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parcelify - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.0 to 0.5.1



@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ var path = require('path');

var existingPackages = options.existingPackages || {};
var assetTypes = Object.keys( options.bundles );
var assetTypes = _.without( Object.keys( options.bundles ), 'script' );
parcelMap( browerifyInstance, { keys : assetTypes }, function( err, parcelMap ) {
if( err ) return callback( err );
instantiateParcelAndPackagesFromMap( mainPath, parcelMap, existingPackages, assetTypes, function( err, thisParcel, packagesThatWereCreated ) {

@@ -93,7 +93,3 @@ if( err ) return callback( err );

// we are done copying packages and collecting our asset streams. Now write our bundles to disk.
async.each( _.union( assetTypes, 'script' ), function( thisAssetType, nextEach ) {
if( ! options.bundles[ thisAssetType ] ) return nextEach();
thisParcel.writeBundle( thisAssetType, options.bundles[ thisAssetType ], nextEach );
}, nextSeries );
thisParcel.writeBundles( options.bundles, nextSeries );
}, function( nextSeries ) {

@@ -105,3 +101,3 @@ var thisParcelIsNew = _.contains( packagesThatWereCreated, thisParcel );

// work in situations where we have multiple parcelify instances running that share common bundles
_.each( packagesThatWereCreated, function( thisPackage ) { thisPackage.createAssetWatchers(); } );
_.each( packagesThatWereCreated, function( thisPackage ) { thisPackage.createWatchers( assetTypes ); } );
if( thisParcelIsNew ) thisParcel.attachWatchListeners( options.bundles );

@@ -138,3 +134,4 @@ }

async.waterfall( [ function( nextWaterfall ) {
getPackageOptionsFromPackageJson( thisPackageId, parcelMap.packages[ thisPackageId ], assetTypes, nextWaterfall );
var packageJson = parcelMap.packages[ thisPackageId ];
Package.getOptionsFromPackageJson( thisPackageId, packageJson.__dirname, packageJson, assetTypes, nextWaterfall );
}, function( packageOptions, nextWaterfall ) {

@@ -192,71 +189,1 @@ var thisPackage;

function getPackageOptionsFromPackageJson( packageId, packageJson, assetTypes, callback ) {
var packageOptions = {};
packageOptions.package = packageJson; = packageId;
packageOptions.path = packageJson.__dirname;
packageOptions.assetSrcPathsByType = {};
packageOptions.assetTransformsByType = {};
packageOptions.assetGlobsByType = {};
if( packageJson.view ) {
packageOptions.view = path.resolve( packageOptions.path, packageJson.view );
packageOptions.isParcel = true;
async.each( assetTypes, function( thisAssetType, nextAssetType ) {
async.parallel( [ function( nextParallel ) {
packageOptions.assetSrcPathsByType[ thisAssetType ] = [];
// resolve relative globs to absolute globs
var relativeGlobsOfThisType = packageJson[ thisAssetType ] || [];
if( _.isString( relativeGlobsOfThisType ) ) relativeGlobsOfThisType = [ relativeGlobsOfThisType ];
var absoluteGlobsOfThisType = function( thisGlob ) { return path.resolve( packageOptions.path, thisGlob ); } );
packageOptions.assetGlobsByType[ thisAssetType ] = absoluteGlobsOfThisType;
// resolve absolute globs to actual src files absoluteGlobsOfThisType, glob,
function( err, arrayOfResolvedGlobs ) {
if( err ) return nextParallel( err );
var assetsOfThisType = _.flatten( arrayOfResolvedGlobs );
packageOptions.assetSrcPathsByType[ thisAssetType ] = assetsOfThisType;
} );
}, function( nextParallel ) {
// resolve transform names to actual tranforms
packageOptions.assetTransformsByType[ thisAssetType ] = [];
if( packageJson.transforms ) {
if( _.isArray( packageJson.transforms ) )
transformNames = packageJson.transforms;
transformNames = packageJson.transforms[ thisAssetType ] || [];
transformNames = []; transformNames, function( thisTransformName, nextTransform ) {
resolve( thisTransformName, { basedir : packageJson.__dirname }, function( err, modulePath ) {
if( err ) return nextTransform( err );
nextTransform( null, require( modulePath ) );
} );
}, function( err, transforms ) {
if( err ) return nextParallel( err );
packageOptions.assetTransformsByType[ thisAssetType ] = transforms;
} );
} ], nextAssetType );
}, function( err ) {
if( err ) return callback( err );
callback( null, packageOptions );
} );
var fs = require( 'fs' );
var resolve = require( 'resolve' );
var async = require( 'async' );

