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opentok-token - npm Package Compare versions

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var crypto = require('crypto');
var querystring = require('querystring');
var timestamp = require('unix-timestamp');
var nonce = require('nonce')();
var _ = require('lodash');
* @constant {string}
* @private

@@ -10,15 +14,19 @@ var TOKEN_SENTINEL = 'T1==';

* @typedef TokenData
* @type {object}
* @property {string} session_id An OpenTok Session ID
* @property {number} create_time Creation time of token as unix timestamp (now)
* @property {number} expire_time Expiration time of token as unix timestamp
* @property {number} nonce Arbitrary number used only once in a cryptographic communication
* @property {string} role "publisher" or "subscriber" "moderator"
* @property {string} connection_data Arbitrary data to be made available in clients on the OpenTok Connection
* @typedef {Object} TokenData
* @property {string} [session_id] An OpenTok Session ID
* @property {number} [create_time] Creation time of token as unix timestamp (Default: now)
* @property {number} [expire_time] Expiration time of token as unix timestamp (Default: one day
* from now)
* @property {number} [nonce] Arbitrary number used only once in a cryptographic communication
* (Default: unique random number)
* @property {string} [role='publisher'] "publisher" or "subscriber" "moderator"
* @property {string} [connection_data] Arbitrary data to be made available in clients on the OpenTok Connection
* Encodes data for use as a token that can be used as the X-TB-TOKEN-AUTH header value in OpenTok REST APIs
* @exports opentok-token
* @param {TokenData} tokenData

@@ -31,2 +39,13 @@ * @param {string} apiKey An OpenTok API Key

var encodeToken = function(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret) {
// Prevent mutating value passed in
tokenData = _.clone(tokenData);
_.defaults(tokenData, {
create_time: Math.round(,
expire_time: Math.round('1d')),
nonce: nonce(),
role: 'publisher'
var dataString = querystring.stringify(tokenData),

@@ -38,2 +57,13 @@ sig = signString(dataString, apiSecret),

* Creates an HMAC-SHA1 signature of unsigned data using the key
* @private
* @param {string} unsigned Data to be signed
* @param {string} key Key to sign data with
* @returns {string} signature
var signString = function(unsigned, key) {

@@ -47,1 +77,2 @@ var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', key);

module.exports = encodeToken;
"name": "opentok-token",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "Generates tokens for `X-TB-TOKEN-AUTH` header when using OpenTok REST API.",

@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ "repository": {

"scripts": {
"test": "tap ./test"
"test": "tap ./test",
"docs": "rm -rf docs/; doxx --source . --ignore node_modules,helpers.js,test --title \"OpenTok Token Encoder\""

@@ -28,4 +29,10 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"doxx": "^1.2.5",
"tap": "^0.6.0"
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "^3.2.0",
"nonce": "^1.0.3",
"unix-timestamp": "^0.1.2"

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ # OpenTok Token Encoder

var tokenEncoder = require('opentok-token');
var encodeToken = require('opentok-token');

@@ -37,4 +37,18 @@ var tokenData = {

var token = tokenEncoder(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret);
var token = encodeToken(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret);
**NOTE:** The API key, secret, and session ID above are not real.
### Default values
If you do not specify certain properties of the `tokenData` parameter, defaults will be applied for
| Property | Type | Default |
| `create_time` | unix timestamp in seconds (integer) | now |
| `expire_time` | unix timestamp in seconds (integer) | now + 1 day |
| `role` | string | 'publisher' |
| `nonce` | number | unique random number |
var test = require('tap').test;
var tokenEncoder = require('../index.js');
var encodeToken = require('..');
var helpers = require('../helpers');
// fixtures
// the API Key and Secret are fake
var apiKey = '123456';
var apiSecret = '1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890';
test('exports a single function', function(t) {
t.type(tokenEncoder, 'function');
t.type(encodeToken, 'function');
test('encodes a token', function(t) {
test('encodes a known token', function(t) {
// fixtures
// the API Key and Secret are fake
var apiKey = '123456';
var apiSecret = '1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890';
var tokenData = {

@@ -23,6 +26,5 @@ // this is a fake session ID made specifically to work with the fake API Key and Secret

var expectedToken = 'T1==cGFydG5lcl9pZD0xMjM0NTYmc2lnPWRmOTRhNjQ1NTlhY2MwNjFkN2EzNzUyYTZmYzY5NDkzZTkzOGMxOTE6c2Vzc2lvbl9pZD0xX01YNHhNak0wTlRaLWZsTmhkQ0JOWVhJZ01UVWdNVFE2TkRJNk1qTWdVRVJVSURJd01UUi1NQzQwT1RBeE16QXlOWDQmY3JlYXRlX3RpbWU9MTQyNDIyMTAxMyZub25jZT0wLjM5NDI2MDk4ODEwNTA4ODUmcm9sZT1tb2RlcmF0b3ImZXhwaXJlX3RpbWU9MTQyNDMwNzQxMyZjb25uZWN0aW9uX2RhdGE9JTdCJTIybmFtZSUyMiUzQSUyMnZhbHVlJTIyJTdE';
var actualToken = tokenEncoder(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret);
var actualToken = encodeToken(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret);

@@ -32,1 +34,66 @@ t.equal(actualToken, expectedToken);

test('provides defaults', function(t) {
// Fixtures
var tokenData = {
// this is a fake session ID made specifically to work with the fake API Key and Secret
session_id: 'SESSIONID'
var token = encodeToken(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret);
decoded = helpers.decodeToken(token);
t.ok('create_time' in decoded, 'create_time has default');
t.ok('expire_time' in decoded, 'expire_time has default');
t.ok('role' in decoded, 'role has default');
t.ok('nonce' in decoded, 'nonce has default');
t.test('create_time default is now', function(t) {
var createTime = parseInt(decoded.create_time, 10);
var now = Math.round( / 1000);
t.ok(createTime >= (now - 1));
t.ok(createTime <= (now + 1));
t.test('expire_time default is in one day', function(t) {
var expireTime = parseInt(decoded.expire_time, 10);
var inOneDay = Math.round( / 1000) + (60*60*24);
t.ok(expireTime >= (inOneDay - 1));
t.ok(expireTime <= (inOneDay + 1));
t.test('times are whole numbers', function(t) {
t.ok(decoded.create_time.indexOf('.') === -1);
t.ok(decoded.expire_time.indexOf('.') === -1);
t.equal(decoded.role, 'publisher', 'role default is \'publisher\'');
t.test('nonce default is a unique number', function(t) {
var nonce2 = helpers.decodeToken(encodeToken(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret)).nonce;
t.ok(decoded.nonce !== nonce2);
test('contains a verified signature', function(t) {
var tokenData = {
session_id: 'SESSIONID',
role: 'moderator'
var token = encodeToken(tokenData, apiKey, apiSecret);
t.ok(helpers.verifyTokenSignature(token, apiSecret));
test('does not verify bad values', function(t) {
var noSessionTokenData = {};
var token = encodeToken(noSessionTokenData, apiKey, apiSecret);
t.type(token, 'string');
t.ok(helpers.verifyTokenSignature(token, apiSecret));