Onborda-RRD - React Router DOM onboarding flow
Onborda is a lightweight onboarding flow that utilises framer-motion for animations and tailwindcss for styling. Fully customisable pointers (tooltips) that can easily be used with shadcn/ui for modern web applications.
Note: The demo currently shows the Next.js version of Onborda. React Router DOM implementation demo coming soon.
Getting started
npm i onborda-rrd
pnpm add onborda-rrd
yarn add onborda-rrd
Setup in your App
Onborda must be placed inside React Router context for navigation features to work:
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Onborda, OnbordaProvider } from 'onborda-rrd';
const App = () => {
return (
<Onborda steps={steps}>
<Routes />
Important: Onborda requires React Router DOM for navigation features. Make sure to wrap it inside Router context.
Target anything in your app using the elements id
<div id="onborda-step1">Onboard Step</div>
Tailwind config
Tailwind CSS will need to scan the node module in order to include the classes used. See configuring source paths for more information about this topic.
Note _You only require this if you're not using a custom component.
const config: Config = {
content: [
Custom Card
If you require greater control over the card design or simply wish to create a totally custom component then you can do so easily.
Prop | Type | Description |
step | Object | The current Step object from your steps array, including content, title, etc. |
currentStep | number | The index of the current step in the steps array. |
totalSteps | number | The total number of steps in the onboarding process. |
nextStep | | A function to advance to the next step in the onboarding process. |
prevStep | | A function to go back to the previous step in the onboarding process. |
arrow | | Returns an SVG object, the orientation is controlled by the steps side prop |
"use client"
import type { CardComponentProps } from "onborda-rrd";
export const CustomCard = ({
}: CardComponentProps) => {
return (
<h1>{step.icon} {step.title}</h1>
<h2>{currentStep} of {totalSteps}</h2>
<button onClick={prevStep}>Previous</button>
<button onClick={nextStep}>Next</button>
Steps object
Onborda-RRD supports multiple "tours" so you can create multiple product tours for different features or user journeys! The format is shown in the example below:
tour: "firsttour",
steps: [
tour: "secondtour",
steps: [
Step object
Prop | Type | Description |
icon | React.ReactNode , string , null | An icon or element to display alongside the step title. |
title | string | The title of your step |
content | React.ReactNode | The main content or body of the step. |
selector | string | A string used to target an id that this step refers to. |
side | "top" , "bottom" , "left" , "right" , "top-left" , "top-right" , "bottom-left" , "bottom-right" , "left-top" , "left-bottom" , "right-top" , "right-bottom" | Optional. Determines where the tooltip should appear relative to the selector. |
showControls | boolean | Optional. Determines whether control buttons (next, prev) should be shown if using the default card. |
pointerPadding | number | Optional. The padding around the pointer (keyhole) highlighting the target element. |
pointerRadius | number | Optional. The border-radius of the pointer (keyhole) highlighting the target element. |
nextRoute | string | Optional. The route to navigate to using React Router when moving to the next step. |
prevRoute | string | Optional. The route to navigate to using React Router when moving to the previous step. |
timeout | number | Optional. Delay (in ms) before starting the animation, useful for elements that need time to render (e.g., drawers) |
Example steps
tour: "firsttour",
steps: [
icon: <>👋</>,
title: "Tour 1, Step 1",
content: <>First tour, first step</>,
selector: "#tour1-step1",
side: "top",
showControls: true,
pointerPadding: 10,
pointerRadius: 10,
nextRoute: "/foo",
prevRoute: "/bar",
timeout: 300,
tour: "secondtour",
steps: [
icon: <>👋👋</>,
title: "Second tour, Step 1",
content: <>Second tour, first step!</>,
selector: "#onborda-step1",
side: "top",
showControls: true,
pointerPadding: 10,
pointerRadius: 10,
nextRoute: "/foo",
prevRoute: "/bar"
Onborda Props
Property | Type | Description |
children | React.ReactNode | Your website or application content. |
steps | Tour[] | An array of Tour objects, each containing an array of steps defining the onboarding process. |
showOnborda | boolean | Optional. Controls the visibility of the onboarding overlay, eg. if the user is a first time visitor. Defaults to false . |
shadowRgb | string | Optional. The RGB values for the shadow color surrounding the target area. Defaults to black "0,0,0" . |
shadowOpacity | string | Optional. The opacity value for the shadow surrounding the target area. Defaults to "0.2" |
customCard | React.ReactNode | Optional. A custom card (or tooltip) that can be used to replace the default TailwindCSS card. |
cardTransition | Transition | Transitions between steps are of the type Transition from framer-motion, see the transition docs for more info. Example: {{ type: "spring" }} . |
cardTransition={{ duration: 2, type: "tween" }}
🚀 Roadmap
Documentation & Examples
Features & Improvements
Mobile Experience
Want to contribute?
We welcome contributions! Feel free to submit a PR or open an issue on GitHub to discuss new features or improvements.