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ol-contextmenu - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.1.5 to 5.2.0


* ol-contextmenu - v5.1.5
* ol-contextmenu - v5.2.0
* Built: Sat Mar 11 2023 15:05:27 GMT-0300 (Brasilia Standard Time)
* Built: Mon Mar 13 2023 13:25:53 GMT-0300 (Brasilia Standard Time)
var ContextMenu=function(f,h){"use strict";var U=Object.defineProperty;var F=(f,h,u)=>h in f?U(f,h,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:u}):f[h]=u;var a=(f,h,u)=>(F(f,typeof h!="symbol"?h+"":h,u),u);var u=(n=>(n.CONTEXTMENU="contextmenu",n.CLICK="click",n.DBLCLICK="dblclick",n))(u||{}),p=(n=>(n.BEFOREOPEN="beforeopen",n.OPEN="open",n.CLOSE="close",n.ADD_MENU_ENTRY="add-menu-entry",n))(p||{});class A extends h.MapBrowserEvent{constructor(t){super(t.type,,t.originalEvent)}}const k={width:150,scrollAt:4,eventType:u.CONTEXTMENU,defaultItems:!0,items:[]},m="ol-ctx-menu",r={namespace:m,container:`${m}-container`,separator:`${m}-separator`,submenu:`${m}-submenu`,hidden:`${m}-hidden`,icon:`${m}-icon`,zoomIn:`${m}-zoom-in`,zoomOut:`${m}-zoom-out`,unselectable:"ol-unselectable"},N=[{text:"Zoom In",classname:`${r.zoomIn} ${r.icon}`,callback:(n,t)=>{const e=t.getView();e.animate({zoom:Number(e.getZoom())+1,duration:700,center:n.coordinate})}},{text:"Zoom Out",classname:`${r.zoomOut} ${r.icon}`,callback:(n,t)=>{const e=t.getView();e.animate({zoom:Number(e.getZoom())-1,duration:700,center:n.coordinate})}}];var x={},T={get exports(){return x},set exports(n){x=n}};function L(){}L.prototype={on:function(n,t,e){var s=this.e||(this.e={});return(s[n]||(s[n]=[])).push({fn:t,ctx:e}),this},once:function(n,t,e){var s=this;function i(){,i),t.apply(e,arguments)}return i._=t,this.on(n,i,e)},emit:function(n){var t=[],1),e=((this.e||(this.e={}))[n]||[]).slice(),s=0,i=e.length;for(s;s<i;s++)e[s].fn.apply(e[s].ctx,t);return this},off:function(n,t){var e=this.e||(this.e={}),s=e[n],i=[];if(s&&t)for(var o=0,l=s.length;o<l;o++)s[o].fn!==t&&s[o].fn._!==t&&i.push(s[o]);return i.length?e[n]=i:delete e[n],this}},T.exports=L;var O=x.TinyEmitter=L;const y=new O;function v(n){const t=document.createDocumentFragment(),e=document.createElement("div");for(e.innerHTML=n;e.firstChild;)t.append(e.firstChild);return t}function D(n){const t=document.importNode(n),e=n.offsetWidth;`position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; overflow: auto; visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; height: unset; max-height: unset; width: ${e}px`;const s=v("<span>Foo</span>"),i=v("<span>Foo</span>"),o=document.createElement("li"),l=document.createElement("li");o.append(s),l.append(i),t.append(o),t.append(l),n.parentNode?.append(t);const E=t.offsetHeight/2;return n.parentNode?.removeChild(t),E}function S(n,t,e=!1,s=!1){const i=`_${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2,11)}`;if(typeof t!="string"&&"text"in t){const b=`<span>${t.text}</span>`,g=v(b),c=document.createElement("li");t.classname=t.classname||"",t.icon&&(t.classname===""?t.classname=r.icon:t.classname.includes(r.icon)===!1&&(t.classname+=` ${r.icon}`),c.setAttribute("style",`background-image:url(${t.icon})`)),,c.className=t.classname,c.append(g),n.append(c);const $={id:i,isSubmenu:e,isInsideSubmenu:s,isSeparator:!1,callback:"callback"in t?t.callback:null,data:"data"in t?};return y.emit(p.ADD_MENU_ENTRY,$,c),c}const o=`<li id="${i}" class="${r.separator}"><hr></li>`,l=v(o);n.append(l);const E=n.lastChild,M={id:i,isSubmenu:!1,isInsideSubmenu:!1,isSeparator:!0,callback:null,data:null};return y.emit(p.ADD_MENU_ENTRY,M,E),E}function w(n,t,e,s){t.forEach(i=>{if(typeof i!="string"&&"items"in i&&Array.isArray(i.items)){const o=S(n,i,!0);o.classList.add(r.submenu);const l=document.createElement("ul");l.classList.add(r.container),`${e}px`,o.append(l),w(l,i.items,e,!0)}else S(n,i,!1,s)})}const R="";function C(n,t){if(!n)throw new Error(t)}class I extends f{constructor(e={}){C(typeof e=="object","@param `opts` should be object type!");const s=document.createElement("div");super({element:s});a(this,"map");a(this,"container");a(this,"coordinate",[]);a(this,"pixel",[]);a(this,"contextMenuEventListener");a(this,"entryCallbackEventListener");a(this,"mapMoveListener");a(this,"lineHeight",0);a(this,"disabled");a(this,"opened");a(this,"items",[]);a(this,"menuEntries",new Map);a(this,"options");this.options={...k,...e};const i=document.createElement("ul");s.append(i),`${this.options.width}px`,s.classList.add(r.container,r.unselectable,r.hidden),this.container=s,this.contextMenuEventListener=o=>{this.handleContextMenu(o)},this.entryCallbackEventListener=o=>{this.handleEntryCallback(o)},this.mapMoveListener=()=>{this.handleMapMove()},this.disabled=!1,this.opened=!1,window.addEventListener("beforeunload",()=>{this.removeListeners()},{once:!0})}clear(){for(const e of this.menuEntries.keys())this.removeMenuEntry(e);this.container.replaceChildren(),this.container.append(document.createElement("ul"))}enable(){this.disabled=!1}disable(){this.disabled=!0}getDefaultItems(){return N}countItems(){return this.menuEntries.size}extend(e){C(Array.isArray(e),"@param `items` should be an Array."),w(this.container.firstElementChild,e,this.options.width)}closeMenu(){this.opened=!1,this.container.classList.add(r.hidden),this.dispatchEvent(p.CLOSE)}isOpen(){return this.opened}updatePosition(e){C(Array.isArray(e),"@param `pixel` should be an Array."),this.isOpen()&&(this.pixel=e,this.positionContainer())}pop(){const e=Array.from(this.menuEntries.keys()).pop();e&&this.removeMenuEntry(e)}shift(){const e=Array.from(this.menuEntries.keys()).shift();e&&this.removeMenuEntry(e)}push(e){e&&this.extend([e])}setMap(e){if(super.setMap(e),e){,,this.contextMenuEventListener,!1),"movestart",()=>{this.handleMapMove()}),y.on(p.ADD_MENU_ENTRY,(i,o)=>{this.handleAddMenuEntry(i,o)},this),this.items=this.options.defaultItems?this.options.items.concat(N):this.options.items,w(this.container.firstElementChild,this.items,this.options.width);const s=this.getMenuEntriesLength();this.lineHeight=s>0?this.container.offsetHeight/s:D(this.container)}else this.removeListeners(),this.clear()}removeListeners(){,this.contextMenuEventListener,!1),}removeMenuEntry(e){const s=document.getElementById(e);s?.remove(),s?.removeEventListener("click",this.entryCallbackEventListener),this.menuEntries.delete(e)}handleContextMenu(e){,,this.dispatchEvent(new A({type:p.BEFOREOPEN,,originalEvent:e})),!this.disabled&&(this.options.eventType===u.CONTEXTMENU&&(e.stopPropagation(),e.preventDefault()),setTimeout(()=>{this.openMenu(e)}),"pointerdown",s=>{this.opened&&(s.stopPropagation(),this.closeMenu())},{once:!0}))}openMenu(e){this.opened=!0,this.positionContainer(),this.container.classList.remove(r.hidden),this.dispatchEvent(new A({type:p.OPEN,,originalEvent:e}))}getMenuEntriesLength(){return Array.from(this.menuEntries).filter(([,e])=>e.isSeparator===!1&&e.isSubmenu===!1&&e.isInsideSubmenu===!1).length}positionContainer(){const||[0,0],s={w:e[0]-this.pixel[0],h:e[1]-this.pixel[1]},i=this.getMenuEntriesLength(),o={w:this.container.offsetWidth,h:Math.round(this.lineHeight*i)},l=s.w>=o.w?this.pixel[0]+5:this.pixel[0]-o.w;`${l}px`,>=o.h?