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of-type - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.2.0 to 3.0.0



"env": {
"browser": true,
"commonjs": true,
"es6": true,
"node": true
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
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@@ -1,32 +0,33 @@

const webpackConfig = require('./');
const path = require('path');
const merge = require('webpack-merge');
const webpackProd = require('./')[1];
const specMode = process.env.karma_spec_mode;
module.exports = function(config) {
module.exports = function (config) {
basePath: '',
files: [
{pattern: 'tests/*.js',watched:true,served:true,included:true}
{ pattern: 'tests/helpers/*.js', watched: false, served: true, included: true },
{ pattern: 'tests/*.js', watched: true, served: true, included: true }
autoWatch: false,
singleRun: true,
failOnEmptyTestSuite: false,
logLevel: config.LOG_WARN, //config.LOG_DISABLE, config.LOG_ERROR, config.LOG_INFO, config.LOG_DEBUG
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
browsers: ['Chrome'],
reporters: ['mocha'],
reporters: ['mocha', 'kjhtml'],
listenAddress: '',
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 9876,
browserDisconnectTimeout: 5000,
browserNoActivityTimeout: 10000,
retryLimit: 0,
browserDisconnectTimeout: 50000,
browserNoActivityTimeout: 50000,
captureTimeout: 60000,
client: {
captureConsole: true,
clearContext: false,
runInParent: false,
useIframe: true,
jasmine: {
random: false,

@@ -36,5 +37,11 @@ }

preprocessors: {
'./tests/helpers/*.js': ['webpack'],
'./tests/*.js': ['webpack']
webpack: webpackConfig,
webpack: merge(webpackProd, {
output: {
filename: '[name].js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
webpackMiddleware: {

@@ -45,5 +52,6 @@ noInfo: true,

mochaReporter: {
output: specMode //noFailures, full, autowatch, minimal
output: specMode, //noFailures, full, autowatch, minimal
ignoreSkipped: true
"name": "of-type",
"version": "2.2.0",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "Check if the given value is of the particular type or types.",
"main": "prod/of-type.min.js",
"main": "dist/of-type.node.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack --config",
"build": "webpack --config",
"test": "cross-env karma_spec_mode=noFailures karma start",
"test-err": "cross-env karma_spec_mode=full NODE_ENV=dist karma start"
"test": "babel-node jasmine.conf.js",
"test-web": "cross-env karma_spec_mode=noFailures karma start",
"test-err": "cross-env karma_spec_mode=full karma start"

