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ntils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.5 to 3.1.7



"name": "ntils",
"version": "3.1.5",
"version": "3.1.7",
"description": "一个 Node & Browser 工具函数集",
"main": "./lib/ntils.js",
"jsnext:main": "./src/index.js",
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"scripts": {

@@ -25,3 +24,6 @@ "test": "mocha"

"homepage": ""
"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"rollup": "^0.50.0"

@@ -1,3 +0,723 @@

import * as utils from './utils';
export * from './utils';
export default utils;
* 空函数
export function noop() { };
export function toString(obj) {
export function getType(obj) {
var str = toString(obj);
return (/^\[object (.+)\]$/i.exec(str))[1];
* 验证一个对象是否为NULL
* @method isNull
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isNull(obj) {
var type = getType(obj);
return type === 'Undefined' || type === 'Null';
* 除去字符串两端的空格
* @method trim
* @param {String} str 源字符串
* @return {String} 结果字符串
* @static
export function trim(str) {
if (isNull(str)) return str;
if (str.trim) {
return str.trim();
} else {
return str.replace(/(^[\\s]*)|([\\s]*$)/g, "");
* 替换所有
* @method replace
* @param {String} str 源字符串
* @param {String} str1 要替换的字符串
* @param {String} str2 替换为的字符串
* @static
export function replace(str, str1, str2) {
if (isNull(str)) return str;
return str.replace(new RegExp(str1, 'g'), str2);
* 从字符串开头匹配
* @method startWith
* @param {String} str1 源字符串
* @param {String} str2 要匹配的字符串
* @return {Boolean} 匹配结果
* @static
export function startWith(str1, str2) {
if (isNull(str1) || isNull(str2)) return false;
return str1.indexOf(str2) === 0;
* 是否包含
* @method contains
* @param {String} str1 源字符串
* @param {String} str2 检查包括字符串
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function contains(str1, str2) {
var self = this;
if (isNull(str1) || isNull(str2)) return false;
return str1.indexOf(str2) > -1;
* 从字符串结束匹配
* @method endWidth
* @param {String} str1 源字符串
* @param {String} str2 匹配字符串
* @return {Boolean} 匹配结果
* @static
export function endWith(str1, str2) {
if (isNull(str1) || isNull(str2)) return false;
return str1.indexOf(str2) === (str1.length - str2.length);
* 是否包含属性
* @method hasProperty
* @param {Object} obj 对象
* @param {String} name 属性名
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function has(obj, name) {
if (isNull(obj) || isNull(name)) return false;
return (name in obj) || (obj.hasOwnProperty(name));
export var hasProperty = has;
* 验证一个对象是否为Function
* @method isFunction
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isFunction(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
return getType(obj) === "Function";
* 验证一个对象是否为String
* @method isString
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isString(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
return getType(obj) === 'String';
* 验证一个对象是否为Number
* @method isNumber
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isNumber(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
return getType(obj) === 'Number';
* 验证一个对象是否为Boolean
* @method isBoolean
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isBoolean(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
return getType(obj) === 'Boolean';
* 验证一个对象是否为HTML Element
* @method isElement
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isElement(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
if (win.Element) {
return obj instanceof Element;
} else {
return (obj.tagName && obj.nodeType &&
obj.nodeName && obj.attributes &&
* 验证一个对象是否为HTML Text Element
* @method isText
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isText(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
return obj instanceof Text;
* 验证一个对象是否为Object
* @method isObject
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isObject(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
var type = getType(obj);
return type === 'Object' || type === 'Array';
* 验证一个对象是否为Array或伪Array
* @method isArray
* @param {Object} obj 要验证的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isArray(obj) {
if (isNull(obj)) return false;
var v1 = getType(obj) === 'Array';
var v2 = obj instanceof Array;
var v3 = !isString(obj) && isNumber(obj.length) && isFunction(obj.splice);
var v4 = !isString(obj) && isNumber(obj.length) && obj[0];
return v1 || v2 || v3 || v4;
* 验证是不是一个日期对象
* @method isDate
* @param {Object} val 要检查的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isDate(val) {
if (isNull(val)) return false;
return val instanceof Date;
* 验证是不是一个正则对象
* @method isDate
* @param {Object} val 要检查的对象
* @return {Boolean} 结果
* @static
export function isRegexp(val) {
return val instanceof RegExp;
* 转换为数组
* @method toArray
* @param {Array|Object} array 伪数组
* @return {Array} 转换结果数组
* @static
export function toArray(array) {
if (isNull(array)) return [];
* 转为日期格式
* @method toDate
* @param {Number|String} val 日期字符串或整型数值
