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nudged - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.3.1 to 1.4.0



@@ -8,140 +8,211 @@

this.ty = ty
this.equals = function (t) {
return (s === t.s && r === t.r && tx === t.tx && ty === t.ty)
// Default epsilon to use when coping with floating point arithmetics.
// JavaScript floating point numbers have 52 bits in mantissa (IEEE-754).
// That is about 16 base10 numbers. Therefore the epsilon should be
// much larger than 1 * 10^-16. Let say 1 * 10^-10 is a good one.
Transform.EPSILON = 0.0000000001
this.getMatrix = function () {
// Get the transformation matrix in the format common to
// many APIs, including:
// - kld-affine
// Return
// object o, having properties a, b, c, d, e, f:
// [ s -r tx ] [ o.a o.c o.e ]
// [ r s ty ] = [ o.b o.d o.f ]
// [ 0 0 1 ] [ - - - ]
return { a: s, b: r, c: -r, d: s, e: tx, f: ty }
var proto = Transform.prototype
this.getRotation = function () {
// in rads
return Math.atan2(r, s)
proto.almostEquals =
proto.almostEqual = function (t, epsilon) {
// Are transforms almost equal? Return true if a matrix norm
// of the difference is smaller than epsilon. We use modified L1 norm
// that values s, r, tx, and ty as equally important.
// Parameters:
// t
// Transform
// epsilon
// optional number, default to Transform.EPSILON.
// Set to 0 for strict comparison.
// Note:
// We first thought to use Frobenius norm but it felt wrong
// because it exaggerates s and r. Proof:
// We know Frobenius norm for real square matrices:
// Norm(A) = sqrt(sum_i(sum_j(a_ij * a_ij)))
// For a transform it looks like:
// Norm(T) = sqrt(s*s + r*r + x*x + r*r + s*s + y*y + 1)
// Thus s and r have bigger impact.
if (typeof epsilon !== 'number') {
epsilon = Transform.EPSILON
this.getScale = function () {
// scale multiplier
return Math.sqrt(r * r + s * s)
var ds = Math.abs(this.s - t.s)
var dr = Math.abs(this.r - t.r)
var dx = Math.abs(this.tx - t.tx)
var dy = Math.abs(this.ty - t.ty)
this.getTranslation = function () {
// Current translation as a point.
return [tx, ty]
// smaller-or-equal instead of smaller-than to make epsilon=0 work.
return ds + dr + dx + dy <= epsilon
this.toArray = function () {
// Return an array representation of the transformation.
// Together with nudged.createFromArray(...), this method makes an easy
// serialization and deserialization to and from JSON possible.
return [s, r, tx, ty]
proto.equal =
proto.equals = function (t) {
// Are transforms equal?
// Parameters:
// t
// Transform
return (this.s === t.s && this.r === t.r &&
this.tx === t.tx && this.ty === t.ty)
proto.getMatrix = function () {
// Get the transformation matrix in the format common to
// many APIs, including:
// - kld-affine
// Return
// object o, having properties a, b, c, d, e, f:
// [ s -r tx ] [ o.a o.c o.e ]
// [ r s ty ] = [ o.b o.d o.f ]
// [ 0 0 1 ] [ - - - ]
return {
a: this.s,
b: this.r,
c: -this.r,
d: this.s,
e: this.tx,
f: this.ty
// Methods that return new points
proto.getRotation = function () {
// in rads
return Math.atan2(this.r, this.s)
this.transform = function (p) {
// p
// point [x, y] or array of points [[x1,y1], [x2, y2], ...]
proto.getScale = function () {
// scale multiplier
return Math.sqrt(this.r * this.r + this.s * this.s)
if (typeof p[0] === 'number') {
// Single point
return [s * p[0] - r * p[1] + tx, r * p[0] + s * p[1] + ty]
} // else
proto.getTranslation = function () {
// Current translation as a point.
return [this.tx, this.ty]
var i
var c = []
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i += 1) {
c.push([s * p[i][0] - r * p[i][1] + tx, r * p[i][0] + s * p[i][1] + ty])
return c
proto.toArray = function () {
// Return an array representation of the transformation.
// Together with nudged.createFromArray(...), this method makes an easy
// serialization and deserialization to and from JSON possible.
return [this.s, this.r, this.tx, this.ty]
// Methods that return new Transformations
// Methods that return new points
this.inverse = function () {
// Return inversed transform instance
// See note 2015-10-26-16-30
var det = s * s + r * r
// Test if singular transformation. These might occur when all the range
// points are the same, forcing the scale to drop to zero.
var eps = 0.00000001
if (Math.abs(det) < eps) {
throw new Error('Singular transformations cannot be inversed.')
var shat = s / det
var rhat = -r / det
var txhat = (-s * tx - r * ty) / det
var tyhat = (r * tx - s * ty) / det
return new Transform(shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat)
proto.transform = function (p) {
// p
// point [x, y] or array of points [[x1,y1], [x2, y2], ...]
if (typeof p[0] === 'number') {
// Single point
return [
this.s * p[0] - this.r * p[1] + this.tx,
this.r * p[0] + this.s * p[1] + this.ty
} // else
var i
var c = []
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i += 1) {
this.s * p[i][0] - this.r * p[i][1] + this.tx,
this.r * p[i][0] + this.s * p[i][1] + this.ty])
return c
this.translateBy = function (dx, dy) {
return new Transform(s, r, tx + dx, ty + dy)
// Methods that return new Transformations
proto.inverse = function () {
// Return inversed transform instance
// See note 2015-10-26-16-30
var det = this.s * this.s + this.r * this.r
// Test if singular transformation. These might occur when all the range
// points are the same, forcing the scale to drop to zero.
if (Math.abs(det) < Transform.EPSILON) {
throw new Error('Singular transformations cannot be inversed.')
var shat = this.s / det
var rhat = -this.r / det
var txhat = (-this.s * this.tx - this.r * this.ty) / det
var tyhat = (this.r * this.tx - this.s * this.ty) / det
this.scaleBy = function (multiplier, pivot) {
// Parameter
// multiplier
// pivot
// optional, a [x, y] point
var m, x, y
m = multiplier // alias
if (typeof pivot === 'undefined') {
x = y = 0
} else {
x = pivot[0]
y = pivot[1]
return new Transform(m * s, m * r, m * tx + (1 - m) * x, m * ty + (1 - m) * y)
return new Transform(shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat)
proto.translateBy = function (dx, dy) {
return new Transform(this.s, this.r, this.tx + dx, this.ty + dy)
proto.scaleBy = function (multiplier, pivot) {
// Parameter
// multiplier
// pivot
// optional, a [x, y] point
var m, x, y
m = multiplier // alias
if (typeof pivot === 'undefined') {
x = y = 0
} else {
x = pivot[0]
y = pivot[1]
return new Transform(
m * this.s,
m * this.r,
m * this.tx + (1 - m) * x,
m * this.ty + (1 - m) * y
this.rotateBy = function (radians, pivot) {
// Parameter
// radians
// from positive x to positive y axis
// pivot
// optional, a [x, y] point
var co, si, x, y, shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat
co = Math.cos(radians)
si = Math.sin(radians)
if (typeof pivot === 'undefined') {
x = y = 0
} else {
x = pivot[0]
y = pivot[1]
shat = s * co - r * si
rhat = s * si + r * co
txhat = (tx - x) * co - (ty - y) * si + x
tyhat = (tx - x) * si + (ty - y) * co + y
return new Transform(shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat)
proto.rotateBy = function (radians, pivot) {
// Parameter
// radians
// from positive x to positive y axis
// pivot
// optional, a [x, y] point
var co, si, x, y, shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat
co = Math.cos(radians)
si = Math.sin(radians)
if (typeof pivot === 'undefined') {
x = y = 0
} else {
x = pivot[0]
y = pivot[1]
shat = this.s * co - this.r * si
rhat = this.s * si + this.r * co
txhat = (this.tx - x) * co - (this.ty - y) * si + x
tyhat = (this.tx - x) * si + (this.ty - y) * co + y
this.multiplyRight =
this.multiplyBy = function (transform) {
// Multiply this transformation matrix A
// from the right with the given transformation matrix B
// and return the result AB
return new Transform(shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat)
// For reading aid:
// s -r tx t.s -r tx
// r s ty * r s ty
// 0 0 1 0 0 1
var t = transform // alias
var shat = s * t.s - r * t.r
var rhat = s * t.r + r * t.s
var txhat = s * t.tx - r * t.ty + tx
var tyhat = r * t.tx + s * t.ty + ty
return new Transform(shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat)
proto.multiplyRight =
proto.multiplyBy = function (transform) {
// Multiply this transformation matrix A
// from the right with the given transformation matrix B
// and return the result AB
// For reading aid:
// s -r tx t.s -r tx
// r s ty * r s ty
// 0 0 1 0 0 1
var t = transform // alias
var shat = this.s * t.s - this.r * t.r
var rhat = this.s * t.r + this.r * t.s
var txhat = this.s * t.tx - this.r * t.ty + this.tx
var tyhat = this.r * t.tx + this.s * t.ty + this.ty
return new Transform(shat, rhat, txhat, tyhat)