@@ -42,5 +41,4 @@ var mkdirp = require( 'mkdirp' );

return stream.pipe( combine.apply( null, function( thisTransform ) {
console.log( "doing some transform" );
return thisTransform( _this.srcPath );
} ) ) );



@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ var path = require('path');

var async = require( 'async' );
var glob = require( 'glob' );
var globwatcher = require( 'globwatcher' ).globwatcher;
var Asset = require( './asset' );
var resolve = require( 'resolve' );

@@ -90,26 +92,44 @@ module.exports = Package;

Package.prototype.createAssetWatchers = function() {
Package.prototype.createWatchers = function( assetTypes ) {
this._createPackageJsonWatcher( assetTypes );
/********************* Private instance methods *********************/
Package.prototype._createPackageJsonWatcher = function( assetTypes ) {
var _this = this;
this.assetGlobWatchers = [];
var assetJsonWatcher = globwatcher( path.resolve( this.path, "package.json" ) );
assetJsonWatcher.on( 'changed', function( srcPath ) {
fs.readFile( srcPath, 'utf8', function( err, packageJson ) {
if( err ) return console.log( 'Watch error: ' + err );
function emitAssetUpdatedEventOnRelevantParcels( eventType, asset ) {
var allRelevantParcels = _this.dependentParcels;
if( _this.isParcel ) allRelevantParcels.push( _this ); // we also want to trigger the same behavior on the parcel itself.
try {
packageJson = JSON.parse( packageJson );
} catch( err ) {
return console.log( 'Watch error: ' + err );
allRelevantParcels.forEach( function( thisParcel ) {
thisParcel.emit( 'assetUpdated', eventType, asset );
Package.getOptionsFromPackageJson( _this.packageId, _this.path, packageJson, assetTypes, function( err, options ) {
if( err ) return console.log( 'Watch error: ' + err );
_.extend( _this, options );
_this.createAllAssets( assetTypes );
_this._emitEventOnRelevantParcels( 'packageJsonUpdated' );
} );
} );
} );
// TODO: implement listener for package.json files
// var assetJsonWatcher = globwatcher( path.resolve( this.path, "package.json" ) );
// assetJsonWatcher.on( 'changed', function( srcPath ) {
// // load new package.json
// // evaluate globs
// // recreate assets
// // recreate glob listeners
// // notify parcel so it can re-process itself
// } );
Package.prototype._createAssetGlobWatchers = function() {
var _this = this;
this.assetGlobWatchers = [];
_.each( _this.assetGlobsByType, function( globs, thisAssetType ) {

@@ -123,3 +143,3 @@ var thisWatcher = globwatcher( globs );

emitAssetUpdatedEventOnRelevantParcels( 'changed', asset );
emitEventOnRelevantParcels( 'assetUpdated', 'changed', asset );
} catch( err ) {

@@ -139,3 +159,3 @@ return console.log( 'Watch error: ' + err );

emitAssetUpdatedEventOnRelevantParcels( 'added', asset );
emitEventOnRelevantParcels( 'assetUpdated', 'added', asset );
} catch( err ) {

@@ -153,3 +173,3 @@ return console.log( 'Watch error: ' + err );

emitAssetUpdatedEventOnRelevantParcels( 'deleted', asset );
emitEventOnRelevantParcels( 'assetUpdated', 'deleted', asset );
} catch( err ) {