@@ -31,17 +32,20 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"babel-cli": "^6.26.0",
"babel-loader": "^7.1.4",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.6.1",
"cross-env": "^5.1.4",
"jasmine-core": "^2.9.1",
"karma": "^2.0.2",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^2.2.0",
"karma-jasmine": "^1.1.1",
"karma-mocha-reporter": "^2.2.5",
"karma-webpack": "^3.0.0",
"uglifyjs-webpack-plugin": "^1.2.5",
"webpack": "^4.6.0",
"webpack-cli": "^2.1.2",
"webpack-merge": "^4.1.3"
"@babel/cli": "^7.1.0",
"@babel/core": "^7.0.1",
"@babel/node": "^7.0.0",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.0.0",
"babel-loader": "^8.0.2",
"babel-plugin-add-module-exports": "^1.0.0",
"cross-env": "^5.2.0",
"jasmine": "^3.3.1",
"jasmine-spec-reporter": "^4.2.1",
"join-array": "^1.1.1",
"styles-loader": "^1.0.0",
"uglifyjs-webpack-plugin": "^1.3.0",
"webpack": "^4.19.1",
"webpack-cli": "^3.1.1",
"webpack-karma-jasmine": "^3.0.4",
"webpack-merge": "^4.1.4",
"webpack-node-externals": "^1.7.2"
# Description
`of-type` is a very light module *(function)* that checks whether the given value is of particular type *(or types)*.
`of-type` is a very light module that checks if the given value is of the expected type *(or types)*.
* Any bugs found? Give me to know on [GitHub](
* Also check out [**`typeof-arguments`**]( to validate value types of the arguments passed through functions.
* Also check out [**`typeof-properties`**]( to validate value types of the properties of objects.
Also see [`typeof-arguments`]( to validate types of the arguments passed through functions.
Also see [`typeof-properties`]( to validate types of the objects' properties.
##### v2.0 features:
* the value can be now checked with the `'instance'` or `/instance/` extra type, `function:constructor` objects, `null` or `undefined` *(or array of these items)*
* the **empty** array passed as the second argument is equal to 'any', or /any/ types. The modules function returns `true` for the values of **any** type.
* the TypeError is not throwing when the arguments passed through module function are incorrect *(missing)*. It return `false` instead.
* tests added
# Implementation
# Installation
#### with NodeJS
`npm install of-type`
var ofType = require('of-type');
const type = require('of-type');
ofType("hello world!",'string') //returns true
ofType(true,'boolean|number|string') //returns true
ofType(new Date(),/date/i) //returns true
type('hello world!', 'string'); //true
type(true, 'boolean|number|string'); //true
type(new Date(), /date/i); //true
#### with Browser
#### Add `of-type.js` library to the HTML file.
The library is located in `./dist/of-type.js` directory.
It is a webpack&babel bundled cross-browser library version.
The library is accessible as `ofType` variable in the global *(window)* scope.
<script src='of-type.js'></script>
ofType('hello world!', 'string'); //true
# Tests
> git clone
> cd of-type
> npm install
> npm test //run tests in node
> npm test deep //run tests in node with errors shown
> npm test-web //run tests with karma + chrome
> npm test-err //run tests with karma + chrome with errors shown
# Usage
### `ofType(val,type)`
##### `val`
* the value of any type
### `type(val, type)`
##### `type` **[String|RegExp|null|undefined|Function|Array]**
* Checks if the **`val`** is of the **`type`** type.
#### `val`
It is any value|object which type should be checked.
###### `type` [String]
#### `type` **[String|RegExp|null|undefined|Function|Array]**
The `val` value|object is expected to be of `type` type. There are many ways to check the `val` type. Choose the most convenient one:
* Possible values:
* `'null'`, `'undefined'`
* any value that equals to `val`.``, eg:
`'string'`, `'number'`, `'regexp'`, `'array'`, `'object'`, `'boolean'`,`'buffer'`, etc.
* The [String] `type` is case insensitive:
* `'String'`, `'string'`, `'StRiNg'` checks if the `val` is of `[String]` type
* `'RegExp'`, `'REGEXP'`, `'regexp'` checks if the `val` is of `[RegExp]` type
* The [String] `type` can contain multiple types, separated with `|`:
* `'array|object'` checks if the `val` is of `[Array]` **`OR`** `[Object]` type
* `'undefined|null'` checks if the `val` is of `undefined` **`OR`** `null` type
* See the [samples](#string-type)
* Possible values: `'null'`, `'undefined'`, or any value equal to **``**, eg: `'string'`, `'number'`, `'regexp'`, `'array'`, `'object'`, `'boolean'`,`'buffer'`, etc.
* The **`type`** [String] is case insensitive: `'String'`, `'string'`, `'StRiNg'` checks if the **`val`** is of type [String].
* The **`type`** [String] can contain multiple allowed types, separated with `|`. eg: `'array|object'` checks if the **`val`** is of type [Array] **`OR`** of type [Object].
* Possible values:
* `/null/`, `/undefined/`
* any value matching the `val`.``, eg: `/String/`, `/Number/`, `/RegExp/`, `/Array/`, `/Object/`, `/Boolean/`,`/Buffer/`, `/Promise/`, etc.
