A pid file manager for Node.js

Manage a pid file in Node.js.
$ npm install npid
Unit tests
$ npm test
This module simply creates and manages a pid file for the entire duration of
the program execution. The pid file is automatically deleted upon normal program
exit. If a pid file already exists, an exception will be thrown.
var npid = require('npid');
try {
var pid = npid.create('/var/run/chubaka.pid');
} catch (err) {
Note that the pid file won't be removed when a program stops due to an uncaught
exception or a unhandled signal. This can be avoided by specifying handlers for
uncaught exceptions and signals that call process.exit
or remove the pid file
explicitly before exiting.
Static functions
npid.create(path, [force]): npid.Pid
- path: pid file path
- force: overwrite any existing pid file
Synchronously creates a pid file and returns a handle to it. Will throw an
exception if a pid file already exists and the force
parameter is false.
npid.remove(path): bool
Synchronously removes a pid file. Does not throw if the pid file is missing or
if the removal fails. Returns a boolean indicating whether the pid file removal
Class Pid
Represents a handle to a pid file and expose an API to remove it either
automatically at process exit or manually when the process exits due to
an uncaught exception or a signal.
pid.remove(): bool
Synchronously removes the pid file. Does not throw if the pid file is missing
or if the removal fails. Returns a boolean indicating whether the pid file
removal succeeded.
Removes the pid file on normal process exit.
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.