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pactum - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.3 to 2.0.4



"name": "pactum",
"version": "2.0.3",
"version": "2.0.4",
"description": "REST API endpoint testing tool with a mock server & compatible with for contract testing",
"main": "./src/index.js",
"types": "./src/index.d.ts",
"files": [

@@ -7,0 +8,0 @@ "/src"

const { PactumHandlerError } = require('../helpers/errors');
* @callback RequestResponseHandler
* @param {object} req - request object
* @param {object} res - response object
* @typedef {object} Context
* @property {any} [data] - custom data object passed to handler
* @property {object} [spec] - spec will be available when used by `pactum.setState`
* @callback StateHandler
* @param {Context} ctx - context object
const expectHandlers = {};

@@ -27,11 +10,2 @@ const retryHandlers = {};

* adds a custom expect handler
* @param {string} name - name of the custom expect handler
* @param {RequestResponseHandler} func - handler function
* @example
* pactum.handler.addExpectHandler('isUser', (req, res) => {
* assert.strictEqual(res.json.type, 'user');
* });
addExpectHandler(name, func) {

@@ -47,9 +21,2 @@ isValidHandler(name, func, 'expect');

* adds a custom retry handler
* @param {string} name - retry handler name
* @param {RequestResponseHandler} func - retry handler function
* @example
* pactum.handler.addRetryHandler('RetryTill200', (req, res) => res.statusCode !== 200);
addRetryHandler(name, func) {

@@ -65,9 +32,2 @@ isValidHandler(name, func, 'retry');

* adds a custom return handler
* @param {string} name - return handler name
* @param {RequestResponseHandler} func - return handler function
* @example
* pactum.handler.addReturnHandler('ReturnOrderId', (req, res) => { return });
addReturnHandler(name, func) {

@@ -82,11 +42,2 @@ isValidHandler(name, func, 'return');

* adds a custom state handler
* @param {string} name - state handler name
* @param {StateHandler} func - state handler function
* @example
* pactum.handler.addStateHandler('there are no users', async (ctx) => { await db.clearUsers(); });
* pactum.handler.addStateHandler('there is an order', async (ctx) => { await db.addOrder(; });
* pactum.handler.addStateHandler('there is a user', (ctx) => { ctx.spec.addInteraction({}); });
addStateHandler(name, func) {

@@ -93,0 +44,0 @@ isValidHandler(name, func, 'state');

@@ -9,112 +9,2 @@ const Interaction = require('../models/interaction');