* Use all regular expression's features to match the type in a desired way:
* `/Str/`, `/Err/`, `/Reg/`, `/B/`
* `/.+Error$/`, `/^RegExp$/`,
* `/^[A-Z][a-z]+$/`
* For the case insensitivity use `i` flag:
* `/string/i`, `/regexp/i`, `/TYPEERROR/i`
* For multiple values use regexp `(x|y)` expression:
* `/String|Number/`, `/TypeError|Error/`, `/(obj|str)/i`
* See the [samples](#regexp-type)
###### `type` [RegExp]
* Possible values: `/null/`, `/undefined/`, or any value matching the ``, eg: `/String/`, `/Number/`, `/RegExp/`, `/Array/`, `/Object/`, `/Boolean/`,`/Buffer/`, `/Promise/`, etc.
* For the case insensitivity use `i` flag, eg: `/string/i`, `/regexp/i`, `/typeerror/i`
* For multiple values use regexp `(x|y)` expression, eg: `/String|Number/`, `/TypeError|Error/`
* Possible values:
* `null`, `undefined`
* any `[Function]` constructor, eg: `String`, `TypeError`, `Promise`, `Array`, etc.
* For multiple values use array:
* `[String, Object, Array, null]`
* `[null, undefined, Boolean]`
* See the [samples](#constructor-null-and-undefined)
###### `type` [null|undefined|Function|Array]
* Possible values: `null`, `undefined` or any constructor, eg: `String`, `TypeError`, `Promise`, `Array`, etc.
* For multiple values use array, eg: `[String,Object,Array,null]`
> When you use **bundlers** or **minifiers**, use `[String|RegExp]` `type` **wisely** as bundlers may change the names of functions|constructors|classes in the output file and eg. `type(myInstance, 'MyClass')` that returns `true` before compilation, may return `false` after compilation, if the bundler minifies the `'MyClass'` constructor name.
> When you use **bundlers** or **minifiers**, use [String|RegExp] `type` **wisely** as bundlers may change the names of functions/constructors/classes in the output file and `type(myInstance,"MyClass")` that returns `true` before compilation, may return `false` after compilation, if the bundler minifies the `MyClass` constructor name.
### Extra types:
##### Extra types:
* The **`type`** can contain the value: `'arguments'` or `/arguments/`. It returns `true` for the `arguments` Object
* The **`type`** can contain the value : `'instance'` or `/instance/`. It returns `true` for the instances of **user classes** or **constructors**. It returns `false` for instances of **built-in** *(native)* constructors, eg. for `[]`, `"hello world"`, `{}`
* The **`type`** can contain the value: `'truthy'` or `/truthy/`. It returns `true` for the **`val`** values like: `"abc"`, `true`, `1`, `{}`, `[]`,`function(){}`, etc.
* The **`type`** can contain the value: `'falsy'` or `/falsy/`. It returns `true` for the **`val`** values like: `""`, `false`, `0`, `null`, `undefined`, `NaN`, etc.
* The **`type`** can contain the value: `''` or `[]` or `'any'` or `/any/`, It returns `true` for the **`val`** values of **any type**
`[String] 'arguments'` | `[RegExp] /arguments/`
#### Return value
The function `ofType()` returns `true` if the **`val`** is of the defined **type** or is one of the defined **types**.
The function `ofType()` returns `false` if the **`val`** is not of the defined **type** or is none of the defined **types**
* The `type` `'arguments'` or `/arguments/` returns `true` for the function's `arguments` object
* See the [samples](#arguments-type)
`[String] 'instance'` | `[RegExp] /instance/`
* The `type` `'instance'` or `/instance/` returns `true` for the instance of the user's class|constructor
* `type(MyInstance, 'instance'); //true`
* It returns `false` for instances of built-in *(native)* constructors
* `[]`, `'hello world'`, `{}`
* It returns `false` for instances that are the `global`|`window`'s properties
* See the [samples](#instance-type)
`[String] 'objectable'` | `[RegExp] /objectable/`
* The `type` `'objectable'` or `/objectable/` returns `true` for the objects that are the instances of `Object` constructor
* `{}`, `[]`, `new String('hello world')`, `new Boolean(1)`
* It returns `false` for the primitive values and simple values
* `'hello world'`, `true`, `10`, `null`, `undefined`
* See the [samples](#objectable-type)
`[String] 'truthy'` | `[RegExp] /truthy/`
* The `type` `'truthy'` or `/truthy/` returns `true` for the values like:
* `'abc'`, `true`, `1`, `-1`, `{}`, `[]`, `function(){}`
* See the [samples](#truthy-type)
`[String] 'falsy'` | `[RegExp] /falsy/`
* The `type` `'falsy'` or `/falsy/` returns `true` for the values like:
* `''`, `false`, `0`, `null`, `undefined`, `NaN`
* See the [samples](#falsy-type)
`[String] 'any'` | `[RegExp] /any/` | `[Array] []` | `[String] ""`
* The `type` `'any'` or `/any/` or empty array `[]` or empty string `""` returns `true` for the values of any type
* See the [samples](#any-type)
### Return value
The function `type()` returns `true` if the `val` argument is of expected `type`.