`${this.pixel[1]-10}px`:`${this.pixel[1]-o.h}px`,"auto","auto",s.w-=o.w;const E=g=>Array.from(g.children).filter(c=>c.tagName==="LI"&&c.classList.contains(r.submenu));let M=0;const b=(g,c)=>{M+=1,E(g).forEach(_=>{const z=c>=o.w?o.w-8:(o.w+8)*-1,d=_.querySelector(`ul.${r.container}`),P=Math.round(this.lineHeight*Array.from(d.children).filter(H=>H.tagName==="LI").length);`${z}px`,"auto",>=P+o.h?"0":`-${d.offsetHeight-25}px`,"auto",,E(d).length>0&&b(d,c-o.w)})};b(this.container.firstElementChild,s.w)}handleMapMove(){this.closeMenu()}handleEntryCallback(e){e.preventDefault(),e.stopPropagation();const s=e.currentTarget,i=this.menuEntries.get(;if(!i)return;const o={coordinate:this.coordinate,};this.closeMenu(),i.callback?.(o,}handleAddMenuEntry(e,s){this.menuEntries.set(,e),this.positionContainer(),"callback"in e&&typeof e.callback=="function"&&s.addEventListener("click",this.entryCallbackEventListener,!1)}}return I}(ol.control.Control,ol);
var ContextMenu=function(){"use strict";var pe=Object.defineProperty;var fe=(v,u,g)=>u in v?pe(v,u,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:g}):v[u]=g;var l=(v,u,g)=>(fe(v,typeof u!="symbol"?u+"":u,g),g);class v{constructor(e){this.propagationStopped,this.defaultPrevented,this.type=e,}preventDefault(){this.defaultPrevented=!0}stopPropagation(){this.propagationStopped=!0}}const u=v,g={PROPERTYCHANGE:"propertychange"};class K{constructor(){this.disposed=!1}dispose(){this.disposed||(this.disposed=!0,this.disposeInternal())}disposeInternal(){}}const U=K;function M(){}function S(s){for(const e in s)delete s[e]}function z(s){let e;for(e in s)return!1;return!e}class B extends U{constructor(e){super(),this.eventTarget_=e,this.pendingRemovals_=null,this.dispatching_=null,this.listeners_=null}addEventListener(e,t){if(!e||!t)return;const n=this.listeners_||(this.listeners_={}),i=n[e]||(n[e]=[]);i.includes(t)||i.push(t)}dispatchEvent(e){const t=typeof e=="string",n=t?e:e.type,i=this.listeners_&&this.listeners_[n];if(!i)return;const r=t?new u(e):e;||(||this);const o=this.dispatching_||(this.dispatching_={}),d=this.pendingRemovals_||(this.pendingRemovals_={});n in o||(o[n]=0,d[n]=0),++o[n];let p;for(let c=0,y=i.length;c<y;++c)if("handleEvent"in i[c]?p=i[c].handleEvent(r):p=i[c].call(this,r),p===!1||r.propagationStopped){p=!1;break}if(--o[n]===0){let c=d[n];for(delete d[n];c--;)this.removeEventListener(n,M);delete o[n]}return p}disposeInternal(){this.listeners_&&S(this.listeners_)}getListeners(e){return this.listeners_&&this.listeners_[e]||void 0}hasListener(e){return this.listeners_?e?e in this.listeners_:Object.keys(this.listeners_).length>0:!1}removeEventListener(e,t){const n=this.listeners_&&this.listeners_[e];if(n){const i=n.indexOf(t);i!==-1&&(this.pendingRemovals_&&e in this.pendingRemovals_?(n[i]=M,++this.pendingRemovals_[e]):(n.splice(i,1),n.length===0&&delete this.listeners_[e]))}}}const F=B,V={CHANGE:"change",ERROR:"error",BLUR:"blur",CLEAR:"clear",CONTEXTMENU:"contextmenu",CLICK:"click",DBLCLICK:"dblclick",DRAGENTER:"dragenter",DRAGOVER:"dragover",DROP:"drop",FOCUS:"focus",KEYDOWN:"keydown",KEYPRESS:"keypress",LOAD:"load",RESIZE:"resize",TOUCHMOVE:"touchmove",WHEEL:"wheel"};function _(s,e,t,n,i){if(n&&n!==s&&(t=t.bind(n)),i){const o=t;t=function(){s.removeEventListener(e,t),o.apply(this,arguments)}}const r={target:s,type:e,listener:t};return s.addEventListener(e,t),r}function D(s,e,t,n){return _(s,e,t,n,!0)}function C(s){s&&,s.listener),S(s))}class L extends F{constructor(){super(),this.on=this.onInternal,this.once=this.onceInternal,this.un=this.unInternal,this.revision_=0}changed(){++this.revision_,this.dispatchEvent(V.CHANGE)}getRevision(){return this.revision_}onInternal(e,t){if(Array.isArray(e)){const n=e.length,i=new Array(n);for(let r=0;r<n;++r)i[r]=_(this,e[r],t);return i}return _(this,e,t)}onceInternal(e,t){let n;if(Array.isArray(e)){const i=e.length;n=new Array(i);for(let r=0;r<i;++r)n[r]=D(this,e[r],t)}else n=D(this,e,t);return t.ol_key=n,n}unInternal(e,t){const n=t.ol_key;if(n)j(n);else if(Array.isArray(e))for(let i=0,r=e.length;i<r;++i)this.removeEventListener(e[i],t);else this.removeEventListener(e,t)}}L.prototype.on,L.prototype.once,L.prototype.un;function j(s){if(Array.isArray(s))for(let e=0,t=s.length;e<t;++e)C(s[e]);else C(s)}const Y=L;let G=0;function Z(s){return s.ol_uid||(s.ol_uid=String(++G))}class R extends u{constructor(e,t,n){super(e),this.key=t,this.oldValue=n}}class X extends Y{constructor(e){super(),this.on,this.once,this.un,Z(this),this.values_=null,e!==void 0&&this.setProperties(e)}get(e){let t;return this.values_&&this.values_.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(t=this.values_[e]),t}getKeys(){return this.values_&&Object.keys(this.values_)||[]}getProperties(){return this.values_&&Object.assign({},this.values_)||{}}hasProperties(){return!!this.values_}notify(e,t){let n;n=`change:${e}`,this.hasListener(n)&&this.dispatchEvent(new R(n,e,t)),n=g.PROPERTYCHANGE,this.hasListener(n)&&this.dispatchEvent(new R(n,e,t))}addChangeListener(e,t){this.addEventListener(`change:${e}`,t)}removeChangeListener(e,t){this.removeEventListener(`change:${e}`,t)}set(e,t,n){const i=this.values_||(this.values_={});if(n)i[e]=t;else{const r=i[e];i[e]=t,r!==t&&this.notify(e,r)}}setProperties(e,t){for(const n in e)this.set(n,e[n],t)}applyProperties(e){e.values_&&Object.assign(this.values_||(this.values_={}),e.values_)}unset(e,t){if(this.values_&&e in this.values_){const n=this.values_[e];delete this.values_[e],z(this.values_)&&(this.values_=null),t||this.notify(e,n)}}}const W=X,q={POSTRENDER:"postrender",MOVESTART:"movestart",MOVEEND:"moveend",LOADSTART:"loadstart",LOADEND:"loadend"};function P(s){return s&&s.parentNode?s.parentNode.removeChild(s):null}class J extends W{constructor(e){super();const t=e.element;t&&!!"auto"),this.element=t||null,this.target_=null,this.map_=null,this.listenerKeys=[],e.render&&(this.render=e.render),}disposeInternal(){P(this.element),super.disposeInternal()}getMap(){return this.map_}setMap(e){this.map_&&P(this.element);for(let t=0,n=this.listenerKeys.length;t<n;++t)C(this.listenerKeys[t]);this.listenerKeys.length=0,this.map_=e,e&&((this.target_?this.target_:e.getOverlayContainerStopEvent()).appendChild(this.element),this.render!==M&&this.listenerKeys.push(_(e,q.POSTRENDER,this.render,this)),e.render())}render(e){}setTarget(e){this.target_=typeof e=="string"?document.getElementById(e):e}}const Q=J;class ee extends u{constructor(e,t,n){super(e),,this.frameState=n!==void 0?n:null}}const te=ee;class ne extends te{constructor(e,t,n,i,r,o){super(e,t,r),this.originalEvent=n,this.pixel_=null,this.coordinate_=null,this.dragging=i!