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Comparing version 1.11.0 to 1.11.1


@@ -1,5 +0,29 @@

# Change Log
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
### [1.11.1]( (2019-05-22)
### Build System
* don't fail coverage from untrusted forks ([194e18d](
* remove travis-ci now that circleci is good ([9756bf5](
* rename the workflow to test_node_versions in circleci ([c7cc277](
* set circleci to ignore gh-pages branch ([23e1384](
* set up coveralls (again); remove Makefile ([d099b45](
* switch to standardx for linting ([4967736](
* try circleci for continuous integration ([1a77f3a](
* try workflows for multiple version builds ([5e9e6c8](
* use codacy for coverage instead of coveralls ([e359ab9](
### Tests
* generate browser/headless test suite ([2d24b35](
* improve circuit.shutdown() test ([6841abc](
* switch to serve instead of http-server for browser tests ([50ccab7](
# [1.11.0]( (2019-03-14)

@@ -6,0 +30,0 @@



@@ -12,40 +12,40 @@ 'use strict';

* @module opossum
* Creates a {@link CircuitBreaker} instance capable of executing `action`.
* @param action {function} The action to fire for this {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @param options {Object} Options for the {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @param options.timeout {number} The time in milliseconds that action should
* @param {Function} action The action to fire for this {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @param {Object} options Options for the {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @param {Number} options.timeout The time in milliseconds that action should
* be allowed to execute before timing out. Default 10000 (10 seconds)
* @param options.maxFailures The number of times the circuit can fail before
* opening. Default 10.
* @param options.resetTimeout The time in milliseconds to wait before setting
* the breaker to `halfOpen` state, and trying the action again.
* @param options.rollingCountTimeout Sets the duration of the statistical rolling
* window, in milliseconds. This is how long Opossum keeps metrics for the circuit
* breaker to use and for publishing. Default: 10000
* @param options.rollingCountBuckets Sets the number of buckets the rolling
* statistical window is divided into. So, if options.rollingCountTimeout is
* 10000, and options.rollingCountBuckets is 10, then the statistical window will
* be 1000 1 second snapshots in the statistical window. Default: 10
* @param the circuit name to use when reporting stats
* @param options.rollingPercentilesEnabled This property indicates whether
* execution latencies should be tracked and calculated as percentiles. If they
* are disabled, all summary statistics (mean, percentiles) are returned as -1.
* Default: false
* @param options.capacity the number of concurrent requests allowed. If the number
* currently executing function calls is equal to options.capacity, further calls
* to `fire()` are rejected until at least one of the current requests completes.
* @param options.errorThresholdPercentage the error percentage at which to open the
* circuit and start short-circuiting requests to fallback.
* @param options.enabled whether this circuit is enabled upon construction. Default: true
* @param options.allowWarmUp {boolean} determines whether to allow failures
* @param {Number} options.maxFailures The number of times the circuit can fail
* before opening. Default 10.
* @param {Number} options.resetTimeout The time in milliseconds to wait before
* setting the breaker to `halfOpen` state, and trying the action again.
* @param {Number} options.rollingCountTimeout Sets the duration of the
* statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long Opossum keeps
* metrics for the circuit breaker to use and for publishing. Default: 10000
* @param {Number} options.rollingCountBuckets Sets the number of buckets the
* rolling statistical window is divided into. So, if
* options.rollingCountTimeout is 10000, and options.rollingCountBuckets is 10,
* then the statistical window will be 1000 1 second snapshots in the
* statistical window. Default: 10
* @param {String} the circuit name to use when reporting stats
* @param {boolean} options.rollingPercentilesEnabled This property indicates
* whether execution latencies should be tracked and calculated as percentiles.
* If they are disabled, all summary statistics (mean, percentiles) are
* returned as -1. Default: false
* @param {Number} options.capacity the number of concurrent requests allowed.
* If the number currently executing function calls is equal to
* options.capacity, further calls to `fire()` are rejected until at least one
* of the current requests completes.
* @param {Number} options.errorThresholdPercentage the error percentage at
* which to open the circuit and start short-circuiting requests to fallback.
* @param {boolean} options.enabled whether this circuit is enabled upon
* construction. Default: true
* @param {boolean} options.allowWarmUp determines whether to allow failures
* without opening the circuit during a brief warmup period (this is the
* `rollingCountDuration` property). Default: false
* allow before enabling the circuit. This can help in situations where no matter
* what your `errorThresholdPercentage` is, if the first execution times out or
* fails, the circuit immediately opens. Default: 0
* @param options.volumeThreshold {Number} the minimum number of requests within
* allow before enabling the circuit. This can help in situations where no
* matter what your `errorThresholdPercentage` is, if the first execution
* times out or fails, the circuit immediately opens. Default: 0
* @param {Number} options.volumeThreshold the minimum number of requests within
* the rolling statistical window that must exist before the circuit breaker