The function `type()` returns `false` if the `val` argument is not of expected `type`.
# Tips
> missing the `val` or `type` parameter will always return false *(without throwing errors)*
`ofType()` //false
`ofType(undefined,undefined)` //true
`ofType(undefined)` //false
> Missing the `val` or `type` arguments will always return `false` *(without throwing error)*.
type(); //false
type(undefined, undefined); //true
type(undefined); //false
# Samples
# Tests
### `[String]` `type`
import type from `of-type`;
type('hello world', 'String'); //true
type(10, 'Number'); //true
type(null, 'null'); //true
type(undefined, 'undefined'); //true
type([1,2,3], 'Array'); //true
type([1,2,3], 'Object'); //false
type(true, 'Boolean'); //true
type(type, 'function'); //true
type(/hello/, 'RegExp'); //true
type({ framework: 'React' }, 'Object'); //true
type('hello world', 'string'); //true
type('hello world', 'STRING'); //true
type('hello world', 'str'); //false
type(true, 'BOOLEAN'); //true
type(false, 'BoOlEaN'); //true
type(false, 'Bool'); //false
type(null, 'NULL'); //true
type(new Date(), 'DATE'); //true
type(new Array(1,2,3), 'array'); //true
type(new Buffer(0), 'buffer'); //true
type(new String('hello world'), 'string'); //true
type(()=>{}, 'function'); //true
type((()=>'hello world')(), 'string'); //true
type(Date, 'date'); //false
type(Date, 'function'); //true
type(Array, 'Function'); //true
type(new Error(), 'error'); //true
type(new TypeError(), 'typeerror'); //true
type(new SyntaxError(), 'syntaxerror'); //true
type(new SyntaxError(), 'error'); //false
type(document.createElement('DIV'), 'htmldivelement'); //true
type(document.createElement('DIV'), 'element'); //false
type(document.createElement('LI'), 'HtmlLiElement'); //true
type((function(){ return arguments; })(), 'object'); //true; === "Object"
class Name{};
type(new Name(), 'Name'); //true
type(new Name(), 'name'); //true
type(new Name(), 'object'); //false; === 'Name'
type(10, 'string|number'); //true
type(10, 'string|array'); //false
type(null, 'undefined|null'); //true
> git clone
> cd of-type
> npm install
> npm test
> npm run test-err //additionally displays error descriptions (when occur)
### `[RegExp]` `type`
import type from `of-type`;
type('hello world', /String/); //true
type(10, /Number/); //true
type(null, /null/); //true
type(undefined, /undefined/); //true
type([1,2,3], /Array/); //true
type([1,2,3], /Object/); //false
type(true, /Boolean/); //true
type(type, /Function/); //true
type(/hello/, /RegExp/); //true
type({ framework: 'React' }, /Object/); //true
type('hello world', /string/); //false
type('hello world', /STRING/); //false
type('hello world', /string/i); //true
type('hello world', /STRING/i); //true
type('hello world', /Str/); //true
type('hello world', /^str/i); //true
type(true, /BOOLEAN/); //false
type(false, /BoOlEaN/); //false
type(true, /BOOLEAN/i); //true
type(false, /BoOlEaN/i); //true
type(false, /Bool/); //true
type(false, /bool/i); //true
type(null, /NULL/); //false
type(null, /NULL/i); //true
type({}, /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/); //true
type(true, /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/); //true
type(null, /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/); //false
type(undefined, /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/); //false
type((function(){ return arguments; })(), /object/i); //true; === "Object"
type(document.createElement('DIV'), /^html.*element$/i); //true
type(document.createElement('DIV'), /^[a-z]+div[a-z]+$/i); //true
type(document.createElement('A'), /anchor/i); //true
type(document.createElement('UL'), /html[uo]listelement/i); //true
type(document.createElement('OL'), /html[uo]listelement/i); //true
type(10, /string|number/i); //true
type(undefined, /und|null/i); //true
type(new SyntaxError(), /(syntax|type)error/i); //true
type(new TypeError(), /(syntax|type)error/i); //true
type(new Error(), /(syntax|type)?error/i); //true
class Name(){};
type(new Name(), /Name/); //true
type(new Name(), /name/); //false
type(new Name(), /name/i); //true
type(new Name(), /Object/); //false; === 'Name'
# Samples
##### for `types` [String]
### `constructor`, `null` and `undefined`
var ofType = require('of-type');
import type from `of-type`;
ofType("hello world",'string'); //true
ofType(10,'number'); //true
ofType([1,2,3],'array'); //true
ofType([1,2,3],'object'); //false
ofType(true,'boolean'); //true
ofType(/hello/,'regexp'); //true
ofType({name:"Paul"},'object'); //true
ofType({name:"Paul"},'instance'); //false
ofType({name:"Paul"},'instance'); //false
ofType([1,2,3],'function'); //true
type('hello world', String); //true
type(10, Number); //true
type(null, null); //true
type(undefined, undefined); //true
type(null, undefined); //false
type({}.name, undefined); //true
type([1,2,3], Array); //true
type([1,2,3], Object); //false