* request method
* @typedef {('GET'|'POST'|'PUT'|'DELETE'|'PATCH'|'HEAD')} RequestMethod
* basic mock interaction
* @typedef {object} BasicInteraction
* @property {string} [get] - get request path
* @property {string} [post] - post request path
* @property {string} [put] - put request path
* @property {string} [patch] - patch request path
* @property {string} [delete] - delete request path
* @property {number} [status=200] - status code to return
* @property {any} [return=''] - body to return
* interaction details
* @typedef {object} Interaction
* @property {string} [id] - unique id of the interaction
* @property {string} [consumer] - name of the consumer
* @property {string} [provider] - name of the provider
* @property {string} [state] - state of the provider
* @property {string} [uponReceiving] - description of the request
* @property {object} withRequest - interaction request details
* @property {RequestMethod} withRequest.method - request method
* @property {string} withRequest.path - request path
* @property {object} [withRequest.headers] - request headers
* @property {object} [withRequest.query] - request query
* @property {object} [withRequest.graphQL] - graphQL request
* @property {string} withRequest.graphQL.query - graphQL query
* @property {object} [withRequest.graphQL.variables] - graphQL variables
* @property {object} [withRequest.body] - request body
* @property {boolean} [withRequest.ignoreQuery] - ignores request query while matching
* @property {boolean} [withRequest.ignoreBody] - ignores request body while matching
* @property {object} willRespondWith - interaction response details
* @property {string} willRespondWith.status - response status code
* @property {string} [willRespondWith.headers] - response headers
* @property {object} [willRespondWith.body] - response body
* pact interaction details
* @typedef {object} PactInteraction
* @property {string} [id] - unique id of the interaction
* @property {string} provider - name of the provider
* @property {string} state - state of the provider
* @property {string} uponReceiving - description of the request
* @property {PactInteractionRequest} withRequest - interaction request details
* @property {PactInteractionResponse} willRespondWith - interaction response details
* mock interaction details
* @typedef {object} MockInteraction
* @property {string} [id] - unique id of the interaction
* @property {string} [provider] - name of the provider
* @property {MockInteractionRequest} withRequest - interaction request details
* @property {MockInteractionResponse} willRespondWith - interaction response details
* pact interaction request details
* @typedef {object} PactInteractionRequest
* @property {RequestMethod} method - request method
* @property {string} path - request method
* @property {object} [headers] - request headers
* @property {object} [query] - request query
* @property {GraphQLRequest} [graphQL] - graphQL request
* @property {object} [body] - request body
* @typedef {Object} MockInteractionRequestType
* @property {boolean} ignoreQuery - ignores request query while matching
* @property {boolean} ignoreBody - ignores request body while matching
* mock interaction request details
* @typedef {PactInteractionRequest & MockInteractionRequestType} MockInteractionRequest
* graphQL request details
* @typedef {object} GraphQLRequest
* @property {string} query - graphQL query
* @property {string} [variables] - graphQL variables
* pact interaction response details
* @typedef {object} PactInteractionResponse
* @property {number} status - response status code
* @property {object} [headers] - response headers
* @property {object} [body] - response body
* @typedef {Object} MockInteractionResponseType
* @property {number} [fixedDelay] - response fixed delay in ms
* @property {object} [randomDelay] - response random delay
* @property {number} randomDelay.min - min delay in ms
* @property {number} randomDelay.max - max delay in ms
* @property {Object.<number, MockInteractionResponse>} onCall - behavior on consecutive calls
* mock interaction response details
* @typedef {PactInteractionResponse & MockInteractionResponseType} MockInteractionResponse
const mock = {

@@ -124,6 +14,2 @@

* starts server on specified port or defaults to 9393
* @param {number} port - port number of mock server
start(port) {

@@ -136,5 +22,2 @@ if (port) {

* stops server on specified port or defaults to 9393
stop() {

@@ -144,7 +27,2 @@ return this._server.stop();

* @deprecated
* set default port number to run mock server
* @param {number} port - port number of mock server
setDefaultPort(port) {

@@ -158,6 +36,2 @@ log.debug('Setting default port number for mock server', port);

* adds a basic mock interaction
* @param {BasicInteraction} basicInteraction
addInteraction(basicInteraction) {

@@ -174,6 +48,2 @@ const rawInteraction = {

* adds basic mock interactions
* @param {BasicInteraction[]} basicInteractions
addInteractions(basicInteractions) {

@@ -195,6 +65,2 @@ const rawInteractions = [];

* adds a mock interaction
* @param {MockInteraction} interaction
addMockInteraction(interaction) {

@@ -207,6 +73,2 @@ const interactionObj = new Interaction(interaction, true);

* adds mock interactions
* @param {MockInteraction[]} interactions
addMockInteractions(interactions) {

@@ -227,6 +89,2 @@ if (!Array.isArray(interactions)) {

* adds a pact interaction
* @param {PactInteraction} interaction
addPactInteraction(interaction) {

@@ -239,6 +97,2 @@ const interactionObj = new Interaction(interaction);

* adds pact interactions
* @param {PactInteraction[]} interactions
addPactInteractions(interactions) {

@@ -258,6 +112,2 @@ if (!Array.isArray(interactions)) {

* removes specified default interaction from server
* @param {string} interactionId - id of the interaction
removeInteraction(interactionId) {

@@ -270,5 +120,2 @@ if (typeof interactionId !== 'string' || !interactionId) {

* clear all interactions
clearInteractions() {

@@ -278,6 +125,2 @@ this._server.clearAllInteractions();