@@ -55,3 +55,3 @@ * can open. This is similar to `options.allowWarmUp` in that no matter how many

* does not exceed this threshold, the circuit will remain closed. Default: 0
* @param options.errorFilter {Function} an optional function that will be
* @param {Function} options.errorFilter an optional function that will be
* called when the circuit's function fails (returns a rejected Promise). If

@@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ * this function returns truthy, the circuit's failure statistics will not be

* @return a {@link CircuitBreaker} instance
* @return {CircuitBreaker} a newly created {@link CircuitBreaker} instance
function circuitBreaker (action, options) {
function factory (action, options) {
return new CircuitBreaker(action, Object.assign({}, defaults, options));

@@ -74,6 +74,5 @@ }

* callback is executed.
* @function promisify
* @function factory.promisify
* @param action {function} A Node.js-like asynchronous function
* @return The `action` wrapped in a promise API.
* @param {Function} action A Node.js-like asynchronous function
* @example

@@ -84,8 +83,17 @@ * const fs = require('fs');

circuitBreaker.promisify = require('./lib/promisify');
factory.promisify = require('./lib/promisify');
let warningIssued = false;
Object.defineProperty(factory, 'stats', {
get: _ => {
if (!warningIssued) {
warningIssued = true;
console.warn(`WARNING: Hystrics stats are deprecated
return require('./lib/hystrix-stats').stream;
circuitBreaker.stats = require('./lib/hystrix-stats').stream;
module.exports = exports = circuitBreaker;
module.exports = exports = factory;
// Allow use of default import syntax in TypeScript
module.exports.default = circuitBreaker;
module.exports.default = factory;

@@ -26,2 +26,5 @@ 'use strict';

let warningIssued = false;

@@ -32,42 +35,37 @@ * Constructs a {@link CircuitBreaker}.

* @extends EventEmitter
* @param action {Function} The action to fire for this {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @param options {Object} Options for the {@link CircuitBreaker}.
* There are **no default options** when you use the constructor directly. You
* must supply values for each of these.
* @param options.timeout {Number} The time in milliseconds that action should
* be allowed to execute before timing out. Timeout can be disabled by setting
* this to `false`.
* @param options.maxFailures {Number} The number of times the circuit can fail
* before opening.
* (deprecated - see {CircuitBreaker#options.errorThresholdPercentage})
* @param options.resetTimeout {Number} The time in milliseconds to wait before
* @param {Function} action The action to fire for this {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @param {Object} options Options for the {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @param {Number} options.timeout The time in milliseconds that action should
* be allowed to execute before timing out. Default 10000 (10 seconds)
* @param {Number} options.maxFailures The number of times the circuit can fail
* before opening. Default 10.
* @param {Number} options.resetTimeout The time in milliseconds to wait before
* setting the breaker to `halfOpen` state, and trying the action again.
* @param options.rollingCountTimeout {Number} Sets the duration of the
* @param {Number} options.rollingCountTimeout Sets the duration of the
* statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long Opossum keeps
* metrics for the circuit breaker to use and for publishing. Default: 10000
* @param options.rollingCountBuckets {Number} sets the number of buckets the
* rolling statistical window is divided into. So, if
* options.rollingCountTimeout is 10000, and options.rollingCountBuckets is 10,
* then the statistical window will be 1000 1 second snapshots in the
* statistical window. Default: 10
* @param {String} the circuit name to use when reporting stats
* @param options.rollingPercentilesEnabled {Boolean} This property indicates
* whether execution latencies should be tracked and calculated as percentiles.
* If they are disabled, all summary statistics (mean, percentiles) are
* returned as -1.
* @param options.capacity {Number} the number of concurrent requests allowed.
* If the number currently executing function calls is equal to
* options.capacity, further calls to `fire()` are rejected until at least one
* of the current requests completes.
* @param options.errorThresholdPercentage {Number} the error percentage at
* @param {Number} options.rollingCountBuckets Sets the number of buckets the
* statistical window is divided into. So, if options.rollingCountTimeout is
* 10000, and options.rollingCountBuckets is 10, the statistical window will
* be 1000 1 second snapshots in the statistical window. Default: 10
* @param {String} the circuit name to use when reporting stats
* @param {boolean} options.rollingPercentilesEnabled indicates whether
* execution latencies should be tracked and calculated as percentiles. If they
* are disabled, all summary statistics (mean, percentiles) are returned as -1.
* Default: false
* @param {Number} options.capacity the number of concurrent requests allowed.
* If the number currently executing functions is equal to options.capacity,
* further calls to `fire()` are rejected until at least one of the current
* requests completes.
* @param {Number} options.errorThresholdPercentage the error percentage at
* which to open the circuit and start short-circuiting requests to fallback.
* @param options.enabled {boolean} whether this circuit is enabled upon
* @param {boolean} options.enabled whether this circuit is enabled upon
* construction. Default: true
* @param options.allowWarmUp {boolean} determines whether to allow failures
* @param {boolean} options.allowWarmUp determines whether to allow failures
* without opening the circuit during a brief warmup period (this is the
* `rollingCountDuration` property). Default: false
* allow before enabling the circuit. This can help in situations where no matter
* what your `errorThresholdPercentage` is, if the first execution times out or
* fails, the circuit immediately opens. Default: 0
* @param options.volumeThreshold {Number} the minimum number of requests within
* allow before enabling the circuit. This can help in situations where no
* matter what your `errorThresholdPercentage` is, if the first execution times
* out or fails, the circuit immediately opens. Default: 0
* @param {Number} options.volumeThreshold the minimum number of requests within
* the rolling statistical window that must exist before the circuit breaker