type(true, Boolean); //true
type(type, Function); //true
type(/hello/, RegExp); //true
type({ framework: 'React' }, Object); //true
type((function(){ return arguments; })(), Object); //true; === "Object"
ofType((function(){return arguments;})(),'arguments'); //true
ofType((function(){return arguments;})(),'object'); //true, MIND that the Object is the constructor
ofType(()=>{},'FuNcTiOn'); //true
ofType(ofType,'function'); //true
type(new Date(), Date); //true
type(new Array(1,2,3), Array); //true
type(new Buffer(0), Buffer); //true
type(new String('hello world'), String); //true
ofType(new Date(),'DATE'); //true
ofType(new Array(1,2,3),'array'); //true
ofType(new Buffer(0),'buffer'); //true
ofType(new String("abc"),'string'); //true
ofType((()=>"abc")(),'string'); //true
type(()=>{}, Function); //true
type((()=>'hello world')(), String); //true
ofType(Date,'date'); //false
ofType(Date,'function'); //true
ofType(Array,'function'); //true
ofType(Array,'instance'); //false
type(Date, Date); //false
type(Date, Function); //true
type(Array, Function); //true
ofType(10,'string|number'); //true
ofType(10,'string|array'); //false
ofType(null,'undefined|null'); //true
type(new Error(), Error); //true
type(new TypeError(), TypeError); //true
type(new SyntaxError(), SyntaxError); //true
type(new SyntaxError(), Error); //false
type(new RangeError(), [Error, TypeError, RangeError]); //true
ofType("",'falsy'); //true
ofType(0,'falsy'); //true
ofType(null,'falsy'); //true
ofType(undefined,'falsy'); //true
class Name{};
type(new Name(), Name); //true
type(new Name(), Object); //false; === 'Name'
ofType(10,'any|string'); //true
ofType("hello world",''); //true
ofType(false,'any'); //true
type(10, [String, Number]); //true
type(10, [String, Array]); //false
type(null, [undefined, null]); //true
ofType(true,'truthy'); //true
ofType("hello world",'truthy'); //true
ofType("",'truthy'); //false
ofType(new String(""),'truthy') //true
ofType(new String("").valueOf(),'truthy') //false
ofType([1,2,3],'truthy') //true
ofType([],'truthy') //true
### `arguments` type
import type from `of-type`;
ofType(new Error(),'error'); //true
ofType(new TypeError(),'typeerror'); //true
ofType(new SyntaxError(),'syntaxerror'); //true
ofType(new SyntaxError(),'error'); //false
function hello(){
return arguments;
ofType(document.createElement('DIV'),'htmldivelement'); //true
ofType(document.createElement('DIV'),'element'); //false
ofType(document.createElement('LI'),'HtmlLiElement'); //true
type(hello(), 'arguments'); //true
type(hello(), 'ARGUMENTS'); //true
type(hello(), 'arg'); //false
type(hello(), /arguments/); //true
type(hello(), /ARGUMENTS/); //false
type(hello(), /ARGUMENTS/i); //true
type(hello(), /arg/); //false
function Name(){};
ofType(new Name(),'Name'); //true
ofType(new Name(),'name'); //true
ofType(new Name(),'object'); //false, MIND that this is not the instance of Object constructor
ofType(new Name(),'instance') //true
type(hello(), 'arguments|object|instance'); //true
type(hello(), /arguments|undefined/); //true
### `instance` type
import type from `of-type`;
class Name{ }
type(new Name(), 'instance'); //true
type(new Name(), 'INSTANCE'); //true
type(new Name(), 'inst'); //false
type(new Name(), /instance/); //true
type(new Name(), /INSTANCE/); //false
type(new Name(), /INSTANCE/i); //true
type(new Name(), /inst/); //false
type({}, 'instance'); //false
type([], 'instance'); //false
type(Array, 'instance'); //false
type(new Error(), /instance/); //false
type('hello world', /instance/) //false
global.Framework = class Framework{ };
window.Cars = class Cars{ };
type(new Framework(), 'instance'); //false
type(new Framework(), /instance/); //false
type(new Cars(), 'instance'); //false
type(new Cars(), /instance/); //false
type({}, 'instance|object'); //true
type(new String(), /instance|objectable/); //true
##### for `types` [RegExp]
### `objectable` type
var ofType = require('of-type');
import type from `of-type`;
type('hello world', 'objectable'); //false
type(10, 'objectable'); //false
type(null, 'objectable'); //false
type(undefined, 'objectable'); //false
type(true, 'objectable'); //false
type({}, 'objectable'); //true
type({}.name, 'objectable'); //false
type([1,2,3], 'objectable'); //true
type(/hello/, 'objectable'); //true
type(type, 'objectable'); //true
type((function(){ return arguments; })(), 'objectable'); //true; (arguments instanceof Object) === true
ofType("hello",/string/); //false
ofType("hello",/String/); //true
ofType("hello",/string/i); //true
ofType(10,/string|number/i); //true
ofType(0,/Number/); //true
ofType(!0,/Boolean/); //true
class Name{}
type(new Name(), 'objectable'); //true
type(new String('hello world'), 'objectable'); //true
type(new Number(10), 'objectable'); //true
type(new Error(), 'objectable'); //true
ofType((function(){return arguments;})(),/arguments/); //true