==void 0?i:!1,this.activePointers=o}get pixel(){return this.pixel_||(,this.pixel_}set pixel(e){this.pixel_=e}get coordinate(){return this.coordinate_||(,this.coordinate_}set coordinate(e){this.coordinate_=e}preventDefault(){super.preventDefault(),"preventDefault"in this.originalEvent&&this.originalEvent.preventDefault()}stopPropagation(){super.stopPropagation(),"stopPropagation"in this.originalEvent&&this.originalEvent.stopPropagation()}}const se=ne;var O=(s=>(s.CONTEXTMENU="contextmenu",s.CLICK="click",s.DBLCLICK="dblclick",s))(O||{}),m=(s=>(s.BEFOREOPEN="beforeopen",s.OPEN="open",s.CLOSE="close",s.ADD_MENU_ENTRY="add-menu-entry",s))(m||{});class $ extends se{constructor(e){super(e.type,,e.originalEvent)}}const ie={width:150,scrollAt:4,eventType:O.CONTEXTMENU,defaultItems:!0,items:[]},E="ol-ctx-menu",a={namespace:E,container:`${E}-container`,separator:`${E}-separator`,submenu:`${E}-submenu`,hidden:`${E}-hidden`,icon:`${E}-icon`,zoomIn:`${E}-zoom-in`,zoomOut:`${E}-zoom-out`,unselectable:"ol-unselectable"},I=[{text:"Zoom In",classname:`${a.zoomIn} ${a.icon}`,callback:(s,e)=>{const t=e.getView();t.animate({zoom:Number(t.getZoom())+1,duration:700,center:s.coordinate})}},{text:"Zoom Out",classname:`${a.zoomOut} ${a.icon}`,callback:(s,e)=>{const t=e.getView();t.animate({zoom:Number(t.getZoom())-1,duration:700,center:s.coordinate})}}];var w={},re={get exports(){return w},set exports(s){w=s}};function A(){}A.prototype={on:function(s,e,t){var n=this.e||(this.e={});return(n[s]||(n[s]=[])).push({fn:e,ctx:t}),this},once:function(s,e,t){var n=this;function i(){,i),e.apply(t,arguments)}return i._=e,this.on(s,i,t)},emit:function(s){var e=[],1),t=((this.e||(this.e={}))[s]||[]).slice(),n=0,i=t.length;for(n;n<i;n++)t[n].fn.apply(t[n].ctx,e);return this},off:function(s,e){var t=this.e||(this.e={}),n=t[s],i=[];if(n&&e)for(var r=0,o=n.length;r<o;r++)n[r].fn!==e&&n[r].fn._!==e&&i.push(n[r]);return i.length?t[s]=i:delete t[s],this}},re.exports=A;var oe=w.TinyEmitter=A;const b=new oe;function x(s){const 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t=Array.from(this.menuEntries.keys()).shift();t&&this.removeMenuEntry(t)}push(t){t&&this.extend([t])}setMap(t){if(super.setMap(t),t){,,this.contextMenuEventListener,!1),"movestart",()=>{this.handleMapMove()}),b.on(m.ADD_MENU_ENTRY,(i,r)=>{this.handleAddMenuEntry(i,r)},this),this.items=this.options.defaultItems?this.options.items.concat(I):this.options.items,N(this.container.firstElementChild,this.items,this.options.width);const n=this.getMenuEntriesLength();this.lineHeight=n>0?this.container.offsetHeight/n:ae(this.container)}else this.removeListeners(),this.clear()}removeListeners(){,this.contextMenuEventListener,!1),}removeMenuEntry(t){const n=document.getElementById(t);n?.remove(),n?.removeEventListener("click",this.entryCallbackEventListener),this.menuEntries.delete(t)}handleContextMenu(t){,,this.dispatchEvent(new $({type:m.BEFOREOPEN,,originalEvent:t})),!this.disabled&&(this.options.eventType===O.CONTEXTMENU&&(t.stopPropagation(),t.preventDefault()),setTimeout(()=>{this.openMenu(t)}),"pointerdown",n=>{this.opened&&(n.stopPropagation(),this.closeMenu())},{once:!0}))}openMenu(t){this.opened=!0,this.positionContainer(),this.container.classList.remove(a.hidden),this.dispatchEvent(new $({type:m.OPEN,,originalEvent:t}))}getMenuEntriesLength(){return Array.from(this.menuEntries).filter(([,t])=>t.isSeparator===!1&&t.isSubmenu===!1&&t.isInsideSubmenu===!1).length}positionContainer(){const||[0,0],n={w:t[0]-this.pixel[0],h:t[1]-this.pixel[1]},i=this.getMenuEntriesLength(),r={w:this.container.offsetWidth,h:Math.round(this.lineHeight*i)},o=n.w>=r.w?this.pixel[0]+5:this.pixel[0]-r.w;`${o}px`,>=r.h?`${this.pixel[1]-10}px`:`${this.pixel[1]-r.h}px`,"auto","auto",n.w-=r.w;const d=y=>Array.from(y.children).filter(h=>h.tagName==="LI"&&h.classList.contains(a.submenu));let p=0;const c=(y,h)=>{p+=1,d(y).forEach(he=>{const ce=h>=r.w?r.w-8:(r.w+8)*-1,f=he.querySelector(`ul.${a.container}`),ue=Math.round(this.lineHeight*Array.from(f.children).filter(de=>de.tagName==="LI").length);`${ce}px`,"auto",>=ue+r.h?"0":`-${f.offsetHeight-25}px`,"auto",,d(f).length>0&&c(f,h-r.w)})};c(this.container.firstElementChild,n.w)}handleMapMove(){this.closeMenu()}handleEntryCallback(t){t.preventDefault(),t.stopPropagation();const n=t.currentTarget,i=this.menuEntries.get(;if(!i)return;const r={coordinate:this.coordinate,};this.closeMenu(),i.callback?.(r,}handleAddMenuEntry(t,n){this.menuEntries.set(,t),this.positionContainer(),"callback"in t&&typeof t.callback=="function"&&n.addEventListener("click",this.entryCallbackEventListener,!1)}}return le}();
* ol-contextmenu - v5.1.5
* ol-contextmenu - v5.2.0
* Built: Sat Mar 11 2023 15:05:27 GMT-0300 (Brasilia Standard Time)
* Built: Mon Mar 13 2023 13:25:53 GMT-0300 (Brasilia Standard Time)
var O = Object.defineProperty;
var D = (n, t, e) => t in n ? O(n, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : n[t] = e;
var a = (n, t, e) => (D(n, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, e), e);
import I from "ol/control/Control";
import { MapBrowserEvent as _ } from "ol";
var x = /* @__PURE__ */ ((n) => (n.CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu", n.CLICK = "click", n.DBLCLICK = "dblclick", n))(x || {}), d = /* @__PURE__ */ ((n) => (n.BEFOREOPEN = "beforeopen", n.OPEN = "open", n.CLOSE = "close", n.ADD_MENU_ENTRY = "add-menu-entry", n))(d || {});
class C extends _ {
constructor(t) {
super(t.type,, t.originalEvent);
var z = Object.defineProperty;
var B = (s, e, t) => e in s ? z(s, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : s[e] = t;
var l = (s, e, t) => (B(s, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, t), t);
class F {
* @param {string} type Type.
constructor(e) {
this.propagationStopped, this.defaultPrevented, this.type = e, = null;
* Prevent default. This means that no emulated `click`, `singleclick` or `doubleclick` events
* will be fired.
* @api
preventDefault() {
this.defaultPrevented = !0;
* Stop event propagation.
* @api
stopPropagation() {
this.propagationStopped = !0;
const z = {
const O = F, V = {
* Triggered when a property is changed.
* @event module:ol/Object.ObjectEvent#propertychange
* @api
PROPERTYCHANGE: "propertychange"
class j {
constructor() {
this.disposed = !1;
* Clean up.
dispose() {
this.disposed || (this.disposed = !0, this.disposeInternal());
* Extension point for disposable objects.
* @protected
disposeInternal() {
const Y = j;
function b() {
function I(s) {
for (const e in s)
delete s[e];
function G(s) {
let e;
for (e in s)
return !1;
return !e;
class Z extends Y {
* @param {*} [target] Default event target for dispatched events.
constructor(e) {
super(), this.eventTarget_ = e, this.pendingRemovals_ = null, this.dispatching_ = null, this.listeners_ = null;
* @param {string} type Type.
* @param {import("../events.js").Listener} listener Listener.
