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pkijs - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.29 to 2.1.31

@@ -28,2 +28,5 @@ {

"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^1.7.1",
"babel-plugin-istanbul": "^4.1.5",
"nyc": "^11.6.0",
"cross-env": "^5.1.4",
"babel-polyfill": "^6.26.0"

@@ -41,22 +44,22 @@ },

"watch": "babel src --compact=false --out-dir build --source-maps --watch",
"ex1": "cd examples/CMSSignedComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex2": "cd examples/CertificateComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex3": "cd examples/NISTPKITS && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex4": "cd examples/HowToEncryptCMSviaCertificate && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex5": "cd examples/HowToEncryptCMSviaPassword && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex6": "cd examples/CRLComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex7": "cd examples/PKCS10ComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex8": "cd examples/OCSPRequestComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex9": "cd examples/OCSPResponseComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex10": "cd examples/TSPRequestComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex11": "cd examples/TSPResponseComplexExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex12": "cd examples/P7BSimpleExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex13": "cd examples/PKCS12SimpleExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex14": "cd examples/PDFExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex15": "cd examples/SMIMEVerificationExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex16": "cd examples/SMIMEEncryptionExample && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex17": "cd examples/NodePKCS12Example && rollup -c && cd ../..",
"ex1": "cd examples/CMSSignedComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex2": "cd examples/CertificateComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex3": "cd examples/NISTPKITS && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex4": "cd examples/HowToEncryptCMSviaCertificate && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex5": "cd examples/HowToEncryptCMSviaPassword && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex6": "cd examples/CRLComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex7": "cd examples/PKCS10ComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex8": "cd examples/OCSPRequestComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex9": "cd examples/OCSPResponseComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex10": "cd examples/TSPRequestComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex11": "cd examples/TSPResponseComplexExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex12": "cd examples/P7BSimpleExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex13": "cd examples/PKCS12SimpleExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex14": "cd examples/PDFExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex15": "cd examples/SMIMEVerificationExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex16": "cd examples/SMIMEEncryptionExample && npm run build && cd ../..",
"ex17": "cd examples/NodePKCS12Example && npm run build && cd ../..",
"build:examples": "npm run ex1 && npm run ex2 && npm run ex3 && npm run ex4 && npm run ex5 && npm run ex6 && npm run ex7 && npm run ex8 && npm run ex9 && npm run ex10 && npm run ex11 && npm run ex12 && npm run ex13 && npm run ex14 && npm run ex15 && npm run ex16 && npm run ex17",
"build:tests": "npm run build:examples",
"test": "mocha --timeout 40000",
"test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test nyc mocha --timeout 40000 --require babel-register --require babel-polyfill test/s_*.js && cross-env NODE_ENV=test nyc --clean=false mocha --timeout 40000 --require babel-register --require babel-polyfill test/n_*.js",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build"

@@ -83,4 +86,4 @@ },

"name": "pkijs",
"version": "2.1.29",
"version": "2.1.31",
"license": "MIT"
# PKIjs
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@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ [![NPM](](

@@ -53,7 +53,2 @@ import { getParametersValue, isEqualBuffer } from "pvutils";

//region If input argument array contains "schema" for this object
if("schema" in parameters)

@@ -60,0 +55,0 @@ //**********************************************************************************

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