Turns a WinRT stream (Wrapped using NodeRT) into a node.js stream.
For more information on NodeRT, take a look at:
You can download this module from NPM by running the following cmd:
npm install nodert-streams
If you have cloned the git repo (and not downloaded thm module from NPM) run the following command from inside the directory:
node-gyp rebuild
(For both of the above commands, make sure that node-gyp and all of its perquisites are installed)
- Exposes an InputStream object which can be initiated by passing a WinRT input stream, this object behaves like a readable nodejs stream.
- Exposes an OutputStream object which can be initiated by passing a WinRT input stream, this object behaves like a writeable nodejs stream.
In order to use nodert-streams, please make sure first to generate and compile the following NodeRT module and place it in a node_modules directory near by:
Here is an example of using nodert-streams for piping contents of a file to stdout:
var streams = require('');
var storage = require('');
var nodert_streams = require('nodert-streams');
var StorageFile = storage.StorageFile;
storage.KnownFolders.documentsLibrary.getFileAsync('document.txt', function(err, file) {
if (err) {
file.openAsync(, function(err, fileStream) {
if (err) {
var nodeStream = streams.InputStream(fileStream);