A persian calendar holidays library for javascript based on moment-jalaali.
Online demo and Working api
pholiday api
You can use this library in envs like nodejs, webpack and browserify.
$ npm install pholiday
Library is based on moment-jalaali so it has all methods moment and moment-jalaali has.
library specific methods
Check the selected date is holiday in Iran or not.
const pholiday = require('pholiday')
pholiday('1391/12/29', 'jYYYY/jMM/jDD').isHoliday() -> true
pholiday('2013-8-25 16:40:00', 'YYYY-M-D HH:mm:ss').endOf('jMonth').isHoliday() -> false
Get the selected dates events in Iran calendar.
const pholiday = require('pholiday')
pholiday('2013-8-25 16:40:00', 'YYYY-M-D HH:mm:ss').endOf('jMonth').events()
-> [ { isHoliday: false,
event: 'گاهنبار پَتیَهشَهیم، جشن پایان تابستان' } ]