@@ -77,3 +75,3 @@ * can open. This is similar to `options.allowWarmUp` in that no matter how many

* does not exceed this threshold, the circuit will remain closed. Default: 0
* @param options.errorFilter {Function} an optional function that will be
* @param {Function} options.errorFilter an optional function that will be
* called when the circuit's function fails (returns a rejected Promise). If

@@ -83,2 +81,16 @@ * this function returns truthy, the circuit's failure statistics will not be

* trip the circuit, but still want to handle it as a failure case.
* @fires CircuitBreaker#halfOpen
* @fires CircuitBreaker#close
* @fires CircuitBreaker#open
* @fires CircuitBreaker#fire
* @fires CircuitBreaker#cacheHit
* @fires CircuitBreaker#cacheMiss
* @fires CircuitBreaker#reject
* @fires CircuitBreaker#timeout
* @fires CircuitBreaker#success
* @fires CircuitBreaker#semaphore-locked
* @fires CircuitBreaker#health-check-failed
* @fires CircuitBreaker#fallback
* @fires CircuitBreaker#failure

@@ -93,3 +105,4 @@ class CircuitBreaker extends EventEmitter {

options.rollingPercentilesEnabled !== false;
this.options.capacity = Number.isInteger(options.capacity) ? options.capacity : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
this.options.capacity = Number.isInteger(options.capacity)
? options.capacity : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
this.options.errorFilter = options.errorFilter || (_ => false);

@@ -99,3 +112,4 @@

this[VOLUME_THRESHOLD] = Number.isInteger(options.volumeThreshold) ? options.volumeThreshold : 0;
this[VOLUME_THRESHOLD] = Number.isInteger(options.volumeThreshold)
? options.volumeThreshold : 0;
this[WARMING_UP] = options.allowWarmUp === true;

@@ -143,4 +157,7 @@ this[STATUS] = new Status(this.options);

* successful, the circuit will be closed. Otherwise it remains open.
* @event CircuitBreaker#halfOpen
* @type {Number} how long the circuit remained open
function _startTimer (circuit) {

@@ -172,2 +189,3 @@ return _ => {

* @fires CircuitBreaker#close
* @returns {void}

@@ -191,2 +209,3 @@ close () {

* @fires CircuitBreaker#open
* @returns {void}

@@ -209,2 +228,3 @@ open () {

* circuit will fail, returning a rejected promise.
* @returns {void}

@@ -221,2 +241,3 @@ shutdown () {

* Determines if the circuit has been shutdown.
* @type {Boolean}

@@ -229,2 +250,3 @@ get isShutdown () {

* Gets the name of this circuit
* @type {String}

@@ -235,2 +257,6 @@ get name () {

* Gets the name of this circuit group
* @type {String}
get group () {

@@ -240,2 +266,6 @@ return this[GROUP];

