OpenHIM mediator utils
This package contains a few useful functions to make it easier to develop OpenHIM
mediators. When creating a node.js mediator you can make use of it by installing
it through NPM as follows:
npm install --save openhim-mediator-utils
You can then use the package as follows:
import utils from 'openhim-mediator-utils';
For commonjs projects use versions before version 1.0.0. These versions are still supported.
npm install --save openhim-mediator-utils@0
const utils = require('openhim-mediator-utils)
API details
Mediator Registration
.registerMediator(options, mediatorConfig, callback)
Register this mediator with OpenHIM core using the supplied mediatorConfig. This
function takes an options object, the mediator config to register
this mediator with and a callback as parameters.
The options object has the following format:
- the URL of the OpenHIM core API eg. "https://localhost:8080"options.username
- the username of the user to be authenticate withoptions.password
- the password for the user
is an object that follows the mediatorConfig structure:
The callback is called with an error object if an error occurs otherwise it is
called with nothing.
OpenHIM API Authentication
.authenticate(options, callback)
Fetches authentication detail from the OpenHIM core to use for future
communication, options must contain:
- the URL of the OpenHIM core API eg. "https://localhost:8080"options.username
- the username of the user to be authenticatedoptions.trustSelfSigned
- [optional] boolean which defaults to false - if set to true, ignore self signed certificate errors (for non-production use)
callback will be called with an Error object if an error occurs, otherwise
the body received from the OpenHIM-core server is returned. This is an object
like the following {salt: <userSalt>, ts: <timestampOfServer>}
Generates authentication headers to make an authenticated API requests. This can
only be used after the .authenticate()
function has been called for this
user. The username and password of the user must be passed to this function
as strings in the options object (eg. {username: '<username>', password: '<password>'}
The authentication headers are returned as a headers object. eg.
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Basic <token>'
Mediator Heartbeats and Configuration
.activateHeartbeat(options, interval)
Begins sending heartbeats to the OpenHIM-core server (also returns any config
changes). This function takes an options object with the following properties:
- the URL of the OpenHIM core API eg. "https://localhost:8080"options.username
- the username of the user to be authenticatedoptions.password
- the password for the useroptions.urn
- the URN of the mediator to send heartbeats foroptions.trustSelfSigned
- [optional] boolean which defaults to false - if set to true, ignore self signed certificate errors (for non-production use)
It also takes an interval parameter which is the interval to send heartbeats
in ms. This parameter default to 10s.
This function returns an event emitter which emits a 'config' event with a
config object each time the mediator config is changed on the OpenHIM. If an
error occurs an 'error' event is emitted with an error object.
Deactivates the sending of heartbeats.
.fetchConfig(options, callback)
Forces the latest config to be returned from the OpenHIM-core. This is useful
when you need to fetch initial config at mediator startup (if you are just interested in the latest config updates use rather .activateHeartbeat(...)
above). This function takes
an options object with the following properties:
- the URL of the OpenHIM core API eg. "https://localhost:8080"options.username
- the username of the user to be authenticatedoptions.password
- the password for the useroptions.trustSelfSigned
- [optional] boolean which default to false - if set to true, ignore self signed certificate errors (for non-production use)
callback will be called with an Error object if an error occurs, otherwise
the config received from the OpenHIM-core server is returned.