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nwsapi - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0-beta2 to 2.0.0-beta3



"name": "nwsapi",
"version": "2.0.0beta2",
"version": "2.0.0beta3",
"homepage": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "authors": [

"name": "nwsapi",
"version": "2.0.0beta2",
"version": "2.0.0beta3",
"description": "Fast CSS Selectors API Engine",

@@ -38,3 +38,9 @@ "homepage": "",

"url": "git://"
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint ./src/nwsapi.js"
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "^4.19.1"

@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ /*

* Author: Diego Perini <diego.perini at gmail com>
* Version: 2.0.0beta2
* Version: 2.0.0beta3
* Created: 20070722
* Release: 20180417
* Release: 20180514

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ * License:

module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd']) {
} else if (typeof define == 'function' && define['amd']) {

@@ -35,39 +35,21 @@ } else {

var version = 'nwsapi-2.0.0beta2',
var version = 'nwsapi-2.0.0beta3',
doc = global.document,
nav = global.navigator,
root = doc.documentElement,
COM = '>+~',
ESC = '\\\\',
HEX = '[0-9a-fA-F]',
SPC = ' \\t\\r\\n\\f',
WSP = '[' + SPC + ']',
WSP = '[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]',
CFG = {
operators: '[~*^$|]=|=',
combinators: '[' + SPC + COM + '](?=[^' + COM + '])'
combinators: '[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~](?=[^>+~])'
STR = {
alphalodash: '[_a-zA-Z]',
pseudoparms: '[-+]?\\d*',
doublequote: '"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"',
singlequote: "'[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'",
any_esc_chr: ESC + '.',
non_asc_chr: '[^\\x00-\\x9f]',
escaped_chr: ESC + '[^\\r\\n\\f0-9a-fA-F]',
unicode_chr: ESC + HEX + '{1,6}(?:\\r\\n|' + WSP + ')?'
REX = {
HasEscapes: RegExp(ESC),
HexNumbers: RegExp('^' + HEX),
SplitComma: RegExp('\\s?,\\s?'),
HasEscapes: RegExp('\\\\'),
HexNumbers: RegExp('^[0-9a-fA-F]'),
EscOrQuote: RegExp('^\\\\|[\\x22\\x27]'),
RegExpChar: RegExp('(?:(?!\\\\)[\\\\^$.*+?()[\\]{}|\\/])' ,'g'),
TrimSpaces: RegExp('[\\r\\n\\f]|^' + WSP + '+|' + WSP + '+$', 'g'),
FixEscapes: RegExp('\\\\(' + HEX + '{1,6}' + WSP + '?|.)|([\\x22\\x27])', 'g'),
FixEscapes: RegExp('\\\\([0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}' + WSP + '?|.)|([\\x22\\x27])', 'g'),
SplitGroup: RegExp(WSP + '*,' + WSP + '*(?![^\\[]*\\]|[^\\(]*\\)|[^\\{]*\\})', 'g')

@@ -78,4 +60,2 @@ },


@@ -87,3 +67,3 @@

pseudo_2 = 'checked|disabled|enabled|selected|local-link(?:\\(\\d*\\))?|lang\\(([-\\w]{2,})\\)',
pseudo_3 = 'default|indeterminate|optional|required|valid|invalid|in-range|out-of-range|read-only|read-write',
pseudo_3 = 'default|indeterminate|optional|required|valid|invalid|in-range|out-of-range|read-only|read-write|placeholder-shown',
pseudo_4 = 'after|before|first-letter|first-line',

@@ -112,5 +92,21 @@ pseudo_5 = 'selection|backdrop|placeholder',

// special handling flags
Config = {
BUGFIX_ID: true,
USE_HTML5: true,

@@ -183,7 +179,10 @@ ATTR_ID = '',

if (force || oldDoc !== doc) {
// force a new check for each document change
// performed before the next select operation
HAS_DUPE_IDS = undefined;
root = doc.documentElement;
NAMESPACE_URI = root.namespaceURI;
doc.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') < 0;
NAMESPACE = root && root.namespaceURI;
ATTR_ID = Config.BUGFIX_ID ? FIX_ID : '';