addEventListener(e, t) {
if (!e || !t)
const n = this.listeners_ || (this.listeners_ = {}), i = n[e] || (n[e] = []);
i.includes(t) || i.push(t);
* Dispatches an event and calls all listeners listening for events
* of this type. The event parameter can either be a string or an
* Object with a `type` property.
* @param {import("./Event.js").default|string} event Event object.
* @return {boolean|undefined} `false` if anyone called preventDefault on the
* event object or if any of the listeners returned false.
* @api
dispatchEvent(e) {
const t = typeof e == "string", n = t ? e : e.type, i = this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[n];
if (!i)
const r = t ? new O(e) : (
/** @type {Event} */
); || ( = this.eventTarget_ || this);
const o = this.dispatching_ || (this.dispatching_ = {}), u = this.pendingRemovals_ || (this.pendingRemovals_ = {});
n in o || (o[n] = 0, u[n] = 0), ++o[n];
let d;
for (let c = 0, E = i.length; c < E; ++c)
if ("handleEvent" in i[c] ? d = /** @type {import("../events.js").ListenerObject} */
i[c].handleEvent(r) : d = /** @type {import("../events.js").ListenerFunction} */
i[c].call(this, r), d === !1 || r.propagationStopped) {
d = !1;
if (--o[n] === 0) {
let c = u[n];
for (delete u[n]; c--; )
this.removeEventListener(n, b);
delete o[n];
return d;
* Clean up.
disposeInternal() {
this.listeners_ && I(this.listeners_);
* Get the listeners for a specified event type. Listeners are returned in the
* order that they will be called in.
* @param {string} type Type.
* @return {Array<import("../events.js").Listener>|undefined} Listeners.
getListeners(e) {
return this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[e] || void 0;
* @param {string} [type] Type. If not provided,
* `true` will be returned if this event target has any listeners.
* @return {boolean} Has listeners.
hasListener(e) {
return this.listeners_ ? e ? e in this.listeners_ : Object.keys(this.listeners_).length > 0 : !1;
* @param {string} type Type.
* @param {import("../events.js").Listener} listener Listener.
removeEventListener(e, t) {
const n = this.listeners_ && this.listeners_[e];
if (n) {
const i = n.indexOf(t);
i !== -1 && (this.pendingRemovals_ && e in this.pendingRemovals_ ? (n[i] = b, ++this.pendingRemovals_[e]) : (n.splice(i, 1), n.length === 0 && delete this.listeners_[e]));
const X = Z, W = {
* Generic change event. Triggered when the revision counter is increased.
* @event module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#change
* @api
CHANGE: "change",
* Generic error event. Triggered when an error occurs.
* @event module:ol/events/Event~BaseEvent#error
* @api
ERROR: "error",
BLUR: "blur",
CLEAR: "clear",
CONTEXTMENU: "contextmenu",
CLICK: "click",
DBLCLICK: "dblclick",
DRAGENTER: "dragenter",
DRAGOVER: "dragover",
DROP: "drop",
FOCUS: "focus",
KEYDOWN: "keydown",
KEYPRESS: "keypress",
LOAD: "load",
RESIZE: "resize",
TOUCHMOVE: "touchmove",
WHEEL: "wheel"
function v(s, e, t, n, i) {
if (n && n !== s && (t = t.bind(n)), i) {
const o = t;
t = function() {
s.removeEventListener(e, t), o.apply(this, arguments);
const r = {
target: s,
type: e,
listener: t
return s.addEventListener(e, t), r;
function T(s, e, t, n) {
return v(s, e, t, n, !0);
function x(s) {
s && && (, s.listener), I(s));
class _ extends X {
constructor() {
super(), this.on = /** @type {ObservableOnSignature<import("./events").EventsKey>} */
this.onInternal, this.once = /** @type {ObservableOnSignature<import("./events").EventsKey>} */
this.onceInternal, this.un = /** @type {ObservableOnSignature<void>} */
this.unInternal, this.revision_ = 0;
* Increases the revision counter and dispatches a 'change' event.
* @api
changed() {
++this.revision_, this.dispatchEvent(W.CHANGE);
* Get the version number for this object. Each time the object is modified,
* its version number will be incremented.
* @return {number} Revision.
* @api
getRevision() {
return this.revision_;
* @param {string|Array<string>} type Type.
* @param {function((Event|import("./events/Event").default)): ?} listener Listener.
* @return {import("./events.js").EventsKey|Array<import("./events.js").EventsKey>} Event key.
* @protected
onInternal(e, t) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
const n = e.length, i = new Array(n);
for (let r = 0; r < n; ++r)
i[r] = v(this, e[r], t);
return i;
return v(
/** @type {string} */
* @param {string|Array<string>} type Type.
* @param {function((Event|import("./events/Event").default)): ?} listener Listener.
* @return {import("./events.js").EventsKey|Array<import("./events.js").EventsKey>} Event key.
* @protected
onceInternal(e, t) {
let n;
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
const i = e.length;
n = new Array(i);
for (let r = 0; r < i; ++r)
n[r] = T(this, e[r], t);
} else
n = T(
/** @type {string} */
return t.ol_key = n, n;
* Unlisten for a certain type of event.
* @param {string|Array<string>} type Type.
* @param {function((Event|import("./events/Event").default)): ?} listener Listener.
* @protected
unInternal(e, t) {
const n = (
/** @type {Object} */
if (n)
else if (Array.isArray(e))
for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; ++i)
this.removeEventListener(e[i], t);
this.removeEventListener(e, t);
function q(s) {
if (Array.isArray(s))
for (let e = 0, t = s.length; e < t; ++e)
/** @type {import("./events.js").EventsKey} */
const J = _;
let Q = 0;
function ee(s) {
return s.ol_uid || (s.ol_uid = String(++Q));
class S extends O {
* @param {string} type The event type.
* @param {string} key The property name.
* @param {*} oldValue The old value for `key`.
constructor(e, t, n) {
super(e), this.key = t, this.oldValue = n;
class te extends J {
* @param {Object<string, *>} [values] An object with key-value pairs.
constructor(e) {
super(), this.on, this.once, this.un, ee(this), this.values_ = null, e !== void 0 && this.setProperties(e);
* Gets a value.
* @param {string} key Key name.
* @return {*} Value.
* @api
get(e) {
let t;
return this.values_ && this.values_.hasOwnProperty(e) && (t = this.values_[e]), t;
* Get a list of object property names.
* @return {Array<string>} List of property names.
* @api
getKeys() {
return this.values_ && Object.keys(this.values_) || [];
* Get an object of all property names and values.
* @return {Object<string, *>} Object.
* @api
getProperties() {
return this.values_ && Object.assign({}, this.values_) || {};
* @return {boolean} The object has properties.
hasProperties() {
return !!this.values_;
* @param {string} key Key name.
* @param {*} oldValue Old value.
notify(e, t) {
let n;
n = `change:${e}`, this.hasListener(n) && this.dispatchEvent(new S(n, e, t)), n = V.PROPERTYCHANGE, this.hasListener(n) && this.dispatchEvent(new S(n, e, t));
* @param {string} key Key name.
* @param {import("./events.js").Listener} listener Listener.
addChangeListener(e, t) {
this.addEventListener(`change:${e}`, t);