@@ -148,0 +219,0 @@

// generated by genversion
module.exports = '1.3.1'
module.exports = '1.4.0'
"name": "nudged",
"version": "1.3.1",
"version": "1.4.0",
"description": "Affine transformation estimator e.g. for multi-touch gestures and calibration",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -262,4 +262,16 @@ # nudged

### nudged.Transform#equals(tr)
### nudged.Transform#almostEqual(tr, epsilon?)
Compare equality of two transformations and allow small differences that likely occur due to floating point arithmetics.
**Alias** `.almostEquals(tr)`
**Parameter** `tr` is an instance of `nudged.Transform`. Optional parameter `epsilon` is a small number that defines largest allowed difference and defaults to `Transform.EPSILON`. The difference is computed as the sum of absolute differences of the properties s, r, tx, and ty.
**Return** true if the parameters of the two transformations are equal or almost equal and false otherwise.
### nudged.Transform#equal(tr)
**Alias** `.equals(tr)`
**Parameter** `tr` is an instance of `nudged.Transform`.

@@ -346,4 +358,6 @@

### nudged.Transform#multiplyBy(tr) alias #multiplyRight(tr)
### nudged.Transform#multiplyBy(tr)
**Alias** `.multiplyRight(tr)`
**Parameter** `tr` is an instance of `nudged.Transform`.

@@ -350,0 +364,0 @@

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