Convert Wavefront .obj files to Three.js JSON format, using
Blender and its Python API. Bundles the
Three.js exporter
along with a custom script to drive the import / export.
var path = require("path");
var obj2json = require("obj2json");
var opts = {
inputFile: path.join(__dirname, "circle.obj"),
outputFile: path.join(__dirname, "circle2.json")
obj2json(opts, function(err, outputFilePath) {
if (err) {
console.error("ERROR:", err);
else {
console.log("Output file at:", outputFilePath);
A promise-based interface is also available, based on Node 0.12+ native Promises:
var path = require("path");
var obj2json = require("obj2json/as-promised");
var opts = {
inputFile: path.join(__dirname, "circle.obj"),
outputFile: path.join(__dirname, "circle2.json")
.then(function(outputFilePath) {
console.log("Output file at:", outputFilePath);
.catch(function (err) {
console.error("ERROR:", err);