* returns true if interaction is exercised
* @param {string} id - id of the interaction
isInteractionExercised(id) {

@@ -287,6 +130,2 @@ return this._server.getInteractionDetails(id).exercised;

* returns interaction call count
* @param {string} id - id of the interaction
getInteractionCallCount(id) {

@@ -293,0 +132,0 @@ return this._server.getInteractionDetails(id).callCount;

@@ -5,21 +5,4 @@ const config = require('../config');

* @typedef {object} PublishOptions
* @property {string[]} pactFilesOrDirs - array of pact files or directories (PACT_DIR)
* @property {string} pactBroker - pact broker url (PACT_BROKER_URL)
* @property {string} consumerVersion - version of the consumer
* @property {string} pactBrokerUsername - pact broker user name (PACT_BROKER_USERNAME)
* @property {string} pactBrokerPassword - pact broker password (PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD)
* @property {string[]} tags - tags
const pact = {
* @alias PACT_DIR
* sets directory for saving pact files
* @param {string} dir - directory for saving pact files
* @default './pacts/'
setPactFilesDirectory(dir) {

@@ -32,8 +15,2 @@ if (typeof dir !== 'string') {

* sets the name of the consumer
* @param {string} name - name of the consumer
setConsumerName(name) {

@@ -46,5 +23,2 @@ if (typeof name !== 'string' || !name) {

* saves all the contracts(pact files) in the specified directory
save() {

@@ -54,6 +28,2 @@;

* publish pact files to pact broker
* @param {PublishOptions} options - publish options
publish(options) {

@@ -60,0 +30,0 @@ return store.publish(options);

@@ -9,18 +9,2 @@ const phin = require('phin');

* provider options
* @typedef {object} ProviderOptions
* @property {string} providerBaseUrl - running API provider host endpoint.
* @property {string} provider - name of the provider.
* @property {string} [providerVersion] - provider version, required to publish verification results to a broker
* @property {any} [stateHandlers] - provider state handlers. A map of 'string -> () => Promise', where each string is the state to setup, and the function is used to configure the state in the Provider.
* @property {any} [customProviderHeaders] - Header(s) to add to any requests to the provider service. eg { 'Authorization': 'Basic cGFjdDpwYWN0'}.
* @property {string[]} [pactFilesOrDirs] - array of local pact files or directories
* @property {string} [pactBrokerUrl] - URL of the Pact Broker to retrieve pacts from. Required if not using pactFilesOrDirs.
* @property {string} [pactBrokerUsername] - username for Pact Broker basic authentication.
* @property {string} [pactBrokerPassword] - password for Pact Broker basic authentication.
* @property {string} [pactBrokerToken] - bearer token for Pact Broker authentication.
* @property {boolean} [publishVerificationResult] - publish verification result to Broker
class Provider {

@@ -322,6 +306,2 @@

* validate provider
* @param {ProviderOptions} options - provider options
validate(options) {

@@ -328,0 +308,0 @@ const providerObj = new Provider(options);

@@ -11,7 +11,2 @@ const form = require('form-data');

* adds a default header to all the requests
* @param {string} key - header key
* @param {string} value - header value
setDefaultHeader(key, value) {

@@ -24,6 +19,2 @@ if (!key) {

* adds default headers to all the requests
* @param {object} headers - header key-value pairs
setDefaultHeaders(headers) {

@@ -36,7 +27,2 @@ if (!helper.isValidObject(headers)) {

* sets a default timeout to all the requests
* Default is 3000ms
* @param {number} timeout - timeout in milliseconds
setDefaultTimeout(timeout) {

@@ -49,6 +35,2 @@ if (typeof timeout !== 'number') {

* sets base url
* @param {string} url - base url
setBaseUrl(url) {

@@ -61,6 +43,2 @@ if (typeof url !== 'string') {

* removes the default header
* @param {string} key - header key
removeDefaultHeader(key) {

@@ -73,5 +51,2 @@ if (!key) {

* removes all default headers
removeDefaultHeaders() {

@@ -78,0 +53,0 @@ config.request.headers = {};

