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sms77 node collection for Node-RED.

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Official seven nodes for Node-RED

Node-RED node collection for sending SMS , text-to-speech calls and number validation via seven.


Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - usually ~/.node-red:

NPM npm install nodered-contrib-sms77

Yarn yarn add nodered-contrib-sms77

Request Options

sms77-config node

API Key: An API key from seven - create one in your developer dashboard.

Name: An arbitrary name for the node, helpful if you use multiple configurations.

sms77-sms node

Use this node for sending SMS.

Config*: A sms77-config node.

Message*: The SMS text which defaults to msg.payload. May not exceed 1520 characters.

*Recipient(s)**: SMS recipient(s) separated by comma defaulting to msg.topic.

From (Sender): Set a custom sender identifier.

Label: Set a custom label for sorting analytics.

Foreign ID: Optionally set a custom value returned in callbacks.

UDH: Set a custom user data header.

TTL: Set a custom time to live in minutes.

Delay: Set a custom date for time-delayed dispatch in the form of a Unix timestamp or a date/time string formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii.

Return JSON?: If enabled, the API returns a detailed JSON response.

Unicode?: If enabled, enforce unicode encoding ignoring API detection.

Flash?: If enabled, SMS get sent as flash.

Details?: If enabled, the API returns dispatch specific information - is ignored if json is enabled.

UTF8?: If enabled, enforce UTF8 encoding ignoring API detection.

Debug?: If enabled, the API validates the request but doesn't send out SMS - useful for testing.

No Reload?: If enabled, dispatch of duplicate SMS, text and recipient alike within 180 seconds, gets allowed.

Performance Tracking?: If enabled, links found in the text get replaced with a shortened URL and click tracking enabled.

Name: An arbitrary name for the node helpful for identification.

sms77-voice node

Use this node for converting a text to speech, call a number and read the message out loud.

Config*: A sms77-config node.

Message*: The text to convert to voice which defaults to msg.payload. May not exceed 10.000 characters.

*Recipient(s)**: The recipient(s) of the call separated by comma defaulting to msg.topic .

From (Caller): The caller identifier which must be your own virtual number or a shared number.

Is XML?: If enabled, the API parses the text as XML format.

Return JSON?: If enabled, the API returns a detailed JSON response.

Ringtime: Define how long to initiate the call.

Name: An arbitrary name for the node helpful for identification.

sms77-lookup node

Use this node for performing number lookups.

Config*: A sms77-config node.

*Number(s)**: The phone number(s) to look up separated by comma.

Type*: The lookup type to perform.

Return JSON?: If enabled, the API returns a detailed JSON response for MNP lookups. All other types return JSON by default.

Name: An arbitrary name for the node helpful for identification.

Required options are marked with an asterisk (*).

Visit our API Documentation for a detailed request description.


Need help? Feel free to contact us.




Last updated on 26 Oct 2023

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