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pkijs - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.91 to 2.1.92



@@ -64,2 +64,6 @@ "use strict";

function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }

@@ -375,3 +379,4 @@

if ("kdfAlgorithm" in encryptionParameters === false) encryptionParameters.kdfAlgorithm = "SHA-512";
if ("kekEncryptionLength" in encryptionParameters === false) encryptionParameters.kekEncryptionLength = 256; //endregion
if ("kekEncryptionLength" in encryptionParameters === false) encryptionParameters.kekEncryptionLength = 256;
if ("useOAEP" in encryptionParameters === false) encryptionParameters.useOAEP = true; //endregion
//region Add new "recipient" depends on "variant" and certificate type

@@ -383,27 +388,42 @@

//region keyEncryptionAlgorithm
const oaepOID = (0, _common.getOIDByAlgorithm)({
name: "RSA-OAEP"
if (oaepOID === "") throw new Error("Can not find OID for OAEP"); //endregion
//region RSAES-OAEP-params
let algorithmId;
let algorithmParams;
const hashOID = (0, _common.getOIDByAlgorithm)({
name: encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm
if (hashOID === "") throw new Error(`Unknown OAEP hash algorithm: ${encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm}`);
const hashAlgorithm = new _AlgorithmIdentifier.default({
algorithmId: hashOID,
algorithmParams: new asn1js.Null()
const rsaOAEPParams = new _RSAESOAEPParams.default({
maskGenAlgorithm: new _AlgorithmIdentifier.default({
algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8",
// id-mgf1
algorithmParams: hashAlgorithm.toSchema()
}); //endregion
//region KeyTransRecipientInfo
if (encryptionParameters.useOAEP === true) {
//region keyEncryptionAlgorithm
algorithmId = (0, _common.getOIDByAlgorithm)({
name: "RSA-OAEP"
if (algorithmId === "") throw new Error("Can not find OID for RSA-OAEP"); //endregion
//region RSAES-OAEP-params
const hashOID = (0, _common.getOIDByAlgorithm)({
name: encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm
if (hashOID === "") throw new Error(`Unknown OAEP hash algorithm: ${encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm}`);
const hashAlgorithm = new _AlgorithmIdentifier.default({
algorithmId: hashOID,
algorithmParams: new asn1js.Null()
const rsaOAEPParams = new _RSAESOAEPParams.default({
maskGenAlgorithm: new _AlgorithmIdentifier.default({
algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8",
// id-mgf1
algorithmParams: hashAlgorithm.toSchema()
algorithmParams = rsaOAEPParams.toSchema(); //endregion
} else // Use old RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 schema instead
//region keyEncryptionAlgorithm
algorithmId = (0, _common.getOIDByAlgorithm)({
name: "RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5"
if (algorithmId === "") throw new Error("Can not find OID for RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5"); //endregion
algorithmParams = new asn1js.Null();
} //region KeyTransRecipientInfo
const keyInfo = new _KeyTransRecipientInfo.default({

@@ -416,4 +436,4 @@ version: 0,

keyEncryptionAlgorithm: new _AlgorithmIdentifier.default({
algorithmId: oaepOID,
algorithmParams: rsaOAEPParams.toSchema()

@@ -882,48 +902,38 @@ recipientCertificate: certificate // "encryptedKey" will be calculated in "encrypt" function