* @param {string} key Key name.
* @param {import("./events.js").Listener} listener Listener.
removeChangeListener(e, t) {
this.removeEventListener(`change:${e}`, t);
* Sets a value.
* @param {string} key Key name.
* @param {*} value Value.
* @param {boolean} [silent] Update without triggering an event.
* @api
set(e, t, n) {
const i = this.values_ || (this.values_ = {});
if (n)
i[e] = t;
else {
const r = i[e];
i[e] = t, r !== t && this.notify(e, r);
* Sets a collection of key-value pairs. Note that this changes any existing
* properties and adds new ones (it does not remove any existing properties).
* @param {Object<string, *>} values Values.
* @param {boolean} [silent] Update without triggering an event.
* @api
setProperties(e, t) {
for (const n in e)
this.set(n, e[n], t);
* Apply any properties from another object without triggering events.
* @param {BaseObject} source The source object.
* @protected
applyProperties(e) {
e.values_ && Object.assign(this.values_ || (this.values_ = {}), e.values_);
* Unsets a property.
* @param {string} key Key name.
* @param {boolean} [silent] Unset without triggering an event.
* @api
unset(e, t) {
if (this.values_ && e in this.values_) {
const n = this.values_[e];
delete this.values_[e], G(this.values_) && (this.values_ = null), t || this.notify(e, n);
const ne = te, se = {
* Triggered after a map frame is rendered.
* @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#postrender
* @api
POSTRENDER: "postrender",
* Triggered when the map starts moving.
* @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#movestart
* @api
MOVESTART: "movestart",
* Triggered after the map is moved.
* @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#moveend
* @api
MOVEEND: "moveend",
* Triggered when loading of additional map data (tiles, images, features) starts.
* @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#loadstart
* @api
LOADSTART: "loadstart",
* Triggered when loading of additional map data has completed.
* @event module:ol/MapEvent~MapEvent#loadend
* @api
LOADEND: "loadend"
function D(s) {
return s && s.parentNode ? s.parentNode.removeChild(s) : null;
class ie extends ne {
* @param {Options} options Control options.
constructor(e) {
const t = e.element;
t && ! && ! && ( = "auto"), this.element = t || null, this.target_ = null, this.map_ = null, this.listenerKeys = [], e.render && (this.render = e.render), && this.setTarget(;
* Clean up.
disposeInternal() {
D(this.element), super.disposeInternal();
* Get the map associated with this control.
* @return {import("../Map.js").default|null} Map.
* @api
getMap() {
return this.map_;
* Remove the control from its current map and attach it to the new map.
* Pass `null` to just remove the control from the current map.
* Subclasses may set up event handlers to get notified about changes to
* the map here.
* @param {import("../Map.js").default|null} map Map.
* @api
setMap(e) {
this.map_ && D(this.element);
for (let t = 0, n = this.listenerKeys.length; t < n; ++t)
this.listenerKeys.length = 0, this.map_ = e, e && ((this.target_ ? this.target_ : e.getOverlayContainerStopEvent()).appendChild(this.element), this.render !== b && this.listenerKeys.push(
v(e, se.POSTRENDER, this.render, this)
), e.render());
* Renders the control.
* @param {import("../MapEvent.js").default} mapEvent Map event.
* @api
render(e) {
* This function is used to set a target element for the control. It has no
* effect if it is called after the control has been added to the map (i.e.
* after `setMap` is called on the control). If no `target` is set in the
* options passed to the control constructor and if `setTarget` is not called
* then the control is added to the map's overlay container.
* @param {HTMLElement|string} target Target.
* @api
setTarget(e) {
this.target_ = typeof e == "string" ? document.getElementById(e) : e;
const re = ie;
class oe extends O {
* @param {string} type Event type.
* @param {import("./Map.js").default} map Map.
* @param {?import("./Map.js").FrameState} [frameState] Frame state.
constructor(e, t, n) {
super(e), = t, this.frameState = n !== void 0 ? n : null;
const ae = oe;
class le extends ae {
* @param {string} type Event type.
* @param {import("./Map.js").default} map Map.
* @param {EVENT} originalEvent Original event.
* @param {boolean} [dragging] Is the map currently being dragged?
* @param {import("./Map.js").FrameState} [frameState] Frame state.
* @param {Array<PointerEvent>} [activePointers] Active pointers.
constructor(e, t, n, i, r, o) {
super(e, t, r), this.originalEvent = n, this.pixel_ = null, this.coordinate_ = null, this.dragging = i !== void 0 ? i : !1, this.activePointers = o;
* The map pixel relative to the viewport corresponding to the original event.
* @type {import("./pixel.js").Pixel}
* @api
get pixel() {
return this.pixel_ || (this.pixel_ =, this.pixel_;
set pixel(e) {
this.pixel_ = e;
* The coordinate corresponding to the original browser event. This will be in the user
* projection if one is set. Otherwise it will be in the view projection.
* @type {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate}
* @api
get coordinate() {
return this.coordinate_ || (this.coordinate_ =, this.coordinate_;
set coordinate(e) {
this.coordinate_ = e;
* Prevents the default browser action.
* See
* @api
preventDefault() {
super.preventDefault(), "preventDefault" in this.originalEvent && this.originalEvent.preventDefault();
* Prevents further propagation of the current event.
* See
* @api
stopPropagation() {
super.stopPropagation(), "stopPropagation" in this.originalEvent && this.originalEvent.stopPropagation();
const he = le;
var w = /* @__PURE__ */ ((s) => (s.CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu", s.CLICK = "click", s.DBLCLICK = "dblclick", s))(w || {}), m = /* @__PURE__ */ ((s) => (s.BEFOREOPEN = "beforeopen", s.OPEN = "open", s.CLOSE = "close", s.ADD_MENU_ENTRY = "add-menu-entry", s))(m || {});
class R extends he {
constructor(e) {
super(e.type,, e.originalEvent);
const ce = {
width: 150,
scrollAt: 4,
eventType: x.CONTEXTMENU,
eventType: w.CONTEXTMENU,
defaultItems: !0,
items: []
}, u = "ol-ctx-menu", r = {
namespace: u,
container: `${u}-container`,
separator: `${u}-separator`,
submenu: `${u}-submenu`,
hidden: `${u}-hidden`,
icon: `${u}-icon`,
zoomIn: `${u}-zoom-in`,
zoomOut: `${u}-zoom-out`,
}, f = "ol-ctx-menu", a = {
namespace: f,
container: `${f}-container`,
separator: `${f}-separator`,
submenu: `${f}-submenu`,
hidden: `${f}-hidden`,
icon: `${f}-icon`,
zoomIn: `${f}-zoom-in`,
zoomOut: `${f}-zoom-out`,
unselectable: "ol-unselectable"
}, A = [
}, P = [
text: "Zoom In",
classname: `${r.zoomIn} ${r.icon}`,
callback: (n, t) => {
const e = t.getView();
zoom: Number(e.getZoom()) + 1,
classname: `${a.zoomIn} ${a.icon}`,
callback: (s, e) => {
const t = e.getView();
zoom: Number(t.getZoom()) + 1,
duration: 700,
center: n.coordinate
center: s.coordinate

