This is my React-Redux chat UI using WebSockets to talk to a websocket based Chat Engine. Mainly made to plugin with my Node-Chat-Engine, but can plugin to any simple chat engine you make that fits the mold.
With yarn lets start:
yarn install
We have a couple of scripts that can be run to generate files you can use in your chat instance.
yarn build:nwb:
This will generate UMD files in the /umd
directory for you to grab.
yarn build:webpack
This will generate a webpack bundle js and css file in src.
yarn storybook
This will start a storybook on port 9000, to view stories of react components being styled.
Using in HTML
You can link to the UMD script generated and create an instance of the Chat UI to talk to a websocket based engine. Here is an example setup html file.
<script src="react-chat-ui.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="react-chat-ui.css" />
<div id="chat-element"></div>
var element = document.getElementById('chat-element');
var reactWebChat = new ReactChatUI({
url: 'ws://localhost:3000/chat',
element: element,
workflowID: 1
- Fix Styling and Color Scheme.
- Messages come in smooth style transitions rather that instant.
- Scroll to bottom of chat when new messages come in below.
- User typed input. (When My Chat Engine includes it.)