@@ -276,31 +275,99 @@ Snapshot.doc = doc;

compat = {
'#': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return byId(n, c); }; },
'*': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return byTag(n, c); }; },
'.': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return byClass(n, c); }; }
set_compat =
function() {
return !Config.FASTCOMMA ? {
'#': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return byId(n, c); }; },
'*': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return byTag(n, c); }; },
'.': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return byClass(n, c); }; }
} : {
'#': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return validate(c, n, z, '#') ? z : (z = byId(n, c)); }; },
'*': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return validate(c, n, z, '*') ? z : (z = byTag(n, c)); }; },
'.': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return validate(c, n, z, '.') ? z : (z = byClass(n, c)); }; }
domapi = {
'#': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { if (e && z) return z; z = c.getElementById(n); return z = z ? [ z ] : none; };},
'*': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { if (e && z) return z; z = c.getElementsByTagName(n); return f ? concatCall(z, f) : toArray(z); };},
'.': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { if (e && z) return z; z = c.getElementsByClassName(n); return f ? concatCall(z, f) : toArray(z); };}
compat = set_compat(),
set_domapi =
function() {
var mapped = {
'@': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { return byId(n, c); }; },
'#': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { if (e && z) return z; z = c.getElementById(n); return z = z ? [ z ] : none; };},
'*': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { if (e && z) return z; z = c.getElementsByTagName(n); return f ? concatCall(z, f) : toArray(z); };},
'.': function(c, n, z) { return function(e, f) { if (e && z) return z; z = c.getElementsByClassName(n); return f ? concatCall(z, f) : toArray(z); };}
natives = mapped;
if (HAS_DUPE_IDS) natives['#'] = mapped['@'];
delete natives['@'];
return natives;
domapi = set_domapi(),
// check context for duplicate Ids
hasDuplicateId =
function(id, context) {
var i = 0, cloned, element, fragment;
function(context) {
var i = 0, e, r = Object();
e = byTag('*', context);
while (e[i]) {
if (e[i].id) {
if (!r[e[i].id]) {
r[e[i].id] = true;
} else return true;
return false;
cloned = context.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
// detect case sensitivity of the nodeName property
// for elements created in the context owner document
isCaseSensitive =
function(context) {
var d = context.ownerDocument || context;
return d.createElement('div').nodeName ==
while ((element = fragment.getElementById(id))) {
element.parentNode.removeChild(element); ++i;
if (i > 1) { break; }
// check context for mixed content
hasMixedNamespace =
function(context) {
var d = context.ownerDocument || context,
dns, all_nodes, dns_nodes;
if (root) {
// the root element namespace
dns = root.namespaceURI;
} else {
// default html/xhtml namespace
dns = '';
return i > 1;
// check to see if all nodes are in the same namespace
all_nodes = d.getElementsByTagNameNS('*', '*').length;
dns_nodes = d.getElementsByTagNameNS(dns, '*').length;
return (all_nodes - dns_nodes) > 0;
// validate memoized HTMLCollections
validate =
function(context, ident, list, type) {
var c, i, j, k, l, m, els, test;
if (!list) { return false; }
l = list.length;
k = ident.length;
m = method[type];
for (i = 0; k > i; ++i) {
els = context[m](ident[i]);
if (!els) continue;
test = toArray(els);
for (j = 0, c = 0; l > j; ++j) {
if (list[j] === test[c]) { ++c; }
if (c === 0 || test.length !== c) { return false; }
return true;
// recursive DOM LTR traversal, configurable by replacing

@@ -316,3 +383,3 @@ // the conditional part (@) to accept returned elements

// cross document methods: byId, byTag, byCls, byTagCls
idTest = 't==' + FIX_ID,
idTest = 't.test(' + FIX_ID + ')',
tagMatch = 'a||t.test(e.nodeName)',

@@ -324,21 +391,17 @@ clsMatch = 'c.test(e.getAttribute?' +

byId =
function(id, context) {
var element, elements, resolver;
function(ids, context) {
var element, elements, nIds = '', reIds, resolver;
// ensure a default context
context || (context = doc);
if (typeof ids == 'string') { ids = [ ids ]; }
// unescape special chars in
// identifier if is necessary
id = unescapeIdentifier(id);
id = id.replace(/\x00|\\$/g, '\ufffd');
// check if the duplicate config option is enabled
if (!(Config.DUPLICATE && hasDuplicateId(id, context))) {
// if available use the DOM API to collect the nodes
if ('getElementById' in context) {
return (element = context.getElementById(id)) ? [ element ] : none;
// if duplicates are disallowed use DOM API to collect the nodes
if (!HAS_DUPE_IDS && ids.length < 2 && method['#'] in context) {
element = context.getElementById(unescapeIdentifier(ids[0]));
return element ? [ element ] : none;
// multiple ids names { nIds += '|' + e.replace(REX.RegExpChar, '\\$&'); });
reIds = RegExp('^(?:' + nIds.slice(1) + ')$', 'i');
// for non-elements contexts start from first element child

@@ -348,6 +411,6 @@ context.nodeType != 1 && (context = context.firstElementChild);

// build the resolver and execute it
resolver = Function('t', walk.replace('@', idTest))(id);
resolver = Function('t', walk.replace('@', idTest))(reIds);
elements = resolver(context);
return Config.DUPLICATE ? elements : elements[0] || null;
return elements;