function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(index) {
//region Initial variables
let currentSequence = Promise.resolve(); //endregion
//region Get recipient's public key
function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(_x) {
return _SubKeyTransRecipientInfo.apply(this, arguments);
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(() => {
//region Check we have a correct algorithm here
const oaepOID = (0, _common.getOIDByAlgorithm)({
name: "RSA-OAEP"
if (oaepOID === "") throw new Error("Can not find OID for OAEP");
if (_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId !== oaepOID) throw new Error("Not supported encryption scheme, only RSA-OAEP is supported for key transport encryption scheme"); //endregion
//region Get current used SHA algorithm
function _SubKeyTransRecipientInfo() {
_SubKeyTransRecipientInfo = _asyncToGenerator(function* (index) {
const algorithmParameters = (0, _common.getAlgorithmByOID)(_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if ("name" in algorithmParameters === false) throw new Error(`Unknown keyEncryptionAlgorithm: ${_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); //region RSA-OAEP case
const schema = _this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams;
const rsaOAEPParams = new _RSAESOAEPParams.default({
const hashAlgorithm = (0, _common.getAlgorithmByOID)(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if ("name" in hashAlgorithm === false) return Promise.reject(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); //endregion
if ( === "RSA-OAEP") {
const schema = _this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams;
const rsaOAEPParams = new _RSAESOAEPParams.default({
algorithmParameters.hash = (0, _common.getAlgorithmByOID)(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if ("name" in algorithmParameters.hash === false) throw new Error(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
} //endregion
return _this.recipientInfos[index].value.recipientCertificate.getPublicKey({
algorithm: {
try {
const publicKey = yield _this.recipientInfos[index].value.recipientCertificate.getPublicKey({
algorithm: {
name: "RSA-OAEP",
hash: {
usages: ["encrypt", "wrapKey"]
}, error => Promise.reject(error)); //endregion
//region Encrypt early exported session key on recipient's public key
algorithm: algorithmParameters,
usages: ["encrypt", "wrapKey"]
const encryptedKey = yield crypto.encrypt(publicKey.algorithm, publicKey, exportedSessionKey); //region RecipientEncryptedKey
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result => crypto.encrypt(result.algorithm, result, exportedSessionKey), error => Promise.reject(error)); //endregion
//region Append all neccessary data to current CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO object
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result => {
//region RecipientEncryptedKey
_this.recipientInfos[index].value.encryptedKey = new asn1js.OctetString({
valueHex: result
}); //endregion
}, error => Promise.reject(error)); //endregion
return currentSequence;
_this.recipientInfos[index].value.encryptedKey = new asn1js.OctetString({
valueHex: encryptedKey
}); //endregion
} catch (ex) {
const jjj = 0;
return _SubKeyTransRecipientInfo.apply(this, arguments);

@@ -1233,38 +1243,31 @@

function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(index) {
//region Initial variables
let currentSequence = Promise.resolve(); //endregion
//region Import recipient's private key
function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(_x2) {
return _SubKeyTransRecipientInfo2.apply(this, arguments);
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(() => {
if ("recipientPrivateKey" in decryptionParameters === false) return Promise.reject("Parameter \"recipientPrivateKey\" is mandatory for \"KeyTransRecipientInfo\""); //region Get current used SHA algorithm
function _SubKeyTransRecipientInfo2() {
_SubKeyTransRecipientInfo2 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (index) {
if ("recipientPrivateKey" in decryptionParameters === false) throw new Error("Parameter \"recipientPrivateKey\" is mandatory for \"KeyTransRecipientInfo\"");
const algorithmParameters = (0, _common.getAlgorithmByOID)(_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if ("name" in algorithmParameters === false) throw new Error(`Unknown keyEncryptionAlgorithm: ${_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); //region RSA-OAEP case
const schema = _this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams;
const rsaOAEPParams = new _RSAESOAEPParams.default({
const hashAlgorithm = (0, _common.getAlgorithmByOID)(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if ("name" in hashAlgorithm === false) return Promise.reject(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); //endregion
if ( === "RSA-OAEP") {
const schema = _this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams;
const rsaOAEPParams = new _RSAESOAEPParams.default({
algorithmParameters.hash = (0, _common.getAlgorithmByOID)(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if ("name" in algorithmParameters.hash === false) throw new Error(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
} //endregion
return crypto.importKey("pkcs8", decryptionParameters.recipientPrivateKey, {
name: "RSA-OAEP",
hash: {
}, true, ["decrypt"]);
}, error => Promise.reject(error)); //endregion
//region Decrypt encrypted session key
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result => crypto.decrypt(result.algorithm, result, _this.recipientInfos[index].value.encryptedKey.valueBlock.valueHex), error => Promise.reject(error)); //endregion
//region Import decrypted session key
const privateKey = yield crypto.importKey("pkcs8", decryptionParameters.recipientPrivateKey, algorithmParameters, true, ["decrypt"]);
const sessionKey = yield crypto.decrypt(privateKey.algorithm, privateKey, _this.recipientInfos[index].value.encryptedKey.valueBlock.valueHex); //region Get WebCrypto form of content encryption algorithm
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result => {
//region Get WebCrypto form of content encryption algorithm
const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = (0, _common.getAlgorithmByOID)(_this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if ("name" in contentEncryptionAlgorithm === false) return Promise.reject(`Incorrect "contentEncryptionAlgorithm": ${_this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); //endregion
if ("name" in contentEncryptionAlgorithm === false) throw new Error(`Incorrect "contentEncryptionAlgorithm": ${_this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); //endregion
return crypto.importKey("raw", result, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, ["decrypt"]);
}, error => Promise.reject(error)); //endregion
return currentSequence;
return crypto.importKey("raw", sessionKey, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, ["decrypt"]);
return _SubKeyTransRecipientInfo2.apply(this, arguments);