* Gets whether this cicruit is in the `pendingClosed` state
* @type {Boolean}
get pendingClose () {

@@ -247,2 +277,3 @@ return this[PENDING_CLOSE];

* True if the circuit is currently closed. False otherwise.
* @type {Boolean}

@@ -255,2 +286,3 @@ get closed () {

* True if the circuit is currently opened. False otherwise.
* @type {Boolean}

@@ -263,2 +295,3 @@ get opened () {

* True if the circuit is currently half opened. False otherwise.
* @type {Boolean}

@@ -271,2 +304,3 @@ get halfOpen () {

* The current {@link Status} of this {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @type {Status}

@@ -278,4 +312,5 @@ get status () {

* A convenience function that returns the current stats for the circuit.
* Get the current stats for the circuit.
* @see Status#stats
* @type {Object}

@@ -285,10 +320,20 @@ get stats () {

* A convenience function that returns the hystrixStats.
* Get the hystrixStats.
* @type {HystrixStats}
get hystrixStats () {
if (!warningIssued) {
warningIssued = true;
console.warn(`WARNING: Hystrics stats are deprecated
return this[HYSTRIX_STATS];
* Gets whether the circuit is enabled or not
* @type {Boolean}
get enabled () {

@@ -298,2 +343,6 @@ return this[ENABLED];

* Gets whether the circuit is currently in warm up phase
* @type {Boolean}
get warmUp () {

@@ -303,2 +352,6 @@ return this[WARMING_UP];

* Gets the volume threshold for this circuit
* @type {Boolean}
get volumeThreshold () {

@@ -313,5 +366,5 @@ return this[VOLUME_THRESHOLD];

* a rejected Promise.
* @param func {Function | CircuitBreaker} the fallback function to execute
* @param {Function | CircuitBreaker} func the fallback function to execute
* when the breaker has opened or when a timeout or error occurs.
* @return {@link CircuitBreaker} this
* @return {CircuitBreaker} this

@@ -335,4 +388,4 @@ fallback (func) {

* @return a Promise which resolves on success and is rejected
* on failure of the action.
* @return {Promise<any>} promise resolves with the circuit function's return
* value on success or is rejected on failure of the action.

@@ -358,2 +411,3 @@ * @fires CircuitBreaker#failure

* @event CircuitBreaker#fire
* @type {any} the arguments passed to the fired fuction

@@ -379,5 +433,2 @@ this.emit('fire', args);

if (!this[ENABLED]) {

@@ -394,2 +445,3 @@ const result = this.action.apply(this.action, args);

* @event CircuitBreaker#reject
* @type {Error}

@@ -422,2 +474,3 @@ const error = new Error('Breaker is open');

* @event CircuitBreaker#timeout
* @type {Error}

@@ -444,2 +497,3 @@ const latency = - latencyStartTime;

* @event CircuitBreaker#success
* @type {any} the return value from the circuit

@@ -475,2 +529,3 @@ this.emit('success', result, ( - latencyStartTime));

* @event CircuitBreaker#semaphore-locked
* @type {Error}

@@ -485,2 +540,3 @@ this.emit('semaphore-locked', err, latency);

* Clears the cache of this {@link CircuitBreaker}
* @returns {void}

@@ -502,10 +558,10 @@ clearCache () {

* @param func {Function} a health check function which returns a promise.
* @param [interval] {Number} the amount of time between calls to the health
* @param {Function} func a health check function which returns a promise.
* @param {Number} [interval] the amount of time between calls to the health
* check function. Default: 5000 (5 seconds)
* @returns {Promise}
* @returns {void}
* @fires CircuitBreaker#health-check-failed
* @throws TypeError if `interval` is supplied but not a number
* @throws {TypeError} if `interval` is supplied but not a number

@@ -527,2 +583,3 @@ healthCheck (func, interval) {

* @event CircuitBreaker#health-check-failed
* @type {Error}

@@ -546,2 +603,3 @@ this.emit('health-check-failed', e);

* a noop.
* @returns {void}

@@ -555,2 +613,3 @@ enable () {

* to be executed without circuit or fallback protection.
* @returns {void}

@@ -573,6 +632,8 @@ disable () {

const result =
circuit[FALLBACK_FUNCTION].apply(circuit[FALLBACK_FUNCTION], [...args, err]);
.apply(circuit[FALLBACK_FUNCTION], [...args, err]);
* Emitted when the circuit breaker executes a fallback function
* @event CircuitBreaker#fallback
* @type {any} the return value of the fallback function