ofType((function(){return arguments;})(),/arg/); //true
ofType((function(){return arguments;})(),/object/i); //true
type({}, 'objectable'); //true
type({}, 'OBJECTABLE'); //true
type({}, 'obj'); //false
type({}, /objectable/); //true
type({}, /OBJECTABLE/); //false
type({}, /OBJECTABLE/i); //true
type({}, /objecta/); //false; as it's unrecognizable custom type
type({}, /obj/i); //true; as it still matches === 'Object'
ofType(123,/any/); //true
ofType("123",/ANY/i); //true
ofType([1,2,3],/any/); //true
type(0, 'objectable|falsy'); //true
type('hello world', /objectable|string/i); //true
type({}, /object(able)?/i); //true
type([], /object(able)?/i); //true
ofType(document.createElement('DIV'),/^html.*element$/i); //true
ofType(document.createElement('DIV'),/^[a-z]+div[a-z]+$/i); //true
ofType(document.createElement('A'),/anchor/i); //true
ofType(document.createElement('UL'),/html[uo]listelement/i); //true
ofType(document.createElement('OL'),/html[uo]listelement/i); //true
### `truthy` type
import type from `of-type`;
ofType(null,/falsy/); //true
ofType(0,/falsy/); //true
ofType([1,2,3],/truthy/); //true
ofType("",/truthy/); //false
type('hello world', 'truthy'); //true
type('', 'truthy'); //false
type(new String(''), 'truthy'); //true
type(new String('').valueOf(), 'truthy'); //false
type(10, 'truthy'); //true
type(0, 'truthy'); //false
type(null, 'truthy'); //false
type(undefined, 'truthy'); //false
type([1,2,3], 'truthy'); //true
type([], 'truthy'); //true
type(true, 'truthy'); //true
type(false, 'truthy'); //false
type(type, 'truthy'); //true
type(/hello/, 'truthy'); //true
type({ framework: 'React' }, 'truthy'); //true
type({}.name, 'truthy'); //false
ofType(new SyntaxError(),/(syntax|type)error/i); //true
ofType(new TypeError(),/(syntax|type)error/i); //true
ofType(new Error(),/(syntax|type)error/i); //false
type(true, 'truthy'); //true
type(true, 'TRUTHY'); //true
type(true, 'tru'); //false
type(true, /truthy/); //true
type(true, /TRUTHY/); //false
type(true, /TRUTHY/i); //true
type(true, /tru/); //false; as it's unrecognizable custom type
function Name(){};
ofType(new Name(),/Name/); //true
ofType(new Name(),/name/); //false
ofType(new Name(),/name/i); //true
ofType(new Name(),/Object/); //false, MIND that this is not the instance of Object constructor
ofType(new Name(),/instance/) //true
type(undefined, 'truthy|null'); //false
type(0, 'truthy|number'); //true
type(false, /truthy|Boolean/); //true
##### for `types` [Function|null|undefined] and [Array\<Function|null|undefined\>]
### `falsy` type
var ofType = require('of-type');
import type from `of-type`;
type('hello world', 'falsy'); //false
type('', 'falsy'); //true
type(new String(''), 'falsy'); //false
type(new String('').valueOf(), 'falsy'); //true
type(10, 'falsy'); //false
type(0, 'falsy'); //true
type(null, 'falsy'); //true
type(undefined, 'falsy'); //true
type([1,2,3], 'falsy'); //false
type([], 'falsy'); //false
type(true, 'falsy'); //false
type(false, 'falsy'); //true
type(type, 'falsy'); //false
type(/hello/, 'falsy'); //false
type({ framework: 'React' }, 'falsy'); //false
type({}.name, 'falsy'); //true
ofType("hello",String); //true
ofType("hello",Number); //false
ofType("hello",[String,Number]); //true
ofType(10,Number); //true
ofType(false,Boolean); //true
ofType([1,2,3],Object); //false
ofType([1,2,3],Array); //true
ofType(Array,Array); //false
ofType(Array,Function); //true
type(false, 'falsy'); //true
type(false, 'FALSY'); //true
type(false, 'fal'); //false
type(false, /falsy/); //true
type(false, /FALSY/); //false
type(false, /FALSY/i); //true
type(false, /fal/); //false; as it's unrecognizable custom type
ofType(null,[]); //true
ofType("hello world",[]); //true
ofType(Number,[]); //true
ofType(0,[]); //true
ofType(new Date(),[]); //true
type([], 'falsy|objectable'); //true
type(10, 'falsy|number'); //true
type(true, /falsy|Boolean/); //true
ofType(null,null); //true
ofType(undefined,null); //false
ofType(false,null); //false
### `any` type
import type from `of-type`;
ofType({}.name,undefined); //true
ofType(undefined,undefined); //true
ofType(null,undefined); //false
type('hello world', 'any'); //true
type('', 'any'); //true
type(new String(''), 'any'); //true
type(10, 'any'); //true
type(0, /any/); //true
type(null, /any/); //true
type(undefined, /any/); //true
type([1,2,3], /any/); //true
type([], []); //true
type(true, []); //true
type(false, []); //true
type(type, []); //true
type(/hello/, ''); //true
type({ framework: 'React' }, ''); //true
type({}.name, ''); //true
ofType(new RangeError('error'),Error); //false
ofType(new RangeError('error'),[Error,TypeError,RangeError]); //true
type({}, 'any'); //true
type({}, 'ANY'); //true
type({}, 'an'); //false
type({}, /any/); //true
type({}, /ANY/); //false
type({}, /ANY/i); //true
type({}, /an/); //false; as it's unrecognizable custom type