@@ -5,6 +5,2 @@ const logger = require('../helpers/logger');

* sets log level
* @param {('TRACE'|'DEBUG'|'INFO'|'WARN'|'ERROR')} level - log level
setLogLevel(level) {

@@ -11,0 +7,0 @@ logger.setLevel(level);

@@ -5,10 +5,2 @@ const State = require('../models/State');

* runs the specified state handler
* @param {string} name - name of the state handler
* @param {any} [data] - data to be passed to the context
* @example
* await state.set('there is a user in system');
* await state.set('there is a user in system with', { id: 1, name: 'stark' });
set(name, data) {

@@ -15,0 +7,0 @@ const s = new State();

@@ -13,88 +13,2 @@ const Spec = require('./models/Spec');

* request method
* @typedef {('GET'|'POST'|'PUT'|'DELETE'|'PATCH'|'HEAD')} RequestMethod
* basic mock interaction
* @typedef {object} BasicInteraction
* @property {string} [get] - get request path
* @property {string} [post] - post request path
* @property {string} [put] - put request path
* @property {string} [patch] - patch request path
* @property {string} [delete] - delete request path
* @property {number} [status=200] - status code to return
* @property {any} [return=''] - body to return
* pact interaction details
* @typedef {object} PactInteraction
* @property {string} [id] - unique id of the interaction
* @property {string} provider - name of the provider
* @property {string} state - state of the provider
* @property {string} uponReceiving - description of the request
* @property {PactInteractionRequest} withRequest - interaction request details
* @property {PactInteractionResponse} willRespondWith - interaction response details
* mock interaction details
* @typedef {object} MockInteraction
* @property {string} [id] - unique id of the interaction
* @property {string} [provider] - name of the provider
* @property {MockInteractionRequest} withRequest - interaction request details
* @property {MockInteractionResponse} willRespondWith - interaction response details
* pact interaction request details
* @typedef {object} PactInteractionRequest
* @property {RequestMethod} method - request method
* @property {string} path - request path
* @property {object} [headers] - request headers
* @property {object} [query] - request query
* @property {GraphQLRequest} [graphQL] - graphQL request
* @property {object} [body] - request body
* @typedef {Object} MockInteractionRequestType
* @property {boolean} ignoreQuery - ignores request query while matching
* @property {boolean} ignoreBody - ignores request body while matching
* mock interaction request details
* @typedef {PactInteractionRequest & MockInteractionRequestType} MockInteractionRequest
* graphQL request details
* @typedef {object} GraphQLRequest
* @property {string} query - graphQL query
* @property {string} [variables] - graphQL variables
* pact interaction response details
* @typedef {object} PactInteractionResponse
* @property {number} status - response status code
* @property {object} [headers] - response headers
* @property {object} [body] - response body
* @typedef {Object} MockInteractionResponseType
* @property {number} [fixedDelay] - response fixed delay in ms
* @property {object} [randomDelay] - response random delay
* @property {number} randomDelay.min - min delay in ms
* @property {number} randomDelay.max - max delay in ms
* @property {Object.<number, MockInteractionResponse>} onCall - behavior on consecutive calls
* mock interaction response details
* @typedef {PactInteractionResponse & MockInteractionResponseType} MockInteractionResponse
const pactum = {

@@ -112,12 +26,2 @@

* runs the specified state handler
* @param {string} name - name of the state handler
* @param {any} [data] - data to be passed to the context
* @example
* await pactum
* .setState('there are users in the system')
* .get('/api/users')
* .expectStatus(200);
setState(name, data) {

@@ -127,49 +31,6 @@ return new Spec().setState(name, data);

