TypeScript Components for HRnet
This repository contains the code for a library of react components. The components are published in TypeScript
the front-end developer: Lucie
Import a component into a project
Getting Started
Install this package:
npm i ocr_14_library
Import the Counter component:
import { Modal } from "ocr_14_library";
You can then render the Modal
component like any other React component in JSX.
The components
It's an easy way to add a modal box to your project
To use this component you need to create a boolean state
import { Modal } from "ocr_14_library"
import { useState } from "react";
export default function Component() {
const [openModal, setOpenModal] = useState(false);
<button onClick={() => setOpenModal(true)}/>
onClose={() => setOpenModal(false)}
> My modal text </Modal>
This components needs four params :
- @param {string} children : the text of your modal
- @param {boolean} open : a boolean state
- @param {function} onClose : a function that changes the boolean state
- @param {HTMLElement} HtmlElement : the physical placement of the DOM node for your modal
Add a component to the library
Fork this repository to GitHub
Add your TypeScript components in src/ folder
Export your component in src/index.ts file :
export { MyNewComponent } from "./MyNewComponent";
Modify the information in package.json
Run build scripts :
npm run build
And publish dist folder on npm :
npm publish ./dist