@@ -366,3 +429,3 @@

if (tag.length < 2 && method['*'] in context) {
return context[method['*']](tag[0]);
return context[method['*'] + 'NS']('*', tag[0]);

@@ -398,3 +461,3 @@

if (cls.length < 2 && method['.'] in context) {
return context[method['.']](cls[0]);
return context[method['.']](unescapeIdentifier(cls[0]));

@@ -406,5 +469,3 @@

// multiple class names {
nCls += '|' + e.replace(REX.RegExpChar, '\\$&');
}); { nCls += '|' + e.replace(REX.RegExpChar, '\\$&'); });
reCls = RegExp('(^|\\s)' + nCls.slice(1) + '(\\s|$)', cs);

@@ -445,16 +506,37 @@

nthElement = (function() {
var parents = Array(), elements = Array();
var idx, len, set, parent, parents = Array(), nodes = Array();
return function(element, dir) {
var e, i, j, k, l;
// ensure caches are emptied after each run, invoking with dir = 2
if (dir == 2) { parents.length = 0; elements.length = 0; return -1; }
var e, i, j, l, parent = element.parentNode;
if ((i = parents.indexOf(parent)) < 0) {
i = parents.length;
parents[i] = parent;
elements[i] = Array();
e = parent.firstElementChild;
while (e) { elements[i].push(e); e = e.nextElementSibling; }
if (dir == 2) { nodes.length = 0; parents.length = 0; parent = null; return -1; }
if (parent === element.parentNode) {
i = set; j = idx; l = len;
} else {
l = parents.length;
parent = element.parentNode;
for (i = -1, j = 0, k = l - 1; l > j; ++j, --k) {
if (parents[j] === parent) { i = j; break; }
if (parents[k] === parent) { i = k; break; }
if (i < 0) {
parents[i = l] = parent;
l = 0; nodes[i] = Array();
e = parent.firstElementChild;
while (e) { nodes[i][l] = e; if (e === element) j = l; e = e.nextElementSibling; ++l; }
set = i; idx = 0; len = l;
if (l < 2) return l;
} else {
l = nodes[i].length;
set = i;
for (j = 0, l = elements[i].length; l > j; ++j) { if (elements[i][j] === element) break; }
return dir ? l - j : j + 1;
if (element !== nodes[i][j] && element !== nodes[i][j = 0]) {
for (j = 0, e = nodes[i], k = l - 1; l > j; ++j, --k) {
if (e[j] === element) { break; }
if (e[k] === element) { j = k; break; }
idx = j + 1; len = l;
return dir ? l - j : idx;

@@ -465,17 +547,37 @@ })(),

nthOfType = (function() {
var parents = Array(), elements = Array();
var idx, len, set, parent, parents = Array(), nodes = Array();
return function(element, dir) {
// ensure caches are emptied after each run, invoking with dir = 2
if (dir == 2) { parents.length = 0; elements.length = 0; return -1; }
var e, i, j, l, name = element.nodeName, parent = element.parentNode;
if ((i = parents.indexOf(parent)) < 0 || !(elements[i] && elements[i][name])) {
i = parents.length;
parents[i] = parent;
elements[i] = Object();
elements[i][name] = Array();
e = parent.firstElementChild;
while (e) { if (e.nodeName == name) elements[i][name].push(e); e = e.nextElementSibling; }
if (dir == 2) { nodes.length = 0; parents.length = 0; parent = null; return -1; }
var e, i, j, k, l, name = element.nodeName;
if (nodes[set] && nodes[set][name] && parent === element.parentNode) {
i = set; j = idx; l = len;
} else {
l = parents.length;
parent = element.parentNode;
for (i = -1, j = 0, k = l - 1; l > j; ++j, --k) {
if (parents[j] === parent) { i = j; break; }
if (parents[k] === parent) { i = k; break; }
if (i < 0 || !nodes[i][name]) {
parents[i = l] = parent;
nodes[i] || (nodes[i] = Object());
l = 0; nodes[i][name] = Array();
e = parent.firstElementChild;
while (e) { if (e === element) j = l; if (e.nodeName == name) { nodes[i][name][l] = e; ++l; } e = e.nextElementSibling; }
set = i; idx = j; len = l;
if (l < 2) return l;
} else {
l = nodes[i][name].length;
set = i;
for (j = 0, l = elements[i][name].length; l > j; ++j) { if (elements[i][name][j] === element) break; }
return dir ? l - j : j + 1;
if (element !== nodes[i][name][j] && element !== nodes[i][name][j = 0]) {
for (j = 0, e = nodes[i][name], k = l - 1; l > j; ++j, --k) {
if (e[j] === element) { break; }
if (e[k] === element) { j = k; break; }
idx = j + 1; len = l;
return dir ? l - j : idx;

