Nue JS
Nue JS is a tiny (2.3kb minzipped) JavaScript library for building web interfaces. It is the layout engine for Nue web framework providing both server-side templating and client-side reactive islands.
HTML microlibrary for UX developers
Nue template syntax is designed for UX developers who prefer to write user interfaces with clean, semantic HTML instead of JavaScript. Think Nue as standard HTML, that you can extend with custom HTML-based components. These components help you build modern web applications in a simple, declarative way. For example:
<div class="{ type }">
<img src="{ img }">
<h3>{ title }</h3>
<p :if="desc">{ desc }</p>
If React is "Just JavaScript", then Nue is "Just HTML" because any valid HTML is also valid Nue.
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