* adds a mock interaction to the server
* @param {BasicInteraction} interaction
* @see addMockInteraction for more options
* @example
* await pactum
* .addInteraction({
* get: '/api/address/4'
* return: {
* city: 'WinterFell'
* }
* })
* .get('/api/users/4')
* .expectStatus(200);
addInteraction(interaction) {
return new Spec().addInteraction(interaction);
* adds a mock interaction to the server
* @param {MockInteraction} interaction - interaction details
* @example
* await pactum
* .addMockInteraction({
* withRequest: {
* method: 'GET',
* path: '/api/projects/1'
* },
* willRespondWith: {
* status: 200,
* headers: {
* 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
* },
* body: {
* id: 1,
* name: 'fake'
* }
* }
* })
* .get('')
* .expectStatus(200)
* .expectJsonLike({
* userId: 1,
* id: 1
* });
addMockInteraction(interaction) {

@@ -179,33 +40,2 @@ return new Spec().addMockInteraction(interaction);

* adds a pact interaction to the server
* @param {PactInteraction} interaction - interaction details
* @example
* await pactum
* .addPactInteraction({
* provider: 'project-provider',
* state: 'when there is a project with id 1',
* uponReceiving: 'a request for project 1',
* withRequest: {
* method: 'GET',
* path: '/api/projects/1'
* },
* willRespondWith: {
* status: 200,
* headers: {
* 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
* },
* body: {
* id: 1,
* name: 'fake'
* }
* }
* })
* .get('')
* .expectStatus(200)
* .expectJsonLike({
* userId: 1,
* id: 1
* });
addPactInteraction(interaction) {

@@ -215,15 +45,2 @@ return new Spec().addPactInteraction(interaction);

* The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .withQueryParam('postId', 1)
* .expectStatus(200)
* .expectJsonLike({
* userId: 1,
* id: 1
* });
get(url) {

@@ -233,6 +50,2 @@ return new Spec().get(url);

* The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
head(url) {

@@ -242,13 +55,2 @@ return new Spec().head(url);

* The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .patch('')
* .withJson({
* title: 'foo'
* })
* .expectStatus(200);
patch(url) {

@@ -258,15 +60,2 @@ return new Spec().patch(url);

* The POST method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withJson({
* title: 'foo',
* body: 'bar',
* userId: 1
* })
* .expectStatus(201);
post(url) {

@@ -276,16 +65,2 @@ return new Spec().post(url);

* The PUT method replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .put('')
* .withJson({
* id: 1,
* title: 'foo',
* body: 'bar',
* userId: 1
* })
* .expectStatus(200);
put(url) {

@@ -309,2 +84,2 @@ return new Spec().put(url);

module.exports = pactum;
module.exports = pactum;

@@ -11,87 +11,2 @@ const FormData = require('form-data');

* request method
* @typedef {('GET'|'POST'|'PUT'|'DELETE'|'PATCH'|'HEAD')} RequestMethod
* basic mock interaction
* @typedef {object} BasicInteraction
* @property {string} [get] - get request path
* @property {string} [post] - post request path
* @property {string} [put] - put request path
* @property {string} [patch] - patch request path
* @property {string} [delete] - delete request path
* @property {number} [status=200] - status code to return
* @property {any} [return=''] - body to return
* pact interaction details
* @typedef {object} PactInteraction
* @property {string} [id] - unique id of the interaction
* @property {string} provider - name of the provider
* @property {string} state - state of the provider
* @property {string} uponReceiving - description of the request
* @property {PactInteractionRequest} withRequest - interaction request details
* @property {PactInteractionResponse} willRespondWith - interaction response details
* mock interaction details
* @typedef {object} MockInteraction
* @property {string} [id] - unique id of the interaction
* @property {string} [provider] - name of the provider
* @property {MockInteractionRequest} withRequest - interaction request details
* @property {MockInteractionResponse} willRespondWith - interaction response details
* pact interaction request details
* @typedef {object} PactInteractionRequest
* @property {RequestMethod} method - request method
* @property {string} path - request method
* @property {object} [headers] - request headers
* @property {object} [query] - request query
* @property {GraphQLRequest} [graphQL] - graphQL request
* @property {object} [body] - request body
* @typedef {Object} MockInteractionRequestType
* @property {boolean} ignoreQuery - ignores request query while matching
* @property {boolean} ignoreBody - ignores request body while matching
* mock interaction request details
* @typedef {PactInteractionRequest & MockInteractionRequestType} MockInteractionRequest
* graphQL request details
* @typedef {object} GraphQLRequest
* @property {string} query - graphQL query
* @property {string} [variables] - graphQL variables
* pact interaction response details
* @typedef {object} PactInteractionResponse
* @property {number} status - response status code
* @property {object} [headers] - response headers
* @property {object} [body] - response body
* @typedef {Object} MockInteractionResponseType
* @property {number} [fixedDelay] - response fixed delay in ms
* @property {object} [randomDelay] - response random delay
* @property {number} randomDelay.min - min delay in ms
* @property {number} randomDelay.max - max delay in ms
* @property {Object.<number, MockInteractionResponse>} onCall - behavior on consecutive calls
* mock interaction response details
* @typedef {PactInteractionResponse & MockInteractionResponseType} MockInteractionResponse
class Spec {