@@ -499,5 +601,6 @@ })(),

function(node) {
var doc = node.ownerDocument || node, root = doc.documentElement;
return doc.nodeType == 9 && ('body' in doc) && root.nodeName == 'HTML' &&
doc.createElement('DiV').nodeName != 'DiV' && doc.contentType.indexOf('/html');
var doc = node.ownerDocument || node;
return doc.nodeType == 9 &&
doc.contentType.indexOf('/html') > 0 &&
doc.createElement('DiV').nodeName == 'DIV';

@@ -515,2 +618,4 @@

selectResolvers = { };
} else if (i == 'FASTCOMMA') {

@@ -539,20 +644,2 @@ }

// special handling flags
Config = {
NON_ASCII: true,
SELECTOR3: true,
UNICODE16: true,
BUGFIX_ID: true,
USE_HTML5: true,
// execute the engine initialization code

@@ -562,5 +649,3 @@ initialize =

lastMatchContext = doc;
lastSelectContext = doc;
switchContext(doc, true);
lastContext = switchContext(doc, true);

@@ -572,28 +657,27 @@

var identifier,
attrparser, attrvalues,
attributes, attrmatcher,
pseudoclass, pseudoparms,
syntax = '', start = Config['SELECTOR3'] ? '-{2}|' : '';
var identifier =
// doesn't start with a digit
'(?=[^0-9])' +
// can start with double dash
'(?:-{2}' +
// may include ascii chars
'|[a-zA-Z0-9-_]' +
// non-ascii chars
'|[^\\x00-\\x9f]' +
// escaped chars
'|\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f0-9a-fA-F]' +
// unicode chars
'|\\\\[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}(?:\\r\\n|\\s)?' +
// any escaped chars
'|\\\\.' +
Config['NON_ASCII'] && (syntax += '|' + STR.non_asc_chr);
Config['UNICODE16'] && (syntax += '|' + STR.unicode_chr);
Config['ESCAPECHR'] && (syntax += '|' + STR.escaped_chr);
pseudoparms = '(?:[-+]?\\d*)(?:n[-+]?\\d*)',
doublequote = '"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"',
singlequote = "'[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'",
syntax += (
Config['UNICODE16'] ||
Config['ESCAPECHR']) ? '' : '|' + STR.any_esc_chr;
attrparser = identifier + '|' + doublequote + '|' + singlequote,
identifier = '\\-?' +
'(?:' + start + STR.alphalodash + syntax + ')' +
'(?:-|[0-9]|' + STR.alphalodash + syntax + ')*';
attrvalues = '([\\x22\\x27]?)((?!\\3)*|(?:\\\\?.)*?)\\3',
attrparser = identifier +
'|' + STR.doublequote +
'|' + STR.singlequote;
attrvalues = '([\\x22\\x27]?)((?!\\3)*|(?:\\\\?.)*?)\\3';
attributes =

@@ -615,10 +699,6 @@ '\\[' +

// needed to pass current WP tests and mimic browsers behavior 'a[href=#'
attrmatcher = attributes.replace(attrparser, attrvalues);
attrmatcher = attributes.replace(attrparser, attrvalues),
pseudoparms =
'(?:' + STR.pseudoparms + ')' +
'(?:n' + STR.pseudoparms + ')' ;
pseudoclass =

@@ -636,3 +716,3 @@ '(?:\\(' +

'(?:' + attributes + ')' +

@@ -650,4 +730,6 @@ standardValidator =

'(?:' + WSP + '?,' + WSP + '?)' +
extendedValidator = standardValidator.replace(pseudoclass, '.*');
reSimpleNot = RegExp(

@@ -665,7 +747,4 @@ '^(' +

reOptimizer = RegExp('(?:([.:#*]?)(' + identifier + ')(?:(?:\\[.*\\])|:[-\\w]+(?:\\(.*\\))?)*)$');
reOptimizer = RegExp('(?:([.:#*]?)(' + identifier + ')(?::[-\\w]+|\\[.+\\]|\\(.+\\))*)$');
reSimpleUni = RegExp('^([.#]?)(-?(?:-{2}|[_a-zA-Z]|[^\x00-\x9f])(?:-|[0-9]|[_a-zA-Z]|[^\x00-\x9f])*)$');
reSimpleMul = RegExp('^(\\.?)(-?(?:-{2}|[_a-zA-Z]|[^\x00-\x9f])(?:-|[0-9]|[_a-zA-Z]|[^\x00-\x9f])*)$'); = RegExp('^#(' + identifier + ')(.*)');

@@ -676,4 +755,2 @@ Patterns.tagName = RegExp('^(' + identifier + ')(.*)');

extendedValidator = standardValidator.replace(pseudoclass, '.*');
reValidator = RegExp(Config.SIMPLENOT ?