@@ -164,4 +184,97 @@ return console.log( 'Watch error: ' + err );

Package.prototype._destroyAssetGlobWatchers = function() {
this.assetGlobWatchers.forEach( function( thisAssetGlobWatcher ) {
} );
this.assetGlobWatchers = [];
Package.prototype._emitEventOnRelevantParcels = function() {
var args = arguments );
var allRelevantParcels = this.dependentParcels;
if( this.isParcel ) allRelevantParcels.push( this ); // we also want to trigger the same behavior on the parcel itself.
allRelevantParcels.forEach( function( thisParcel ) {
thisParcel.emit.apply( thisParcel, args );
} );
/********************* Static class methods *********************/
Package.getOptionsFromPackageJson = function( packageId, packagePath, packageJson, assetTypes, callback ) {
var packageOptions = {};
packageOptions.package = packageJson; = packageId;
packageOptions.path = packagePath;
packageOptions.assetSrcPathsByType = {};
packageOptions.assetTransformsByType = {};
packageOptions.assetGlobsByType = {};
if( packageJson.view ) {
packageOptions.view = path.resolve( packageOptions.path, packageJson.view );
packageOptions.isParcel = true;
async.each( assetTypes, function( thisAssetType, nextAssetType ) {
async.parallel( [ function( nextParallel ) {
packageOptions.assetSrcPathsByType[ thisAssetType ] = [];
// resolve relative globs to absolute globs
var relativeGlobsOfThisType = packageJson[ thisAssetType ] || [];
if( _.isString( relativeGlobsOfThisType ) ) relativeGlobsOfThisType = [ relativeGlobsOfThisType ];
var absoluteGlobsOfThisType = function( thisGlob ) { return path.resolve( packagePath, thisGlob ); } );
packageOptions.assetGlobsByType[ thisAssetType ] = absoluteGlobsOfThisType;
// resolve absolute globs to actual src files absoluteGlobsOfThisType, glob,
function( err, arrayOfResolvedGlobs ) {
if( err ) return nextParallel( err );
var assetsOfThisType = _.flatten( arrayOfResolvedGlobs );
packageOptions.assetSrcPathsByType[ thisAssetType ] = assetsOfThisType;
} );
}, function( nextParallel ) {
// resolve transform names to actual tranforms
packageOptions.assetTransformsByType[ thisAssetType ] = [];
if( packageJson.transforms ) {
if( _.isArray( packageJson.transforms ) )
transformNames = packageJson.transforms;
transformNames = packageJson.transforms[ thisAssetType ] || [];
transformNames = []; transformNames, function( thisTransformName, nextTransform ) {
resolve( thisTransformName, { basedir : packageJson.__dirname }, function( err, modulePath ) {
if( err ) return nextTransform( err );
nextTransform( null, require( modulePath ) );
} );
}, function( err, transforms ) {
if( err ) return nextParallel( err );
packageOptions.assetTransformsByType[ thisAssetType ] = transforms;
} );
} ], nextAssetType );
}, function( err ) {
if( err ) return callback( err );
callback( null, packageOptions );
} );
/********************* Utility functions *********************/
function renameFileExtension( file, toExt ) {
return file.replace( new RegExp( path.extname( file ) + "$" ), toExt );

@@ -64,10 +64,25 @@ var inherits = require( 'inherits' );

Parcel.prototype.calcParcelAssets = function( assetTypes ) {
memo = {};
assetTypes.forEach( function( thisAssetType ) { memo[ thisAssetType ] = []; } );
var sortedAssets = this.sortedDependencies.concat( this ).reduce( function( memo, thisPackage ) {
var thisPackageAssets = thisPackage.assetsByType;
_.each( thisPackageAssets, function( assets, thisAssetType ) {
if( _.contains( assetTypes, thisAssetType ) )
memo[ thisAssetType ] = memo[ thisAssetType ].concat( assets );
} );
return memo;
}, memo );
this.parcelAssetsByType = _.extend( {}, this.parcelAssetsByType, sortedAssets );
Parcel.prototype.attachWatchListeners = function( bundles ) {
var _this = this;
// for watching
this.on( 'assetUpdated', function( eventType, asset ) {
console.log( eventType );
console.log( asset );
if( _.contains( [ 'added', 'deleted' ], eventType ) )