@@ -112,12 +27,2 @@

* runs the specified state handler
* @param {string} name - name of the state handler
* @param {any} [data] - data to be passed to the context
* @example
* await pactum
* .setState('there are users in the system')
* .get('/api/users')
* .expectStatus(200);
setState(name, data) {

@@ -128,17 +33,2 @@ this._state.add(name, data);

* adds a basic mock interaction to the server
* @param {BasicInteraction} basicInteraction
* @see addMockInteraction for more options
* @example
* await pactum
* .addInteraction({
* get: '/api/address/4'
* return: {
* city: 'WinterFell'
* }
* })
* .get('/api/users/4')
* .expectStatus(200);
addInteraction(basicInteraction) {

@@ -155,30 +45,2 @@ const rawInteraction = {

* adds a mock interaction to the server
* @param {MockInteraction} rawInteraction - interaction details
* @example
* await pactum
* .addMockInteraction({
* withRequest: {
* method: 'GET',
* path: '/api/projects/1'
* },
* willRespondWith: {
* status: 200,
* headers: {
* 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
* },
* body: {
* id: 1,
* name: 'fake'
* }
* }
* })
* .get('')
* .expectStatus(200)
* .expectJsonLike({
* userId: 1,
* id: 1
* });
addMockInteraction(rawInteraction) {

@@ -191,33 +53,2 @@ const interaction = new Interaction(rawInteraction, true);

* adds a pact interaction to the server
* @param {PactInteraction} rawInteraction - interaction details
* @example
* await pactum
* .addPactInteraction({
* provider: 'project-provider',
* state: 'when there is a project with id 1',
* uponReceiving: 'a request for project 1',
* withRequest: {
* method: 'GET',
* path: '/api/projects/1'
* },
* willRespondWith: {
* status: 200,
* headers: {
* 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
* },
* body: {
* id: 1,
* name: 'fake'
* }
* }
* })
* .get('')
* .expectStatus(200)
* .expectJsonLike({
* userId: 1,
* id: 1
* });
addPactInteraction(rawInteraction) {

@@ -230,15 +61,2 @@ const interaction = new Interaction(rawInteraction, false);

* The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .withQueryParam('postId', 1)
* .expectStatus(200)
* .expectJsonLike({
* userId: 1,
* id: 1
* });
get(url) {

@@ -251,6 +69,2 @@ validateRequestUrl(this._request, url);

* The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
head(url) {

@@ -263,13 +77,2 @@ validateRequestUrl(this._request, url);

* The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .patch('')
* .withJson({
* title: 'foo'
* })
* .expectStatus(200);
patch(url) {

@@ -282,15 +85,2 @@ validateRequestUrl(this._request, url);

* The POST method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withJson({
* title: 'foo',
* body: 'bar',
* userId: 1
* })
* .expectStatus(201);
post(url) {

@@ -303,16 +93,2 @@ validateRequestUrl(this._request, url);

* The PUT method replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.
* @param {string} url - HTTP url
* @example
* await pactum
* .put('')
* .withJson({
* id: 1,
* title: 'foo',
* body: 'bar',
* userId: 1
* })
* .expectStatus(200);
put(url) {

