a node.js module that provides:
- a wrapper for jsHint to simplify checking internal source code string variables
- related source code parsing utility functions
- a simple jsHint reporter suitable for console output
npm install node-hint
require('node-hint').hint(options, callback);
var options = {
source: 'function test() { console.log('my test function'); }',
sourceName: 'testFunction'
nodeHint = require('node-hint').hint;
hint(options, function(result) {
where options may contain the following properties
source: a string of javascript source code
sourceName: a name to associate with the code (not required)
callback: a function to call with the jsHint or reporter results as an argument
jsHintOptions: jsHint options (there are many - see ./lib/jshint.js)
report: reporting options (see below)
report options
reporter: a function to parse jsHint results data
options: additional argument to pass to the reporter function
(the report option may also be set to the string 'default' to use the default string reporter)
Default Options
- report:
- reporter: default (simple string reporter)
- oneErrorPerLine: true
- jsHint:
node: true
standard options (and too many to list here) - see /lib/jshint.js for more info
There is a default reporter that returns a simple report in the form of a string
If the report option is set to "raw", the results will be the raw lint data
if a function is specified for the reporter report option, it will be passed the following arguments
- data: the lint data returned by jsHint
- options: report options (allows passing of additional data through to your callback if desired)
- sourceName: the name supplied in options (if any)
- callback: the callback supplied in options (if any)
data is supplied to a callback or a returned value if no callback is provided
if a reporter is defined, the callback will be passed to the reporter
if the default report is used and a callback is supplied, the callback will be called with arguments error and results
if a callback is not defined, either the value returned by the reporter or raw lint data will be returned
Additional Methods
In addition to the hint method, node-hint exposes the following additional methods:
jsHint - the original jsHint function (that node-hint wraps)
report - the default reporter that parses jsHint data into string output
getImplieds - a utility function that returns any implied globals in source
JSHint developed by JSHint Community.
MIT-License, see LICENSE.txt
- add formal tests
- expand reporting and parsing methods