* @return {Date} 日期对象
* @static
export function toDate(val) {
var self = this;
if (self.isNumber(val))
return new Date(val);
else if (self.isString(val))
return new Date(self.replace(self.replace(val, '-', '/'), 'T', ' '));
else if (self.isDate(val))
return val;
return null;
* 遍历一个对像或数组
* @method each
* @param {Object or Array} obj 要遍历的数组或对象
* @param {Function} fn 处理函数
* @return {void} 无返回值
* @static
export function each(list, handler, scope) {
if (isNull(list) || isNull(handler)) return;
if (isArray(list)) {
var listLength = list.length;
for (var i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
var rs = || list[i], i, list[i]);
if (!isNull(rs)) return rs;
} else {
for (var key in list) {
var rs = || list[key], key, list[key]);
if (!isNull(rs)) return rs;
* 格式化日期
* @method formatDate
* @param {Date|String|Number} date 日期
* @param {String} format 格式化字符串
* @param {object} dict 反译字典
* @return {String} 格式化结果
* @static
export function formatDate(date, format, dict) {
if (isNull(format) || isNull(date)) return date;
date = toDate(date);
dict = dict || {};
var placeholder = {
"M+": date.getMonth() + 1, //month
"d+": date.getDate(), //day
"h+": date.getHours(), //hour
"m+": date.getMinutes(), //minute
"s+": date.getSeconds(), //second
"w+": date.getDay(), //week
"q+": Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //quarter
"S": date.getMilliseconds() //millisecond
if (/(y+)/.test(format)) {
format = format.replace(
(date.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)
for (var key in placeholder) {
if (new RegExp("(" + key + ")").test(format)) {
var value = placeholder[key];
value = dict[value] || value;
format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1
? value : ("00" + value).substr(("" + value).length));
return format;
* 拷贝对象
* @method copy
* @param {Object} src 源对象
* @param {Object} dst 目标对象
* @static
export function copy(src, dst, igonres) {
dst = dst || (isArray(src) ? [] : {});
each(src, function (key) {
if (igonres && igonres.indexOf(key) > -1) return;
delete dst[key];
if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
try {
Object.defineProperty(dst, key,
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, key));
} catch (ex) {
dst[key] = src[key];
} else {
dst[key] = src[key];
return dst;
* 深度克隆对象
* @method clone
* @param {Object} src 源对象
* @return {Object} 新对象
* @static
export function clone(src, igonres) {
if (isNull(src) ||
isString(src) ||
isNumber(src) ||
isBoolean(src) ||
isDate(src)) {
return src;
var objClone = src;
try {
objClone = new src.constructor();
} catch (ex) { }
each(src, function (key, value) {
if (objClone[key] != value && !contains(igonres, key)) {
if (isObject(value)) {
objClone[key] = clone(value, igonres);
} else {
objClone[key] = value;
}, this);
['toString', 'valueOf'].forEach(function (key) {
if (contains(igonres, key)) return;
final(objClone, key, src[key]);
}, this);
return objClone;
* 合并对象
* @method mix
* @return 合并后的对象
* @param {Object} dst 目标对象
* @param {Object} src 源对象
* @param {Array} igonres 忽略的属性名,
* @param {Number} mode 模式
export function mix(dst, src, igonres, mode, igonreNull) {
//根据模式来判断,默认是Obj to Obj的
if (mode) {
switch (mode) {
case 1: // proto to proto
return mix(dst.prototype, src.prototype, igonres, 0);
case 2: // object to object and proto to proto
mix(dst.prototype, src.prototype, igonres, 0);
break; // pass through
case 3: // proto to static
return mix(dst, src.prototype, igonres, 0);
case 4: // static to proto
return mix(dst.prototype, src, igonres, 0);
default: // object to object is what happens below
src = src || {};
dst = dst || (isArray(src) ? [] : {});
keys(src).forEach(function (key) {
if (contains(igonres, key)) return;
if (igonreNull && isNull(src[key])) return;
if (isObject(src[key]) &&
(src[key].constructor == Object ||
src[key].constructor == Array ||
src[key].constructor == null)) {
dst[key] = mix(dst[key], src[key], igonres, 0, igonreNull);
} else {
dst[key] = src[key];
}, this);
return dst;
* 定义不可遍历的属性
export function final(obj, name, value) {
if (arguments.length < 1) throw new Error('Parameter missing');
if (arguments.length < 2) {
return each(obj, function (name, value) {
final(obj, name, value);
if (arguments.length < 3) return final(obj, name, obj[name]);
try {
Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
get: function () {
return value;
set: function () {
throw new Error('Cannot assign to final property:' + name);
enumerable: false, //不能枚举
configurable: false, //不能重写定义
} catch (err) {
obj[name] = value;
* 获取所有 key
export function keys(obj) {
if (Object.keys) return Object.keys(obj);
var keys = [];
each(obj, function (key) {
return keys;
* 创建一个对象
export function create(proto, props) {
if (Object.create) return Object.create(proto, props);
function Cotr() { };
Cotr.prototype = proto;
var obj = new Cotr();
if (props) copy(props, obj);
return obj;
* 设置 proto
