Pact Mock Service for NPM
This is a standalone executable packaged from the Ruby pact-mock-service-gem gem.
See the Pact Mock Service homepage for documentation about running the mock service.
$ npm install pact-mock-service-linux-x86
$ node_modules/pact-mock-service-linux-x86/bin/pact-mock-service --port 1234
Known issues
The packaged mock server always prints out the following message on startup. Have not yet traced the source.
No entry for terminal type "xterm-256color";
using dumb terminal settings.
On npm install, the following warnings will be displayed. They do not appear to affect the behaviour of the mock service.
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libcrypto.dylib -> libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libedit.dylib -> libedit.0.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libffi.dylib -> libffi.6.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libgmp.dylib -> libgmp.10.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/liblzma.dylib -> liblzma.5.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libncurses.dylib -> libncurses.5.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libreadline.dylib -> libedit.0.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libssl.dylib -> libssl.1.0.0.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libtermcap.dylib -> libncurses.5.dylib
npm WARN excluding symbolic link lib/ruby/lib/libyaml.dylib -> libyaml-0.2.dylib