@@ -711,9 +788,14 @@ standardValidator : extendedValidator, 'g');

// make sure that the input string is an array
// 'groups' may be a string, convert it to array
if (typeof groups == 'string') groups = [groups];
// detect case sensitivity of element nodeName
CASE_SENSITIVE = isCaseSensitive(lastContext);
selector = groups.join(', ');
key = selector + '_' + (mode ? '1' : '0') + (callback ? '1' : '0');
switch (mode) {
// ensure 'mode' type is boolean
// true = select / false = match
switch (!!mode) {
case true:

@@ -735,7 +817,11 @@ if (selectLambdas[key]) { return selectLambdas[key]; }

for (i = 0, l = groups.length; l > i; ++i) {
token = groups[i];
if (!seen[token] && (seen[token] = true)) {
source += compileSelector(token, macro, mode, callback, false);
if (groups.length > 1) {
for (i = 0, l = groups.length; l > i; ++i) {
token = groups[i];
if (!seen[token] && (seen[token] = true)) {
source += compileSelector(token, macro, mode, callback, false);
} else {
source += compileSelector(groups[0], macro, mode, callback, false);

@@ -758,3 +844,3 @@

factory = Function('s', F_INIT + '{' + head + vars + loop + 'return r; }')(Snapshot);
factory = Function('s', F_INIT + '{' + head + vars + loop + 'return r;}')(Snapshot);

@@ -770,3 +856,3 @@ return mode ? (selectLambdas[key] = factory) : (matchLambdas[key] = factory);

// D is the default inverted negation flag
var a, b, n, x_error = '', NS,
var a, b, n, f, name, x_error = '', NS,
N = not ? '!' : '', D = not ? '' : '!', pseudo,

@@ -788,3 +874,3 @@ compat, expr, match, result, status, symbol, test,

// get namespace prefix if present or get first char of selector
symbol = /^(?:\w+|\*)\|/.test(selector) ? '|' : selector.charAt(0);
symbol = /^(?:\w+|\*)\|/.test(selector) ? '|' : selector[0];

@@ -816,8 +902,6 @@ switch (symbol) {

match = selector.match(Patterns.tagName);
compat = HTML_DOCUMENT ? match[1].toUpperCase() : match[1];
source = 'if(' + N + '(' +
(NS === void 0 ? 'e.nodeName=="' + convertEscapes(compat) + '"' :
(NS === '*' ? '/' + match[1] + '/i.test(e.nodeName)' :
(NS === null ? 'e.nodeName==e.localName' :
'e.namespaceURI=="' + NAMESPACE_URI + '"'))) +
'/^' + match[1] + '$/i.test(e.nodeName)' :
'e.nodeName=="' + match[1].toUpperCase() + '"') +
')){' + source + '}';

@@ -828,3 +912,3 @@ break;

match = selector.match(Patterns.namespace);
NS = match[1] || null;
if (match[1] == '*') {

@@ -835,3 +919,3 @@ source = 'if(' + N + 'true){' + source + '}';

} else if (typeof match[1] == 'string' && root.prefix == match[1]) {
source = 'if(' + N + '(e.namespaceURI=="' + NAMESPACE_URI + '")){' + source + '}';
source = 'if(' + N + '(e.namespaceURI=="' + NAMESPACE + '")){' + source + '}';
} else {

@@ -844,3 +928,5 @@ emit('\'' + selector_string + '\' is not a valid selector');

match = selector.match(Patterns.attribute);
expr = match[1].split(':');
NS = !MIXED_NS && match[0].match(/(\*|\w+)\|[-\w]+/);
name = match[1];
expr = name.split(':');
expr = expr.length == 2 ? expr[1] : expr[0];