@@ -591,2 +652,3 @@ circuit.emit('fallback', result, err);

* @event CircuitBreaker#failure
* @type {Error}

@@ -593,0 +655,0 @@ circuit.emit('failure', err, latency);

@@ -17,15 +17,12 @@ 'use strict';

* @class
* <p>
* Stream Hystrix Metrics for a given {@link CircuitBreaker}.
* A HystrixStats instance is created for every {@link CircuitBreaker}
* and does not typically need to be created by a user.
* </p>
* <p>
* A HystrixStats instance will listen for all events on the
* {@link CircuitBreaker.status.snapshot}
* {@link Status#snapshot}
* and format the data to the proper Hystrix format.
* Making it easy to construct an Event Stream for a client
* </p>
* @class HystrixStats
* @example

@@ -35,2 +32,3 @@ * const circuit = circuitBreaker(fs.readFile, {});

* circuit.hystrixStats.getHystrixStream().pipe(response);
* @param {CircuitBreaker} the circuit breaker
* @see CircuitBreaker#hystrixStats

@@ -64,2 +62,3 @@ */

A convenience function that returns the hystrixStream
@returns {ReadableStream} the statistics stream

@@ -74,2 +73,3 @@ getHystrixStream () {

* its HystrixStats instance to avoid memory leaks.
* @returns {void}

@@ -76,0 +76,0 @@ shutdown () {

@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ 'use strict';

* @class
* <p>
* Tracks execution status for a given {@link CircuitBreaker}.
* A Status instance is created for every {@link CircuitBreaker}
* and does not typically need to be created by a user.
* </p>
* <p>
* A Status instance will listen for all events on the {@link CircuitBreaker}

@@ -24,4 +21,3 @@ * and track them in a rolling statistical window. The window duration is

* each representing the counts for a {@link CircuitBreaker}'s events.
* </p>
* <p>
* The array's length is determined by the {@link CircuitBreaker}'s

@@ -31,4 +27,10 @@ * `rollingCountBuckets` option. The duration of each slice of the window

* `rollingCountBuckets`.
* </p>
* @class Status
* @extends EventEmitter
* @param {Object} options for the status window
* @param {Number} options.rollingCountBuckets number of buckets in the window
* @param {Number} options.rollingCountTimeout the duration of the window
* @param {Boolean} options.rollingPercentilesEnabled whether to calculate
* percentiles
* @example

@@ -45,17 +47,6 @@ * // Creates a 1 second window consisting of ten time slices,

* circuit.status.window;
* @fires Status#snapshot
* @see CircuitBreaker#status
class Status extends EventEmitter {
* Emitted at each time-slice. Listeners for this
* event will receive a cumulative snapshot of the current status window.
* @see Status#stats
* @event Status#snapshot
* Constructs a status object for a given circuit breaker
* @param {} options
constructor (options) {

@@ -83,3 +74,8 @@ super();

// take snapshots each time the buckets shift
* Emitted at each time-slice. Listeners for this
* event will receive a cumulative snapshot of the current status window.
* @event Status#snapshot
* @type {Object}
interval = setInterval(_ => this.emit('snapshot', this.stats),

@@ -92,2 +88,3 @@ bucketInterval);

* Get the cumulative stats for the current window
* @type {Object}

@@ -141,2 +138,3 @@ get stats () {

* Gets the stats window as an array of time-sliced objects.
* @type {Array}

@@ -143,0 +141,0 @@ get window () {

"name": "opossum",
"version": "1.11.0",
"version": "1.11.1",
"author": "Red Hat, Inc.",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"support": {
"target": "LTS",
"response": "REGULAR-7",
"backing": "COMPANY"
"scripts": {