@@ -79,14 +94,15 @@ this.calcParcelAssets( [ asset.type ] );

if( err ) throw new Error( 'Error during watch.' );
// ... done
// ... done!
} );
} );
Parcel.prototype.createPackageOutputDirectories = function( dstDir, callback ) {
async.each( this.sortedDependencies, function( thisPackage, nextPackage ) {
var thisPackageId =;
var packageDirectoryPath = path.join( dstDir, thisPackageId );
thisPackage.createOutputDirectory( packageDirectoryPath, nextPackage );
}, callback );
this.on( 'packageJsonUpdated', function() {
var bundlesToRewrite = _.pick( bundles, _.without( Object.keys( bundles ), 'script' ) );
this.calcParcelAssets( Object.keys( bundlesToRewrite ) );
_this.writeBundles( bundlesToRewrite, function() {
// ... done!
} );
} );

@@ -115,3 +131,11 @@

Parcel.prototype.writeBundles = function( bundles, callback ) {
var _this = this;
async.each( Object.keys( bundles ), function( thisAssetType, nextEach ) {
_this.writeBundle( thisAssetType, bundles[ thisAssetType ], nextEach );
}, callback );
Parcel.prototype.writeBundle = function( assetType, dstPath, callback ) {

@@ -161,127 +185,1 @@ var _this = this;