@@ -856,19 +942,14 @@ if (match[2] && !(test = Operators[match[2]])) {

{ p1: '^', p2: '$', p3: 'true' } : test;
} else {
} else if (match[2] == '~=' && match[4].indexOf(' ') > -1) {
// whitespace separated list but value contains space
if (match[2] == '~=' && match[4].indexOf(' ') > -1) {
source = 'if(' + N + 'false){' + source + '}';
source = 'if(' + N + 'false){' + source + '}';
} else if (match[4]) {
match[4] = convertEscapes(match[4]).replace(REX.RegExpChar, '\\$&');
type = !HTML_DOCUMENT || !HTML_TABLE[expr.toLowerCase()] ? '' : 'i';
type = HTML_DOCUMENT && HTML_TABLE[expr.toLowerCase()] ? 'i' : '';
source = 'if(' + N + '(' + (!match[2] ?
'(e.namespaceURI!="' + NAMESPACE_URI + '")?' +
's.hasAttributeNS(e,"' + match[1] + '"):' +
'e.hasAttribute("' + match[1] + '")' :
(!match[4] && match[2] in ATTR_STD_OPS && match[2] != '~=' ?
'e.getAttribute("' + match[1] + '")==""' :
'(/' + test.p1 + convertEscapes(match[4]).
replace(REX.RegExpChar, '\\$&') + test.p2 + '/' + type +
').test(e.getAttribute("' + match[1] + '"))===' + test.p3)) +
(MIXED_NS && NS ? 's.hasAttributeNS(e,"' + name + '")' : 'e.hasAttribute("' + name + '")') :
!match[4] && ATTR_STD_OPS[match[2]] && match[2] != '~=' ? 'e.getAttribute("' + name + '")==""' :
'(/' + test.p1 + match[4] + test.p2 + '/' + type + ').test(e.getAttribute("' + name + '"))==' + test.p3) +
')){' + source + '}';

@@ -881,3 +962,3 @@ break;

match = selector.match(Patterns.relative);
source = 'if(' + N + '(e.previousElementSibling)){n=e;e=e.parentNode.firstElementChild;while(e&&e!==n){' + source + 'e=e.nextElementSibling;}e=n;}';
source = 'n=e;while((e=e.previousElementSibling)){' + source + '}e=n;';

@@ -888,3 +969,3 @@ // *** Adjacent sibling combinator

match = selector.match(Patterns.adjacent);
source = 'if(' + N + '(e.previousElementSibling)){n=e;if(e=e.previousElementSibling){' + source + '}e=n;}';
source = 'n=e;if((e=e.previousElementSibling)){' + source + '}e=n;';

@@ -896,3 +977,3 @@ // *** Descendant combinator

match = selector.match(Patterns.ancestor);
source = 'n=e;while(e=e.parentElement){' + source + '}e=n;';
source = 'n=e;while((e=e.parentElement)){' + source + '}e=n;';

@@ -903,3 +984,3 @@ // *** Child combinator

match = selector.match(Patterns.children);
source = 'n=e;if(e=e.parentElement){' + source + '}e=n;';
source = 'n=e;if((e=e.parentElement)){' + source + '}e=n;';

@@ -974,3 +1055,3 @@

test = 'n%2==0';
} else if (match[2] === 'odd' || match[2] == '2n1' || match[2] == '2n+1') {
} else if (match[2] == 'odd' || match[2] == '2n1' || match[2] == '2n+1') {
test = 'n%2==1';

@@ -1019,4 +1100,4 @@ } else {

case 'checked':
source = 'if(' + N + '((/^input$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&' +
'(/^(?:radio|checkbox)$/i).test(e.type)&&e.checked)||' +
source = 'if(' + N + '(/^input$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&' +
'("|radio|checkbox|".includes("|"+e.type+"|")&&e.checked)||' +
'(/^option$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&(e.selected||e.checked))' +

@@ -1094,5 +1175,5 @@ ')){' + source + '}';

'}' +
'if(' + N + '(e.form&&(e===n[x]&&/^image|submit$/i.test(e.type))||' +
'if(' + N + '(e.form&&(e===n[x]&&"|image|submit|".includes("|"+e.type+"|"))||' +
'((/^option$/i.test(e.nodeName))&&e.defaultSelected)||' +
'((/^(radio|checkbox)$/i.test(e.type))&&e.defaultChecked)' +
'(("|radio|checkbox|".includes("|"+e.type+"|"))&&e.defaultChecked)' +
')){' + source + '}';

@@ -1103,4 +1184,4 @@ break;

'if(' + N + '(/^progress$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&!e.hasAttribute("value"))||' +
'(/^input$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&(/^checkbox$/i.test(e.type)&&e.indeterminate)||' +
'(/^radio$/i.test(e.type)&&!s.first("input[name=""]:checked",e.form))' +
'(/^input$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&("checkbox"==e.type&&e.indeterminate)||' +
'("radio"==e.type&&!s.first("input[name=""]:checked",e.form))' +
')){' + source + '}';

@@ -1124,3 +1205,3 @@ break;

'((/^textarea$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&!e.readOnly&&!e.disabled)||' +
'(/^password|text$/i.test(e.type)&&!e.readOnly&&!e.disabled))||' +
'("|password|text|".includes("|"+e.type+"|")&&!e.readOnly&&!e.disabled))||' +
'(e.hasAttribute("contenteditable")||(s.doc.designMode=="on"))' +

@@ -1133,3 +1214,3 @@ ')){' + source + '}';

