Material Design Data Table
This is a fork of the excellent md-data-table(, a data grid component based on the
Material Design data tables in Angular Material.
The main purpose of this fork was to explore compatibility with ng-repeat-start/ng-repeat-end and the ability to add in table rows dynamically.
Specification for Material Design data tables can be found here.
This software is provided free of change and without restriction under the MIT License
angular.module('nutritionApp').controller('nutritionController', ['$nutrition', '$scope', function ($nutrition, $scope) {
'use strict';
$scope.selected = [];
$scope.query = {
filter: '',
order: 'name',
limit: 5,
page: 1
function success(desserts) {
$scope.desserts = desserts;
$ = function (predicate) {
$scope.filter = predicate;
$scope.deferred = $nutrition.desserts.get($scope.query, success).$promise;
$scope.onOrderChange = function (order) {
return $nutrition.desserts.get($scope.query, success).$promise;
$scope.onPaginationChange = function (page, limit) {
return $nutrition.desserts.get($scope.query, success).$promise;
<h2 class="md-title">Nutrition</h2>
<table md-data-table md-row-select="selected" md-progress="deferred">
<thead md-order="query.order" md-trigger="onOrderChange">
<th name="Dessert" unit="100g serving" order-by="name"></th>
<th numeric name="Calories" order-by="calories.value"></th>
<th numeric name="Fat" unit="g" order-by="fat.value"></th>
<th numeric name="Carbs" unit="g" order-by="carbs.value"></th>
<th numeric name="Protein" unit="g" order-by="protein.value"></th>
<th numeric name="Sodium" unit="mg" order-by="sodium.value"></th>
<th numeric name="Calcium" unit="%" order-by="calcium.value"></th>
<th numeric name="Iron" unit="%" order-by="iron.value"></th>
<tr md-auto-select ng-repeat-start="dessert in" class="md-data-table-row">
<td>{{dessert.fat.value | number: 1}}</td>
<td>{{dessert.protein.value | number: 1}}</td>
<td show-unit>{{dessert.calcium.value}}</td>
<td show-unit>{{dessert.iron.value}}</td>
<tr ng-repeat-end ng-show="dessert.showDetails">
<td colspan="8">
<md-data-table-pagination md-limit="query.limit" md-page="" md-total="{{}}" md-trigger="onPaginationChange"></md-data-table-pagination>
Running the App Locally
Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
cd md-data-table
Create a new branch for the issue you are working on.
git checkout -b my-issue
Install the package dependencies.
npm install
bower install
Run the application and visit
in the browser.
Make your modifications and update the build.
grunt build
Create a pull request!