@@ -10,14 +15,15 @@ "prebuild": "npm run lint",

"build:browser": "webpack --config=config/webpack.config.js",
"build:docs": "jsdoc --verbose -d docs -t ./node_modules/ink-docstrap/template -R index.js lib",
"pretest": "npm run lint && npm run build:browser",
"test": "npm run test:coverage",
"test:ci": "npm run build && npm run test:headless && npm run test:coverage",
"build:docs": "npm run build:docs:html && npm run build:docs:markdown",
"build:docs:html": "documentation build index.js -f html -o docs --config documentation.yml",
"build:docs:markdown": "documentation build index.js -f md -o docs/",
"pretest": "npm run lint",
"test": "nyc tape test/*.js | tap-spec",
"test:headless": "node test/browser/webpack-test.js",
"test:browser": "opener http://localhost:9007/test/browser/index.html && http-server . -p 9007",
"test:coverage": "nyc tape test/*.js | tap-spec",
"prepare": "npm audit && npm run build:browser",
"postpublish": "./",
"prerelease": "npm test",
"test:browser": "opener http://localhost:9007/test/browser/index.html && serve . -p 9007",
"coverage": "nyc report && if [ $CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN'' != '' ] ; then nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | codacy-coverage; fi",
"ci": "npm run build && npm run test && npm run test:headless && npm run coverage",
"prerelease": "npm run ci",
"release": "standard-version -s",
"lint": "semistandard examples/*/*.js test/*.js index.js lib/*.js"
"lint": "standardx test/*.js index.js lib/*.js test/*/*.js",
"clean": "rm -rf node_modules dist/*.js test/browser/webpack-test.js"

@@ -34,3 +40,4 @@ "repository": {


@@ -40,17 +47,16 @@ "bugs": {

"homepage": "",
"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"http-server": "~0.11.0",
"ink-docstrap": "~1.3.0",
"jsdoc": "3.5.5",
"marked": "~0.6.0",
"moment": "~2.24.0",
"nyc": "~13.3.0",
"codacy-coverage": "^3.4.0",
"coveralls": "^3.0.3",
"documentation": "^11.0.0",
"nyc": "~14.0.0",
"opener": "1.5.1",
"semistandard": "~13.0.1",
"standard-version": "5.0.1",
"serve": "^11.0.0",
"standard-version": "6.0.1",
"standardx": "^3.0.1",
"tap-spec": "~5.0.0",
"tape": "~4.10.1",
"webpack": "~4.29.0",
"webpack-cli": "~3.2.1"
"webpack": "~4.32.0",
"webpack-cli": "~3.3.0"

@@ -57,0 +63,0 @@ "description": "A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks",

@@ -1,5 +0,6 @@

# opossum
# opossum [![CircleCI](](
[![Codacy Badge](](;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=nodeshift/opossum&amp;utm_campaign=Badge_Grade)
[![Codacy Badge](](
[![Greenkeeper badge](](
[![Build Status](](
[![Known Vulnerabilities](](

@@ -23,3 +24,3 @@ [![dependencies Status](](

| Build: | make |
| Documentation: | |
| Documentation: | |
| Typngs: |

@@ -91,4 +92,4 @@ | Issue tracker: | |

Here is an example using [hapi.js]( See the
folder for more detail.
repository for more detail.

@@ -156,13 +157,13 @@ Include `opossum.js` in your HTML file.

* `fire` - emitted when the breaker is fired.
* `reject` - emitted when the breaker is open (or halfOpen).
* `timeout` - emitted when the breaker action times out.
* `success` - emitted when the breaker action completes successfully
* `failure` - emitted when the breaker action fails, called with the error
* `open` - emitted when the breaker state changes to `open`
* `close` - emitted when the breaker state changes to `closed`
* `halfOpen` - emitted when the breaker state changes to `halfOpen`
* `fallback` - emitted when the breaker has a fallback function and executes it
* `semaphore-locked` - emitted when the breaker is at capacity and cannot execute the request
* `health-check-failed` - emitted when a user-supplied health check function returns a rejected promise
* `fire` - emitted when the breaker is fired.
* `reject` - emitted when the breaker is open (or halfOpen).
* `timeout` - emitted when the breaker action times out.
* `success` - emitted when the breaker action completes successfully
* `failure` - emitted when the breaker action fails, called with the error
* `open` - emitted when the breaker state changes to `open`
* `close` - emitted when the breaker state changes to `closed`
* `halfOpen` - emitted when the breaker state changes to `halfOpen`
* `fallback` - emitted when the breaker has a fallback function and executes it
* `semaphore-locked` - emitted when the breaker is at capacity and cannot execute the request
* `health-check-failed` - emitted when a user-supplied health check function returns a rejected promise

@@ -271,2 +272,1 @@ Handling events gives a greater level of control over your application behavior.

Or it could be that you have a large test suite which exercises some code that creates `CircuitBreaker`s and does so repeatedly. If the `CircuitBreaker` being created is only needed for the duration of the test, use `circuit.shutdown()` when the circuit is no longer in use to clean up all listeners.

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