@@ -340,14 +116,2 @@ validateRequestUrl(this._request, url);

* appends query param to the request url - /comments?postId=1
* @param {string} key - query parameter key
* @param {string} value - query parameter value
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .withQueryParam('postId', '1')
* .withQueryParam('userId', '2')
* .expectStatus(200);
* @summary generated url will look like - /comments?postId=1&userId=2
withQueryParam(key, value) {

@@ -367,12 +131,2 @@ if (!helper.isValidString(key)) {

* adds query params to the request url - /comments?postId=1
* @param {object} params - query params
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .withQueryParams({ 'postId': '1' })
* .expectStatus(200);
* @summary generated url will look like - /comments?postId=1&userId=2
withQueryParams(params) {

@@ -389,11 +143,2 @@ if (!helper.isValidObject(params) || Object.keys(params).length === 0) {

* appends graphQL query to the request body
* @param {string} query - graphQL query
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withGraphQLQuery(`{ hello }`)
* .expectStatus(200);
withGraphQLQuery(query) {

@@ -410,18 +155,2 @@ if (typeof query !== 'string') {

* appends graphQL variables to the request body
* @param {object} variables - JSON object of graphQL variables
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withGraphQLQuery(`
* hero(episode: $episode) {
* name
* }`
* )
* .withGraphQLVariables({
* "episode": "JEDI"
* })
* .expectStatus(200);
withGraphQLVariables(variables) {

@@ -438,15 +167,2 @@ if (!helper.isValidObject(variables)) {

* attaches json object to the request body
* @param {object} json - json object
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withJson({
* title: 'foo',
* body: 'bar',
* userId: 1
* })
* .expectStatus(201);
withJson(json) {

@@ -460,13 +176,2 @@ if (typeof json !== 'object') {

* appends header to the request
* @param {string} key - header key
* @param {string} value - header value
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withHeader('Authorization', 'Basic xxx')
* .withHeader('Accept', 'json')
* .expectStatus(200)
withHeader(key, value) {

@@ -480,18 +185,2 @@ if (!this._request.headers) {

* attaches headers to the request
* @param {object} headers - request headers with key-value pairs
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withHeaders({
* 'content-type': 'application/json'
* })
* .withJson({
* title: 'foo',
* body: 'bar',
* userId: 1
* })
* .expectStatus(201);
withHeaders(headers) {

@@ -508,13 +197,2 @@ if (!helper.isValidObject(headers)) {

* attaches body to the request
* @param {string|Buffer} body - request body
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withBody(JSON.stringify({
* title: 'foo',
* }))
* .expectStatus(201);
withBody(body) {

@@ -528,13 +206,2 @@ if (typeof !== 'undefined') {

* attaches form data to the request with header - "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
* @param {object} form - form object
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withFormData({
* 'user': 'drake'
* })
* .expectStatus(200);
withForm(form) {

@@ -551,23 +218,2 @@ if (!helper.isValidObject(form)) {

* attaches multi part form data to the request with header - "multipart/form-data"
* @param {string|FormData} key - key to append
* @param {string|Buffer|Array|ArrayBuffer} value - value to append
* @param {FormData.AppendOptions} [options] - form data append options
* @see
* @example
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withMultiPartFormData('file', fs.readFileSync(path), { contentType: 'application/xml', filename: 'jUnit.xml' })
* .withMultiPartFormData('user', 'drake')
* .expectStatus(200);
* @example
* const form = new pactum.request.FormData();
* form.append('my_file', fs.readFileSync(path), { contentType: 'application/xml', filename: 'jUnit.xml' });
* await pactum
* .post('')
* .withMultiPartFormData(form)
* .expectStatus(200);
withMultiPartFormData(key, value, options) {

@@ -585,16 +231,2 @@ if (key instanceof FormData) {

* retry request on specific conditions
* @param {object} options - retry options
* @param {number} [options.count=3] - maximum number of retries
* @param {number} [options.delay=1000] - delay between each request in milliseconds
* @param {function|string} options.strategy - retry strategy function (return true to retry)
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('/some/url)
* .retry({
* strategy: (req, res) => res.statusCode !== 200
* })
* .expectStatus(200);
retry(options) {