@@ -1,22 +0,12 @@

const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: {
output: {
filename: 'of-type.min.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'prod'),
libraryTarget: 'umd',
globalObject: 'this'
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/i,
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /(node_modules)/,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['@babel/preset-env']

@@ -23,0 +13,0 @@ }

const merge = require('webpack-merge');
const common = require('./webpack.common.js');
const UglifyPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
const frontEnd = require('./webpack.frontend.js');
const backEnd = require('./webpack.backend.js');
module.exports = merge(common, {
const dev = {
mode: 'development',
optimization: {
minimize: false
watch: true,

@@ -32,17 +30,8 @@ stats: {

usedExports: false
new UglifyPlugin({
module.exports = [
merge(common, dev, backEnd),
merge(common, dev, frontEnd)
const merge = require('webpack-merge');
const common = require('./webpack.common.js');
const UglifyPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
const frontEnd = require('./webpack.frontend.js');
const backEnd = require('./webpack.backend.js');
module.exports = merge(common, {
const prod = {
mode: 'production',
watch: false,
stats: false,
optimization: {
minimize: false
stats: false,
new UglifyPlugin({
minimizer: [
new UglifyJsPlugin({
uglifyOptions: {
compress: true,
mangle: false,
output: {
indent_level: 2,
comments: false,
beautify: false
module.exports = [
merge(common, prod, backEnd),
merge(common, prod, frontEnd)

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