// Parcel.prototype.writeJsBundle = function( dstPath, callback ) {
// var _this = this;
// if( ! _this.outputDirectoryPath ) callback( new Error( 'Attempt to write bundle but no output directory has been created for the parcel.' ) );
// var jsBundle = through2();
// var tempJsBundlePath = path.join( _this.outputDirectoryPath, '.bundle_temp.js' );
// var jsBundleShasum;
// this.jsBundleStream.pipe( jsBundle );
// // pipe the bundle output to both a temporary file and crypto at the same time. need
// // the temporary file in order to empty the output, or something? not really sure.
// async.parallel( [ function( nextParallel ) {
// jsBundle.pipe( crypto.createHash( 'sha1' ) ).pipe( concat( function( buf ) {
// jsBundleShasum = buf.toString( 'hex' );
// nextParallel();
// } ) );
// }, function( nextParallel ) {
// jsBundle.pipe( fs.createWriteStream( tempJsBundlePath ) ).on( 'close', nextParallel );
// } ], function( err ) {
// if( err ) return callback( err );
// if( ! dstPath ) dstPath = path.join( _this.outputDirectoryPath, path.basename( _this.path ) + '_bundle_' + jsBundleShasum + '.js' );
// fs.rename( tempJsBundlePath, dstPath, function( err ) {
// if( err ) return callback( err );
// this.jsBundlePath = dstPath;
// callback( null );
// } );
// } );
// };
// Parcel.prototype.writeCssBundle = function( dstPath, callback ) {
// var _this = this;
// if( ! _this.outputDirectoryPath ) callback( new Error( 'Attempt to write bundle but no output directory has been created for the parcel.' ) );
// var cssBundle = through2();
// var cssBundleShasum;
// var tempCssBundlePath = path.join( _this.outputDirectoryPath, '.bundle_temp.css' );
// var destCssBundlePath;
// var styleStreams = _.pluck(, 'stream' );
// if( styleStreams.length === 0 ) return callback();
// async.series( [ function( nextSeries ) {
// // pipe all our style streams to the css bundle in order
// async.eachSeries( styleStreams, function( thisStyleStream, nextStyleStream ) {
// thisStyleStream.pipe( cssBundle, { end : false } );
// thisStyleStream.on( 'end', nextStyleStream );
// }, function( err ) {
// if( err ) return nextSeries( err );
// cssBundle.end();
// nextSeries();
// } );
// }, function( nextSeries ) {
// // pipe our bundle to both a temporary file and crypto at the same time. need
// // the temporary file in order to empty the output, or something? not really sure.
// async.parallel( [ function( nextParallel ) {
// cssBundle.pipe( crypto.createHash( 'sha1' ) ).pipe( concat( function( buf ) {
// cssBundleShasum = buf.toString( 'hex' );
// nextParallel();
// } ) );
// }, function( nextParallel ) {
// cssBundle.pipe( fs.createWriteStream( tempCssBundlePath ) ).on( 'close', nextParallel );
// } ], nextSeries );
// }, function( nextSeries ) {
// // default dstPath to include a shasum of file's conents
// if( ! dstPath ) dstPath = path.join( _this.outputDirectoryPath, path.basename( _this.path ) + '_bundle_' + cssBundleShasum + '.css' );
// fs.rename( tempCssBundlePath, dstPath, function( err ) {
// if( err ) return nextSeries( err );
// nextSeries();
// } );
// } ], function( err ) {
// if( err ) return callback( err );
// this.cssBundlePath = dstPath;
// return callback( null );
// } );
// };
// Parcel.prototype.writeAssetsJson = function( callback ) {
// var content = {
// 'script' : this.jsBundlePath
// };
// if( this.cssBundlePath )
// = this.cssBundlePath;
// else
// = _.pluck(, 'dstPath' );
// fs.writeFile( path.join( this.outputDirectoryPath, 'assets.json' ), JSON.stringify( content, null, 4 ), function( err ) {
// if( err ) return callback( err );
// return callback();
// } );
// };
Parcel.prototype.calcParcelAssets = function( assetTypes ) {
memo = {};
assetTypes.forEach( function( thisAssetType ) { memo[ thisAssetType ] = []; } );
var sortedAssets = this.sortedDependencies.concat( this ).reduce( function( memo, thisPackage ) {
var thisPackageAssets = thisPackage.assetsByType;
_.each( thisPackageAssets, function( assets, thisAssetType ) {
if( _.contains( assetTypes, thisAssetType ) )
memo[ thisAssetType ] = memo[ thisAssetType ].concat( assets );
} );
return memo;
}, memo );
this.parcelAssetsByType = _.extend( {}, this.parcelAssetsByType, sortedAssets );
"name": "parcelify",
"version": "0.5.0",
"description": "Bundle css and client side templates in npm modules",
"version": "0.5.1",
"description": "Add css and template bundles to browserify output",
"main": "index.js",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "bin": {

# Parcelify
Parcelify is a browserify wrapper that creates a css bundle (and optionally template bundle) from assets in npm modules.
Parcelify is a browserify wrapper that creates a css and / or template bundle from assets in npm modules.
* Uses browserify / js requires to resolve dependencies
* Supports transforms like sass and less
* Intelligent watch mode
* Easy to use command line interface or robust API
## How dat work?

@@ -80,2 +75,16 @@

"name": "myModule",
"description": "Example package.json for hypothetical myModule.",
"version": "1.5.0",
"style" : "*.scss",
"template" : [ "templates/part_1.tmpl", "templates/part_2.tmpl" ],
"transforms" : [ "sass-css-stream" ],
"devDependencies" : {
"sass-css-stream": "0.0.1"
## API

@@ -82,0 +91,0 @@

@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@ {

"template": "*.tmpl",
"transforms" : [ "sass-css-stream" ]
"transforms": [
"dependencies": {
"sass-css-stream": "0.0.1"

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ var test = require('tape');

test( 'page1', function( t ) {
test( 'page1', function( t ) {
t.plan( 2 );

@@ -12,0 +12,0 @@

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