
'multi-with-arg': [ 'a', 'b' ] } }
Work with help
code: help.js
// examples/help.js
// Works with help
Getopt = require('..');
getopt = new Getopt([
['s' , '' , 'short option.'],
['' , 'long' , 'long option.'],
['S' , 'short-with-arg=ARG' , 'option with argument'],
['L' , 'long-with-arg=ARG' , 'long option with argument'],
['' , 'color[=COLOR]' , 'COLOR is optional'],
['m' , 'multi-with-arg=ARG+' , 'multiple option with argument'],
['' , 'no-comment'],
['h' , 'help' , 'display this help']
// Use custom help template instead of default help
// [[OPTIONS]] is the placeholder for options list
"Usage: node help.js [OPTION]\n" +
"node-getopt help demo.\n" +
"\n" +
"[[OPTIONS]]\n" +
"\n" +
"Installation: npm install node-getopt\n" +
$ node examples/help.js
Usage: node help.js [OPTION]
node-getopt help demo.
-s short option.
--long long option.
-S, --short-with-arg=ARG option with argument
-L, --long-with-arg=ARG long option with argument
--color[=COLOR] COLOR is optional
-m, --multi-with-arg=ARG+ multiple option with argument
-h, --help display this help
Installation: npm install node-getopt
short option name
$ node simple.js -s
{ argv: [], options: { short: true } }
$ node simple.js -S foo
{ argv: [], options: { 'short-with-arg': 'foo' } }
long option name
$ node simple.js --long
{ argv: [], options: { long: true } }
$ node simple.js --long-with-arg foo
{ argv: [], options: { 'long-with-arg': 'foo' } }
argument required
$ node simple.js --long-with-arg
ERROR: option long-with-arg need argument
$ node simple.js --long-with-arg foo
{ argv: [], options: { 'long-with-arg': 'foo' } }
$ node simple.js --long-with-arg=foo
{ argv: [], options: { 'long-with-arg': 'foo' } }
optional argument
$ node simple.js --color
{ argv: [], options: { color: '' } }
$ node simple.js --color=foo
{ argv: [], options: { color: 'foo' } }
$ node simple.js --color foo
{ argv: [ 'foo' ], options: { color: '' }
chain option
$ node simple.js -slS foo
{ argv: [],
options: { short: true, long: true, 'short-with-arg': 'foo' } }
multi option supported
$ node simple.js -m a -m b -m c
{ argv: [], options: { 'multi-with-arg': [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] } }
text argv supported
$ node simple.js foo -m a bar -m b baz -m c
{ argv: [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
options: { 'multi-with-arg': [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] } }
keep text after --
$ node simple.js -s -- -s
{ argv: [ '-s' ], options: { short: true } }
require('node-getopt') returns class Getopt
Getopt Methods:
constructor(Array options)
options is a set of option. each option contains 3 fields.
[short_name, long_name_with_definition, comment]
* '=ARG': has argument
* '[=ARG]': has argument but optional
* '+': multiple option supported
ARG can be replaced by any word.
parse(Array argv)
parse argv
Returns: {argv: '...', options: {...}}
alias of parse(process.argv.slice(2))
setHelp(String helpTemplate)
Set help template. the placeholders will be replaced by getopt.
* [[OPTIONS]] - The options list
Returns: String
Get the help generated.
default help template:
"Usage: node #{process.argv[1].match(/(?:.*[\/\\])?(.*)$/)[1]}\n\n[[OPTIONS]]\n"
v0.2.* is NOT compatible with v0.1.*