A simple loader for PEG.js that supports importing multiple grammars from different PEG.js files
npm install --save-dev pegjs-import-loader pegjs webpack
Apply via webpack config
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.pegjs$/,
loader: 'pegjs-import-loader',
options: {
PEG.js options
You can pass options to PEG.js through options property in webpack config. See more about PEG.js options
Importing Syntax
const str = 'This is just an example string';
function concat(a, b) {
return a.concat(b);
= head:Term tail:(_ ("+" / "-") _ Term)* {
return tail.reduce(function(result, element) {
if (element[1] === "+") { return result + element[3]; }
if (element[1] === "-") { return result - element[3]; }
}, head);
= "(" _ expr:Expression _ ")" { return expr; }
/ Integer
@import './base-rules.pegjs'
@import './keywords.pegjs'
- Import statement must be after the initializer block of PEG.js (initializer is a piece of JavaScript code in curly braces (“{” and “}”) that precedes the first rule)
- When importing grammars from other files, all the rules in those files are accessible in the current context
- All the JS variables and functions in initializers will also be accessible from the current context
- Due to the accessibility of all the rules, variables and functions from other pegjs files in current context, users must be aware of duplication of rule, variable and function names
- Import files in one-way flow to avoid circular dependencies
Generate a parser in JS code
const parser = require('./parser.pegjs');
const result = parser.parse(content);
MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)