@@ -50,9 +629,9 @@ }

text: "Zoom Out",
classname: `${r.zoomOut} ${r.icon}`,
callback: (n, t) => {
const e = t.getView();
zoom: Number(e.getZoom()) - 1,
classname: `${a.zoomOut} ${a.icon}`,
callback: (s, e) => {
const t = e.getView();
zoom: Number(t.getZoom()) - 1,
duration: 700,
center: n.coordinate
center: s.coordinate

@@ -62,76 +641,76 @@ }

var M = {}, P = {
var M = {}, ue = {
get exports() {
return M;
set exports(n) {
M = n;
set exports(s) {
M = s;
function L() {
function A() {
L.prototype = {
on: function(n, t, e) {
var s = this.e || (this.e = {});
return (s[n] || (s[n] = [])).push({
fn: t,
ctx: e
A.prototype = {
on: function(s, e, t) {
var n = this.e || (this.e = {});
return (n[s] || (n[s] = [])).push({
fn: e,
ctx: t
}), this;
once: function(n, t, e) {
var s = this;
once: function(s, e, t) {
var n = this;
function i() {, i), t.apply(e, arguments);, i), e.apply(t, arguments);
return i._ = t, this.on(n, i, e);
return i._ = e, this.on(s, i, t);
emit: function(n) {
var t = [], 1), e = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[n] || []).slice(), s = 0, i = e.length;
for (s; s < i; s++)
e[s].fn.apply(e[s].ctx, t);
emit: function(s) {
var e = [], 1), t = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[s] || []).slice(), n = 0, i = t.length;
for (n; n < i; n++)
t[n].fn.apply(t[n].ctx, e);
return this;
off: function(n, t) {
var e = this.e || (this.e = {}), s = e[n], i = [];
if (s && t)
for (var o = 0, l = s.length; o < l; o++)
s[o].fn !== t && s[o].fn._ !== t && i.push(s[o]);
return i.length ? e[n] = i : delete e[n], this;
off: function(s, e) {
var t = this.e || (this.e = {}), n = t[s], i = [];
if (n && e)
for (var r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++)
n[r].fn !== e && n[r].fn._ !== e && i.push(n[r]);
return i.length ? t[s] = i : delete t[s], this;
P.exports = L;
var H = M.TinyEmitter = L;
const g = new H();
function y(n) {
const t = document.createDocumentFragment(), e = document.createElement("div");
for (e.innerHTML = n; e.firstChild; )
return t;
ue.exports = A;
var de = M.TinyEmitter = A;
const g = new de();
function y(s) {
const e = document.createDocumentFragment(), t = document.createElement("div");
for (t.innerHTML = s; t.firstChild; )
return e;
function U(n) {
const t = document.importNode(n), e = n.offsetWidth; = `position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; overflow: auto; visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; height: unset; max-height: unset; width: ${e}px`;
const s = y("<span>Foo</span>"), i = y("<span>Foo</span>"), o = document.createElement("li"), l = document.createElement("li");
o.append(s), l.append(i), t.append(o), t.append(l), n.parentNode?.append(t);
const p = t.offsetHeight / 2;
return n.parentNode?.removeChild(t), p;
function pe(s) {
const e = document.importNode(s), t = s.offsetWidth; = `position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; overflow: auto; visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; height: unset; max-height: unset; width: ${t}px`;
const n = y("<span>Foo</span>"), i = y("<span>Foo</span>"), r = document.createElement("li"), o = document.createElement("li");
r.append(n), o.append(i), e.append(r), e.append(o), s.parentNode?.append(e);
const u = e.offsetHeight / 2;
return s.parentNode?.removeChild(e), u;
function N(n, t, e = !1, s = !1) {
function $(s, e, t = !1, n = !1) {
const i = `_${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 11)}`;
if (typeof t != "string" && "text" in t) {
const E = `<span>${t.text}</span>`, m = y(E), c = document.createElement("li");
t.classname = t.classname || "", t.icon && (t.classname === "" ? t.classname = r.icon : t.classname.includes(r.icon) === !1 && (t.classname += ` ${r.icon}`), c.setAttribute("style", `background-image:url(${t.icon})`)), = i, c.className = t.classname, c.append(m), n.append(c);
const w = {
if (typeof e != "string" && "text" in e) {
const c = `<span>${e.text}</span>`, E = y(c), h = document.createElement("li");
e.classname = e.classname || "", e.icon && (e.classname === "" ? e.classname = a.icon : e.classname.includes(a.icon) === !1 && (e.classname += ` ${a.icon}`), h.setAttribute("style", `background-image:url(${e.icon})`)), = i, h.className = e.classname, h.append(E), s.append(h);
const N = {
id: i,
isSubmenu: e,
isInsideSubmenu: s,
isSubmenu: t,
isInsideSubmenu: n,
isSeparator: !1,
callback: "callback" in t ? t.callback : null,
data: "data" in t ? : null
callback: "callback" in e ? e.callback : null,
data: "data" in e ? : null
return g.emit(d.ADD_MENU_ENTRY, w, c), c;
return g.emit(m.ADD_MENU_ENTRY, N, h), h;
const o = `<li id="${i}" class="${r.separator}"><hr></li>`, l = y(o);
const p = n.lastChild, f = {
const r = `<li id="${i}" class="${a.separator}"><hr></li>`, o = y(r);
const u = s.lastChild, d = {
id: i,