* 在不支持 setPrototypeOf 也不支持 __proto__ 的浏览器
* 中,会采用 copy 方式
export function setPrototypeOf(obj, proto) {
if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {
return Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, proto || create(null));
} else {
if (!('__proto__' in Object)) copy(proto, obj);
obj.__proto__ = proto;
* 获取 proto
export function getPrototypeOf(obj) {
if (obj.__proto__) return obj.__proto__;
if (Object.getPrototypeOf) return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
if (obj.constructor) return obj.constructor.prototype;
* 是否深度相等
export function deepEqual(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
if (!isObject(a) || !isObject(b)) return false;
var aKeys = keys(a);
var bKeys = keys(b);
if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) return false;
var allKeys = aKeys.concat(bKeys);
var checkedMap = create(null);
var result = true;
each(allKeys, function (i, key) {
if (checkedMap[key]) return;
if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) result = false;
checkedMap[key] = true;
}, this);
return result;
* 从一个数值循环到别一个数
* @param {number} fromNum 开始数值
* @param {Number} toNum 结束数值
* @param {Number} step 步长值
* @param {function} handler 执行函数
* @returns {void} 无返回
export function fromTo(fromNum, toNum, step, handler) {
if (!handler) handler = [step, step = handler][0];
step = Math.abs(step || 1);
if (fromNum < toNum) {
for (var i = fromNum; i <= toNum; i += step) handler(i);
} else {
for (var i = fromNum; i >= toNum; i -= step) handler(i);
* 生成一个Guid
* @method newGuid
* @return {String} GUID字符串
* @static
export function newGuid() {
function s4() {
return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
return (s4() + s4() + "-" + s4() + "-" + s4() + "-" +
s4() + "-" + s4() + s4() + s4());
* 对象变换
export function map(list, fn) {
var buffer = isArray(list) ? [] : {};
each(list, function (name, value) {
buffer[name] = fn(name, value);
return buffer;
* 通过路径设置属性值
export function setByPath(obj, path, value) {
if (isNull(obj) || isNull(path) || path === '') {
if (!isArray(path)) {
path = path.replace(/\[/, '.').replace(/\]/, '.').split('.');
each(path, function (index, name) {
if (isNull(name) || name.length < 1) return;
if (index === path.length - 1) {
obj[name] = value;
} else {
obj[name] = obj[name] || {};
obj = obj[name];
}, this);
* 通过路径获取属性值
export function getByPath(obj, path) {
if (isNull(obj) || isNull(path) || path === '') {
return obj;
if (!isArray(path)) {
path = path.replace(/\[/, '.').replace(/\]/, '.').split('.');
each(path, function (index, name) {
if (isNull(name) || name.length < 1) return;
if (!isNull(obj)) obj = obj[name];
}, this);
return obj;
* 数组去重
export function unique(array) {
if (isNull(array)) return array;
var newArray = [];
each(array, function (i, value) {
if (newArray.indexOf(value) > -1) return;
return newArray;
* 解析 function 的参数列表
export function getFunctionArgumentNames(fn) {
if (!fn) return [];
var src = fn.toString();
var parts = src.split(')')[0].split('=>')[0].split('(');
return (parts[1] || parts[0]).split(',').map(function (name) {
return trim(name);
}).filter(function (name) {
return name != 'function';
* 缩短字符串
export function short(str, maxLength) {
if (!str) return str;
maxLength = maxLength || 40;
var strLength = str.length;
var trimLength = maxLength / 2;
return strLength > maxLength ?
str.substr(0, trimLength) + '...' + str.substr(strLength - trimLength) :
* 首字母大写
export function firstUpper(str) {
if (isNull(str)) return;
return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
* 编码正则字符串
export function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
* 将字符串转成「驼峰」式
* @param {string} str 原始字符串
* @param {number} mode 1 大驼峰,0 小驼峰
* @return {string} 转换后的字符串
export function toCamelCase(str, mode) {
if (str) {
str = str.replace(/\-[a-z0-9]/g, function ($1) {
return $1.slice(1).toUpperCase()
str = str.replace(/^[a-z]/i, function ($1) {
return mode ? $1.toUpperCase() : $1.toLowerCase();
return str;
* 将字符串转成分隔形式
* @param {string} str 原始字符串
* @return {string} 转换后的字符串
export function toSplitCase(str) {
if (str) {
str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1');
if (str[0] == '-') str = str.slice(1);
return str;
export function htmlPrefilter(html) {
var rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[^>]*)\/>/gi;
return html.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");
* 解析字符串为 dom
* @param {string} str 字符串
* @returns {HTMLNode} 解析后的 DOM
export function parseHTML(str) {
str = str || ' ';
var parent = document.createElement('div');
parent.innerHTML = htmlPrefilter(trim(str));
var childNodes = toArray(parent.childNodes);
//先 clone 一份再通过 innerHTML 清空
//否则 IE9 下,清空时会导不通过返回的 DOM 没有子结点
// if (firstNode) firstNode = firstNode.cloneNode(true);
// win._NPH_.innerHTML = '';
each(childNodes, function (index, childNode) {
return childNodes;

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