A quick and easy object manipulation library.
Object manipulators / interpreters
getDiffList(obj1, obj2, skipableRecursive)
obj1, and obj2, must be objects
skipableRecursive must be either a boolean or undefined
Parse an array of strings listing whether each part is new, old, updated, or equal.
skipableRecursive will stop the function from looping down into another layer
if there is an object with an object.
passNew(obj1, obj2, skipableRecursive)
Similar to getDiffList, but it will pass a object of which is only the new items
merge(obj1, obj2, recursive)
Will run though the two objects and merge objects 1 & 2 with 2 overwriting
object 1 where necessary.
recursive is default true
appendArray(firstArray, secondArray)
Will return an array with the content starting with input one and ending with input two.
Example: ob.appendArray([1,2], [3,4]) //Will return [1,2,3,4]
appendBuffer(firstBuffer, secondBuffer)
This will do a similar task to appendArray, but with buffers.
This will return the first undefined value's index within an array
indexesOf(stirng, search)
This will return an array of all indexes of the search term within the string
Other functions
Will parse a boolean on whether item is a function or not
Will parse a boolean on whether item is a object {} or not
Will parse a boolean on whether item is a array [] or not