apikey | [Required] - String API key from OCR space API | Get you API key at this link. |
url | [Required] - String
| Url that points to file you want to get its text from. It can be a url (starting in http), a base64 image or a local file |
language | [Optional] - String Arabic=ara Bulgarian=bul Chinese(Simplified)=chs Chinese(Traditional)=cht Croatian = hrv Czech = cze Danish = dan Dutch = dut English = eng Finnish = fin French = fre German = ger Greek = gre Hungarian = hun Korean = kor Italian = ita Japanese = jpn Polish = pol Portuguese = por Russian = rus Slovenian = slv Spanish = spa Swedish = swe Turkish = tur | Language used for OCR. If no language is specified, English eng is taken as default.
IMPORTANT: The language code has always 3-letters (not 2). So it is "eng" and not "en".
Engine2 has automatic Western language detection, so this value will be ignored. |
isOverlayRequired | [Optional] - Boolean | Default = False If true, returns the coordinates of the bounding boxes for each word. If false, the OCR'ed text is returned only as a text block (this makes the JSON reponse smaller). Overlay data can be used, for example, to show text over the image. |
filetype | [Optional] - String Available values: PDF, GIF, PNG, JPG, TIF, BMP | Overwrites the automatic file type detection based on content-type. Supported image file formats are png, jpg (jpeg), gif, tif (tiff) and bmp. For document ocr, the api supports the Adobe PDF format. Multi-page TIFF files are supported. |
detectOrientation | [Optional] - Boolean | If set to true, the api autorotates the image correctly and sets the TextOrientation parameter in the JSON response. If the image is not rotated, then TextOrientation=0, otherwise it is the degree of the rotation, e. g. "270". |
isCreateSearchablePdf | [Optional] - Boolean | Default = False If true, API generates a searchable PDF. This parameter automatically sets isOverlayRequired = true. |
isSearchablePdfHideTextLayer | [Optional] - Boolean | Default = False . If true, the text layer is hidden (not visible). |
scale | [Optional] - Boolean | Default = False . If set to true, the api does some internal upscaling. This can improve the OCR result significantly, especially for low-resolution PDF scans. Note that the front page demo uses scale=true, but the API uses scale=false by default. See also this OCR forum post. |
isTable | [Optional] - Boolean | If set to true, the OCR logic makes sure that the parsed text result is always returned line by line. This switch is recommended for table OCR, receipt OCR, invoice processing and all other type of input documents that have a table like structure. |
OCREngine | [Optional] - Number Available values: 1, 2 | Engine 1 is default. See OCR Engines. |
verbose | [Optional] - Boolean | Wether or not you want the full response from de OCR API or just the text that was gotten. |