'(/^textarea$/i.test(e.nodeName)&&(e.readOnly||e.disabled))||' +
'(/^password|text$/i.test(e.type)&&e.readOnly)' +
'("|password|text|".includes("|"+e.type+"|")&&e.readOnly)' +
')){' + source + '}';

@@ -1159,4 +1240,4 @@ break;

'(!e.validity.rangeUnderflow&&!e.validity.rangeOverflow)&&' +
'(/^date|datetime-local|month|number|range|time|week$/i.test(e.type))&&' +
'(/^range$/i.test(e.type)||e.getAttribute("min")||e.getAttribute("max"))' +
'("|date|datetime-local|month|number|range|time|week|".includes("|"+e.type+"|"))&&' +
'("range"==e.type||e.getAttribute("min")||e.getAttribute("max"))' +
'){' + source + '}';

@@ -1170,6 +1251,14 @@ break;

'(e.validity.rangeUnderflow||e.validity.rangeOverflow)&&' +
'(/^date|datetime-local|month|number|range|time|week$/i.test(e.type))&&' +
'(/^range$/i.test(e.type)||e.getAttribute("min")||e.getAttribute("max"))' +
'("|date|datetime-local|month|number|range|time|week|".includes("|"+e.type+"|"))&&' +
'("range"==e.type||e.getAttribute("min")||e.getAttribute("max"))' +
'){' + source + '}';
case 'placeholder-shown':
source =
'if(' + N + '(' +
'(/^input|textarea$/i.test(e.nodeName))&&e.hasAttribute("placeholder")&&' +
'("|textarea|password|number|search|email|text|tel|url".includes("|"+e.type+"|"))&&' +
'(!s.match(":focus",e))' +
')){' + source + '}';

@@ -1247,13 +1336,2 @@ emit('\'' + selector_string + '\' is not a valid selector' + x_error);

// optimize selectors removing already checked components
optimize =
function(expression, token) {
var index = token.index,
length = token[1].length + token[2].length;
return expression.slice(0, index) +
(' >+~'.indexOf(expression.charAt(index - 1)) > -1 ?
(':['.indexOf(expression.charAt(index + length + 1)) > -1 ?
'*' : '') : '') + expression.slice(index + length);
// parse selector groups in an array

@@ -1287,6 +1365,4 @@ parseGroup =

var expression, groups;
var groups;
lastMatched = selector;
if (element && matchResolvers[selector]) {

@@ -1296,2 +1372,4 @@ return !!matchResolvers[selector](element, callback);

lastMatched = selector;
// arguments validation

@@ -1312,9 +1390,9 @@ if (arguments.length === 0) {

// normalize selector
expression = selector.
selector = selector.
replace(/\x00|\\$/g, '\ufffd').
replace(REX.TrimSpaces, '');
// parse and validate expression and split possible selector groups
if ((groups = expression.match(reValidator)) && groups.join('') == expression) {
groups = /\,/.test(expression) ? parseGroup(expression) : [expression];
// parse, validate and split possible selector groups
if ((groups = selector.match(reValidator)) && groups.join('') == selector) {
groups = /\,/.test(selector) ? parseGroup(selector) : [selector];
if (groups.indexOf('') > -1) {

@@ -1358,4 +1436,14 @@ emit('invalid or illegal string specified');

var expression, groups, resolver, token;
var groups, resolver, token;
if (selector) {
if ((resolver = selectResolvers[selector])) {
if (resolver.context === context && resolver.usrcall === callback) {
return resolver.factory(resolver.builder, callback, context);
lastSelected = selector;

@@ -1365,6 +1453,6 @@

if (selector && !callback && (resolver = selectResolvers[selector])) {
if (resolver.context === context) {
return resolver.factory(resolver.builder, callback, context);
if (HAS_DUPE_IDS === undefined) {
HAS_DUPE_IDS = hasDuplicateId(context);
MIXED_NS = hasMixedNamespace(context);
domapi = set_domapi();

@@ -1379,4 +1467,4 @@

return Config.VERBOSITY ? undefined : none;
} else if (lastSelectContext !== context) {
lastSelectContext = switchContext(context);
} else if (lastContext !== context) {
lastContext = switchContext(context);

@@ -1390,9 +1478,9 @@

// normalize selector
expression = selector.
selector = selector.
replace(/\x00|\\$/g, '\ufffd').
replace(REX.TrimSpaces, '');
// parse and validate expression and split possible selector groups
if ((groups = expression.match(reValidator)) && groups.join('') == expression) {
groups = /\,/.test(expression) ? parseGroup(expression) : [expression];
// parse, validate and split possible selector groups
if ((groups = selector.match(reValidator)) && groups.join('') == selector) {
groups = /\,/.test(selector) ? parseGroup(selector) : [selector];
if (groups.indexOf('') > -1) {