@@ -639,17 +271,2 @@ if (!options) {

* runs specified custom expect handler
* @param {string|function} handler - name of the custom expect handler or function itself
* @param {any} data - additional data
* @example
* pactum.handler.addExpectHandler('hasAddress', (req, res, data) => {
* const json = res.json;
* assert.strictEqual(json.type, data);
* });
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .expect('isUser')
* .expect('hasAddress', 'home')
* .expect((req, res, data) => { -- assertion code -- });
expect(handler, data) {

@@ -660,10 +277,2 @@ this._expect.customExpectHandlers.push({ handler, data });

* expects a status code on the response
* @param {number} statusCode - expected HTTP stats code
* @example
* await pactum
* .delete('')
* .expectStatus(200);
expectStatus(statusCode) {

@@ -674,12 +283,2 @@ this._expect.statusCode = statusCode;

* expects a header in the response
* @param {string} header - expected header key
* @param {string} value - expected header value
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .expectHeader('content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
* .expectHeader('connection', /\w+/);
expectHeader(header, value) {

@@ -693,11 +292,2 @@ this._expect.headers.push({

* expects a header in the response
* @param {string} header - expected header value
* @param {string} value - expected header value
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .expectHeaderContains('content-type', 'application/json');
expectHeaderContains(header, value) {

@@ -721,13 +311,2 @@ this._expect.headerContains.push({

* expects a exact json object in the response
* @param {object} json - expected json object
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .expectJson({
* userId: 1,
* user: 'frank'
* });
expectJson(json) {

@@ -738,14 +317,2 @@ this._expect.json.push(json);

* expects a partial json object in the response
* @param {object} json - expected json object
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .expectJsonLike([{
* postId: 1,
* id: 1,
* name: /\w+/g
* }]);
expectJsonLike(json) {

@@ -756,18 +323,2 @@ this._expect.jsonLike.push(json);

* expects the response to match with json schema
* @param {object} schema - expected JSON schema
* @see
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('')
* .expectJsonSchema({
* "properties": {
* "userId": {
* "type": "number"
* }
* },
* "required": ["userId", "id"]
* });
expectJsonSchema(schema) {

@@ -778,13 +329,2 @@ this._expect.jsonSchema.push(schema);

* expects the json at path equals to the value
* @param {string} path - json path
* @param {any} value - value to be asserted
* @see
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('some-url')
* .expectJsonQuery('[0].name', 'Matt')
* .expectJsonQuery('[*].name', ['Matt', 'Pet', 'Don']);
expectJsonQuery(path, value) {

@@ -795,12 +335,2 @@ this._expect.jsonQuery.push({ path, value });

* expects the json at path to be like the value
* @param {string} path - json path
* @param {any} value - value to be asserted
* @see
* @example
* await pactum
* .get('some-url')
* .expectJsonQueryLike('[*].name', ['Matt', 'Pet', 'Don']);
expectJsonQueryLike(path, value) {

@@ -811,6 +341,2 @@ this._expect.jsonQueryLike.push({ path, value });

* expects request completes within a specified duration (ms)
* @param {number} value - response time in milliseconds
expectResponseTime(value) {

@@ -821,19 +347,2 @@ this._expect.responseTime = value;

* returns custom response
* @param {string|function} handler - return handler (json-query/handler function)
* @example
* const id = await pactum
* .get('some-url')
* .expectStatus(200)
* .returns('') // json query
* // 'id' will be equal to '123' if response is { user: { id: 123 }}
* const resp = await pactum
* .get('some-url')
* .expectStatus(200)
* .returns([0].name)
* .returns((req, res) => { return res.json[0].id }) // custom function
* // 'resp' will be an array containing ['name', 'id']
returns(handler) {

@@ -844,5 +353,2 @@ this._returns.push(handler);

* executes the test case
async toss() {

@@ -849,0 +355,0 @@ const tosser = new Tosser(this);

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