var PDF2Images = require('pdf2images-multiple')
var convert_options = {
'-trim': '',
'-density' : 150,
'-quality' : 100,
'-sharpen' : '0x1.0'
var pdf2images = PDF2Images('./foodir/foo.pdf', {
convert_options: convert_options,
output_dir: './media/',
ext: 'jpg',
gm: true
pdf2images.pdf.convert((err, image_path) => {
}, (err, images_paths) => {
var chunks = 4
pdf2images.pdf.convert_chunks((err, image_path) => {
}, (err, images_paths) => {
}, chunks)
pdf2images.pdf.convert_pages([0,4,6,7], (err, image_path) => {
}, (err, images_paths) => {
pdf2images.pdf.convert_page(0, (err, image_path) => {
###This module require to install these packages:
######imagemagick, ghostscript, poppler-utils and GraphicsMagick
###On ubuntu or debian exec:
apt-get install -y imagemagick ghostscript poppler-utils GraphicsMagick