@@ -144,47 +723,47 @@ isSubmenu: !1,

return g.emit(d.ADD_MENU_ENTRY, f, p), p;
return g.emit(m.ADD_MENU_ENTRY, d, u), u;
function b(n, t, e, s) {
t.forEach((i) => {
function C(s, e, t, n) {
e.forEach((i) => {
if (typeof i != "string" && "items" in i && Array.isArray(i.items)) {
const o = N(n, i, !0);
const l = document.createElement("ul");
l.classList.add(r.container), = `${e}px`, o.append(l), b(l, i.items, e, !0);
const r = $(s, i, !0);
const o = document.createElement("ul");
o.classList.add(a.container), = `${t}px`, r.append(o), C(o, i.items, t, !0);
} else
N(n, i, !1, s);
$(s, i, !1, n);
function v(n, t) {
if (!n)
throw new Error(t);
function L(s, e) {
if (!s)
throw new Error(e);
class Y extends I {
constructor(e = {}) {
v(typeof e == "object", "@param `opts` should be object type!");
const s = document.createElement("div");
super({ element: s });
a(this, "map");
a(this, "container");
a(this, "coordinate", []);
a(this, "pixel", []);
a(this, "contextMenuEventListener");
a(this, "entryCallbackEventListener");
a(this, "mapMoveListener");
a(this, "lineHeight", 0);
a(this, "disabled");
a(this, "opened");
a(this, "items", []);
a(this, "menuEntries", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
a(this, "options");
this.options = { ...z, ...e };
class me extends re {
constructor(t = {}) {
L(typeof t == "object", "@param `opts` should be object type!");
const n = document.createElement("div");
super({ element: n });
l(this, "map");
l(this, "container");
l(this, "coordinate", []);
l(this, "pixel", []);
l(this, "contextMenuEventListener");
l(this, "entryCallbackEventListener");
l(this, "mapMoveListener");
l(this, "lineHeight", 0);
l(this, "disabled");
l(this, "opened");
l(this, "items", []);
l(this, "menuEntries", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
l(this, "options");
this.options = { ...ce, ...t };
const i = document.createElement("ul");
s.append(i), = `${this.options.width}px`, s.classList.add(
), this.container = s, this.contextMenuEventListener = (o) => {
}, this.entryCallbackEventListener = (o) => {
n.append(i), = `${this.options.width}px`, n.classList.add(
), this.container = n, this.contextMenuEventListener = (r) => {
}, this.entryCallbackEventListener = (r) => {
}, this.mapMoveListener = () => {

@@ -201,4 +780,4 @@ this.handleMapMove();

clear() {
for (const e of this.menuEntries.keys())
for (const t of this.menuEntries.keys())
this.container.replaceChildren(), this.container.append(document.createElement("ul"));

@@ -213,3 +792,3 @@ }

getDefaultItems() {
return A;
return P;

@@ -219,6 +798,6 @@ countItems() {

extend(e) {
v(Array.isArray(e), "@param `items` should be an Array."), b(
extend(t) {
L(Array.isArray(t), "@param `items` should be an Array."), C(

@@ -228,3 +807,3 @@ );

closeMenu() {
this.opened = !1, this.container.classList.add(r.hidden), this.dispatchEvent(d.CLOSE);
this.opened = !1, this.container.classList.add(a.hidden), this.dispatchEvent(m.CLOSE);

@@ -234,27 +813,27 @@ isOpen() {

updatePosition(e) {
v(Array.isArray(e), "@param `pixel` should be an Array."), this.isOpen() && (this.pixel = e, this.positionContainer());
updatePosition(t) {
L(Array.isArray(t), "@param `pixel` should be an Array."), this.isOpen() && (this.pixel = t, this.positionContainer());
pop() {
const e = Array.from(this.menuEntries.keys()).pop();
e && this.removeMenuEntry(e);
const t = Array.from(this.menuEntries.keys()).pop();
t && this.removeMenuEntry(t);
shift() {
const e = Array.from(this.menuEntries.keys()).shift();
e && this.removeMenuEntry(e);
const t = Array.from(this.menuEntries.keys()).shift();
t && this.removeMenuEntry(t);
push(e) {
e && this.extend([e]);
push(t) {
t && this.extend([t]);
setMap(e) {
if (super.setMap(e), e) { = e,, this.contextMenuEventListener, !1),"movestart", () => {
setMap(t) {
if (super.setMap(t), t) { = t,, this.contextMenuEventListener, !1),"movestart", () => {
}), g.on(
(i, o) => {
this.handleAddMenuEntry(i, o);
(i, r) => {
this.handleAddMenuEntry(i, r);
), this.items = this.options.defaultItems ? this.options.items.concat(A) : this.options.items, b(
), this.items = this.options.defaultItems ? this.options.items.concat(P) : this.options.items, C(

@@ -264,4 +843,4 @@ this.items,

const s = this.getMenuEntriesLength();
this.lineHeight = s > 0 ? this.container.offsetHeight / s : U(this.container);
const n = this.getMenuEntriesLength();
this.lineHeight = n > 0 ? this.container.offsetHeight / n : pe(this.container);
} else

