A WIP Node.js wrapper for acchan's Zanarkand network capture library.
Event type names and all packet structures are taken from the Sapphire project.
NOTE: Most features besides the any
data event will break after every patch release until the IPC opcodes are updated in the Sapphire repo.
npm install node-zanarkand-ffxiv
Be sure to also install Go to build ZanarkandWrapperJSON and place the output in the ZanarkandWrapper folder.
import { ZanarkandFFXIV } from "node-zanarkand-ffxiv"
const Zanarkand = new ZanarkandFFXIV();
Zanarkand.start(async () => {
console.log("Zanarkand started!");
await Zanarkand.reset();
Zanarkand.on('initZone', (content) => {
console.log(`[${getTime()}]Zone loaded.`);
Zanarkand.on('marketBoardItemListing', (content) => {
var output = "HQ\tMateria\tPrice\tQuantity\tTotal\tCity\t\tRetainer\n";
for (let i = 0; i < content.prices.length; i++) {
output += `${content.qualities[i]}\t${content.materiaCounts[i]}\t${content.prices[i]}\t${content.quantities[i]}\t\t${content.totals[i]}\t${content.cities[i] !== "Ul'dah" && content.cities[i] !== "Kugane" && content.cities[i] !== "Ishgard" ? content.cities[i] :
(content.cities[i] === "Kugane" ? "Kugane\t" : (content.cities[i] === "Ishgard" ? "Ishgard\t" : "Ul'dah\t"))}\t${content.retainers[i]}\n`;
if (content.materia[i].length > 0) output += `Materia: ${content.materia[i].toString()}\n`;