@@ -1409,10 +1497,11 @@ emit('invalid or illegal string specified');

resolver = collect(
groups.length < 2 ? expression : groups, context, callback,
groups.length < 2 ? selector : groups, context, callback,
HTML_DOCUMENT && context.nodeType != 11 ? domapi : compat);
// save/reuse factory and closure collection
if (!selectResolvers[selector] && !callback) {
if (!selectResolvers[selector]) {
selectResolvers[selector] = {
builder: resolver.builder,
factory: resolver.factory,
usrcall: callback,
context: context

@@ -1425,33 +1514,40 @@ };

// optimize selectors removing already checked components
optimize =
function(selector, token) {
var index = token.index,
length = token[1].length + token[2].length;
return selector.slice(0, index) +
(' >+~'.indexOf(selector[index - 1]) > -1 ?
(':['.indexOf(selector[index + length + 1]) > -1 ?
'*' : '') : '') + selector.slice(index + length - (token[1] == '*' ? 1 : 0));
// prepare factory resolvers and closure collections
collect =
function(expression, context, callback, resolvers) {
var builder, factory, ident, symbol, token;
if (typeof expression == 'string') {
if ((token = expression.match(reOptimizer)) && (ident = token[2])) {
symbol = token[1] || '*';
ident = unescapeIdentifier(ident);
if (!(symbol == '#' && context.nodeType == 1)) {
if ('.#*'.indexOf(symbol) > -1) {
builder = resolvers[symbol](context, ident);
if (HTML_DOCUMENT && context.nodeType != 11) {
expression = optimize(expression, token);
function(selector, context, callback, resolvers) {
var i, j, l, done, items, prev, builder, ident, symbol, token;
if (typeof selector == 'string') {
if ((token = selector.match(reOptimizer)) && (ident = token[2])) {
if ((symbol = token[1] || '*') && context[method[symbol]]) {
builder = resolvers[symbol](context, unescapeIdentifier(ident));
if (HTML_DOCUMENT) { selector = optimize(selector, token); }
} else {
var tn = Array(), ts = Object(), cn = Array(), cs = Object();
for (var i = 0, l = expression.length; l > i; ++i) {
if ((token = expression[i].match(reOptimizer)) && (ident = token[2])) {
items = { '#': Array(), '.': Array(), '*': Array() };
for (i = 0, l = selector.length; l > i; ++i) {
if ((token = selector[i].match(reOptimizer)) && (ident = token[2])) {
symbol = token[1] || '*';
ident = unescapeIdentifier(ident);
if (prev == ident) {
j = i - 1;
selector[j] = optimize(selector[j], token);
selector[i] = optimize(selector[i], token);
if (!done && (done = true)) { prev = ident; }
if (symbol == '*') { if (!ts[ident] && (ts[ident] = true)) { tn.push(ident); }}
if (symbol == '.') { if (!cs[ident] && (cs[ident] = true)) { cn.push(ident); }}
if (items[symbol]) items[symbol].push(ident);
if (tn.length == l) {
builder = compat['*'](context, tn);
} else if (cn.length == l) {
builder = compat['.'](context, cn);
if (items[symbol] && items[symbol].length == l) {
builder = compat[symbol](context, items[symbol]);
} else {

@@ -1463,3 +1559,3 @@ builder = compat['*'](context, '*');

builder: builder || resolvers['*'](context, '*'),
factory: factory || compile(expression, true, callback)
factory: compile(selector, true, callback)

@@ -1553,2 +1649,5 @@ },

// context
// selector

@@ -1558,6 +1657,2 @@ lastMatched,

// last context
// cached lambdas

@@ -1649,4 +1744,4 @@ matchLambdas = { },

for (; l > i; ++i) {
if (combinator.charAt(i) != '=') {
symbol = combinator.charAt(i);
if (combinator[i] != '=') {
symbol = combinator[i];

@@ -1670,4 +1765,4 @@ }

for (; l > i; ++i) {
if (operator.charAt(i) != '=') {
symbol = operator.charAt(i);
if (operator[i] != '=') {
symbol = operator[i];

@@ -1674,0 +1769,0 @@ }

@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ // Require selectors.js to be included before this.

if (obj.ownerDocument) { // The object is not a Document
// assert_true(list instanceof obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.NodeList, "The result should be an instance of a NodeList")
assert_true(list instanceof obj.ownerDocument.defaultView.NodeList, "The result should be an instance of a NodeList")
} else { // The object is a Document
// assert_true(list instanceof obj.defaultView.NodeList, "The result should be an instance of a NodeList")
assert_true(list instanceof obj.defaultView.NodeList, "The result should be an instance of a NodeList")

@@ -75,0 +75,0 @@ }, type + ".querySelectorAll returns NodeList instance")

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