@@ -271,21 +850,21 @@ this.removeListeners(), this.clear();

removeListeners() {, this.contextMenuEventListener, !1),;, this.contextMenuEventListener, !1),;
removeMenuEntry(e) {
const s = document.getElementById(e);
s?.remove(), s?.removeEventListener("click", this.entryCallbackEventListener), this.menuEntries.delete(e);
removeMenuEntry(t) {
const n = document.getElementById(t);
n?.remove(), n?.removeEventListener("click", this.entryCallbackEventListener), this.menuEntries.delete(t);
handleContextMenu(e) {
this.coordinate =, this.pixel =, this.dispatchEvent(
new C({
handleContextMenu(t) {
this.coordinate =, this.pixel =, this.dispatchEvent(
new R({
originalEvent: e
originalEvent: t
), !this.disabled && (this.options.eventType === x.CONTEXTMENU && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()), setTimeout(() => {
), !this.disabled && (this.options.eventType === w.CONTEXTMENU && (t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault()), setTimeout(() => {
(s) => {
this.opened && (s.stopPropagation(), this.closeMenu());
(n) => {
this.opened && (n.stopPropagation(), this.closeMenu());

@@ -295,8 +874,8 @@ { once: !0 }

openMenu(e) {
this.opened = !0, this.positionContainer(), this.container.classList.remove(r.hidden), this.dispatchEvent(
new C({
type: d.OPEN,
openMenu(t) {
this.opened = !0, this.positionContainer(), this.container.classList.remove(a.hidden), this.dispatchEvent(
new R({
type: m.OPEN,
originalEvent: e
originalEvent: t

@@ -307,10 +886,10 @@ );

return Array.from(this.menuEntries).filter(
([, e]) => e.isSeparator === !1 && e.isSubmenu === !1 && e.isInsideSubmenu === !1
([, t]) => t.isSeparator === !1 && t.isSubmenu === !1 && t.isInsideSubmenu === !1
positionContainer() {
const e = || [0, 0], s = {
w: e[0] - this.pixel[0],
h: e[1] - this.pixel[1]
}, i = this.getMenuEntriesLength(), o = {
const t = || [0, 0], n = {
w: t[0] - this.pixel[0],
h: t[1] - this.pixel[1]
}, i = this.getMenuEntriesLength(), r = {
w: this.container.offsetWidth,

@@ -320,19 +899,19 @@ // a cheap way to recalculate container height

h: Math.round(this.lineHeight * i)
}, l = s.w >= o.w ? this.pixel[0] + 5 : this.pixel[0] - o.w; = `${l}px`, = s.h >= o.h ? `${this.pixel[1] - 10}px` : `${this.pixel[1] - o.h}px`, = "auto", = "auto", s.w -= o.w;
const p = (m) => Array.from(m.children).filter(
(c) => c.tagName === "LI" && c.classList.contains(r.submenu)
}, o = n.w >= r.w ? this.pixel[0] + 5 : this.pixel[0] - r.w; = `${o}px`, = n.h >= r.h ? `${this.pixel[1] - 10}px` : `${this.pixel[1] - r.h}px`, = "auto", = "auto", n.w -= r.w;
const u = (E) => Array.from(E.children).filter(
(h) => h.tagName === "LI" && h.classList.contains(a.submenu)
let f = 0;
const E = (m, c) => {
f += 1, p(m).forEach((S) => {
const $ = c >= o.w ? o.w - 8 : (o.w + 8) * -1, h = S.querySelector(
), k = Math.round(
this.lineHeight * Array.from(h.children).filter((T) => T.tagName === "LI").length
let d = 0;
const c = (E, h) => {
d += 1, u(E).forEach((k) => {
const H = h >= r.w ? r.w - 8 : (r.w + 8) * -1, p = k.querySelector(
), K = Math.round(
this.lineHeight * Array.from(p.children).filter((U) => U.tagName === "LI").length
); = `${$}px`, = "auto", = s.h >= k + o.h ? "0" : `-${h.offsetHeight - 25}px`, = "auto", = String(f), p(h).length > 0 && E(h, c - o.w); = `${H}px`, = "auto", = n.h >= K + r.h ? "0" : `-${p.offsetHeight - 25}px`, = "auto", = String(d), u(p).length > 0 && c(p, h - r.w);
E(this.container.firstElementChild, s.w);
c(this.container.firstElementChild, n.w);

@@ -342,19 +921,19 @@ handleMapMove() {

handleEntryCallback(e) {
e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation();
const s = e.currentTarget, i = this.menuEntries.get(;
handleEntryCallback(t) {
t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation();
const n = t.currentTarget, i = this.menuEntries.get(;
if (!i)
const o = {
const r = {
coordinate: this.coordinate,
this.closeMenu(), i.callback?.(o,;
this.closeMenu(), i.callback?.(r,;
handleAddMenuEntry(e, s) {
this.menuEntries.set(, e), this.positionContainer(), "callback" in e && typeof e.callback == "function" && s.addEventListener("click", this.entryCallbackEventListener, !1);
handleAddMenuEntry(t, n) {
this.menuEntries.set(, t), this.positionContainer(), "callback" in t && typeof t.callback == "function" && n.addEventListener("click", this.entryCallbackEventListener, !1);
export {
Y as default
me as default
import type { Coordinate } from 'ol/coordinate';
import { Map as OlMap, MapBrowserEvent } from 'ol';
import OlMap from 'ol/Map';
import MapBrowserEvent from 'ol/MapBrowserEvent';
export declare enum EventTypes {

@@ -4,0 +5,0 @@ CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu",

"name": "ol-contextmenu",
"version": "5.1.5",
"version": "5.2.0",
"description": "Custom Context Menu for Openlayers",
"type": "module",
"main": "./dist/ol-contextmenu.umd.cjs",
"browser": "./dist/ol-contextmenu.iife.js",
"jsdelivr": "./dist/ol-contextmenu.iife.js",
"module": "./dist/ol-contextmenu.js",

@@ -50,3 +50,3 @@ "exports": {

"devDependencies": {
"@swc/core": "^1.3.39",
"@swc/core": "^1.3.40",
"@swc/jest": "^0.2.24",

@@ -53,0 +53,0 @@ "@types/jest": "^29.4.0",

@@ -57,3 +57,3 @@ # OpenLayers Custom Context Menu

var contextmenu = new ContextMenu({
const contextmenu = new ContextMenu({
width: 170,

@@ -85,3 +85,3 @@ defaultItems: true, // defaultItems are (for now) Zoom In/Zoom Out

var all_items = [
const all_items = [

@@ -113,6 +113,6 @@ text: 'Some Actions',

var removeMarker = function (obj) {
const removeMarker = function (obj) {
var removeMarkerItem = {
const removeMarkerItem = {
text: 'Remove this Marker',

@@ -123,5 +123,5 @@ icon: 'img/marker.png',

var restore = false;
let restore = false;
contextmenu.on('open', function (evt) {
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (ft, l) {
const feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (ft, l) {
return ft;

@@ -175,6 +175,6 @@ });

var contextmenu = new ContextMenu();
const contextmenu = new ContextMenu();
var add_later = [
const add_later = [
'-', // this is a separator

@@ -224,3 +224,3 @@ {

contextmenu.on('beforeopen', function (evt) {
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (ft, l) {
const feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (ft, l) {
return ft;

@@ -242,3 +242,3 @@ });

contextmenu.on('open', function (evt) {
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (ft, l) {
const feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (ft, l) {
return ft;

@@ -245,0 +245,0 @@ });

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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