This is an asynchronous OCR preprocessor module for NodeJS.
Use npm to install it by running :
npm install --save ocr-preprocessor
Note : This module is only compatible with Linux and OpenCV 2.X
Require the package
var preprocessor = require("ocr-preprocessor");
Use it on the image you want to process
let options =
blur: 3 ,
threshold: 255 ,
matrix: 7 ,
constant: 5
preprocessor("./test.jpg" , "./result.jpg" , options , function(err , path) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error !");
else {
console.log("Preprocessed Image saved at : " + path);
This module export itself as a single function
This function accept 4 arguments :
Argument | Description | Type |
Input Path | Path to the source image | String |
Output Path | Path to the destination image | String |
Options | Options passed to preprocessing engine | Object |
Callback | Callback executed on return | Function |
Option | Description | Type | Default |
blur | Blur value | Number | 0 |
threshold | Threshold value | Number | 255 |
matrix | Threshold matrix size | Number | 3 |
constant | Threshold constant | Number | 5 |
revert | Revert the image | Boolean | false |
isolate | Find and isolate biggest area | Boolean | false |
deskew | Run deskew algorithm | Boolean | false |
matchCount | Deskew sensibility | Number | 100 |
ratio | Line width threshold for deskew | Number | 2 |
lineStep | Minimum line spacing for deskew | Number | 20 |
Note : ratio is used this way inside of the module :
image.width() / ratio;
Therefore , to select lined that are half the width of the image , ratio should be set to 2.
This module is asynchronous. All the work is done outside of the node main loop. It allows you to preprocess a big amount
of images at the same time.