@@ -1271,0 +1274,0 @@

@@ -108,3 +108,3 @@ {

"name": "pkijs",
"version": "2.1.91",
"version": "2.1.92",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",

@@ -111,0 +111,0 @@ "esdoc": {

@@ -357,3 +357,6 @@ import * as asn1js from "asn1js";

encryptionParameters.kekEncryptionLength = 256;
if(("useOAEP" in encryptionParameters) === false)
encryptionParameters.useOAEP = true;

@@ -365,31 +368,51 @@ //region Add new "recipient" depends on "variant" and certificate type

//region keyEncryptionAlgorithm
const oaepOID = getOIDByAlgorithm({
name: "RSA-OAEP"
if(oaepOID === "")
throw new Error("Can not find OID for OAEP");
let algorithmId;
let algorithmParams;
//region RSAES-OAEP-params
const hashOID = getOIDByAlgorithm({
name: encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm
if(hashOID === "")
throw new Error(`Unknown OAEP hash algorithm: ${encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm}`);
const hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({
algorithmId: hashOID,
algorithmParams: new asn1js.Null()
const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({
maskGenAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({
algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", // id-mgf1
algorithmParams: hashAlgorithm.toSchema()
if(encryptionParameters.useOAEP === true)
//region keyEncryptionAlgorithm
algorithmId = getOIDByAlgorithm({
name: "RSA-OAEP"
if(algorithmId === "")
throw new Error("Can not find OID for RSA-OAEP");
//region RSAES-OAEP-params
const hashOID = getOIDByAlgorithm({
name: encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm
if(hashOID === "")
throw new Error(`Unknown OAEP hash algorithm: ${encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm}`);
const hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({
algorithmId: hashOID,
algorithmParams: new asn1js.Null()
const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({
maskGenAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({
algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", // id-mgf1
algorithmParams: hashAlgorithm.toSchema()
algorithmParams = rsaOAEPParams.toSchema();
else // Use old RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 schema instead
//region keyEncryptionAlgorithm
algorithmId = getOIDByAlgorithm({
name: "RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5"
if(algorithmId === "")
throw new Error("Can not find OID for RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5");
algorithmParams = new asn1js.Null();
//region KeyTransRecipientInfo

@@ -403,4 +426,4 @@ const keyInfo = new KeyTransRecipientInfo({

keyEncryptionAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({
algorithmId: oaepOID,
algorithmParams: rsaOAEPParams.toSchema()

@@ -947,66 +970,40 @@ recipientCertificate: certificate

function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(index)
async function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(index)
//region Initial variables
let currentSequence = Promise.resolve();
//region Get recipient's public key
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(() =>
const algorithmParameters = getAlgorithmByOID(_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if("name" in algorithmParameters === false)
throw new Error(`Unknown keyEncryptionAlgorithm: ${_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
//region RSA-OAEP case
if( === "RSA-OAEP")
//region Check we have a correct algorithm here
const oaepOID = getOIDByAlgorithm({
name: "RSA-OAEP"
if(oaepOID === "")
throw new Error("Can not find OID for OAEP");
const schema = _this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams;
const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({ schema });
if(_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId !== oaepOID)
throw new Error("Not supported encryption scheme, only RSA-OAEP is supported for key transport encryption scheme");
algorithmParameters.hash = getAlgorithmByOID(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if(("name" in algorithmParameters.hash) === false)
throw new Error(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
//region Get current used SHA algorithm
const schema = _this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams;
const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({ schema });
const hashAlgorithm = getAlgorithmByOID(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if(("name" in hashAlgorithm) === false)
return Promise.reject(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
return _this.recipientInfos[index].value.recipientCertificate.getPublicKey({
const publicKey = await _this.recipientInfos[index].value.recipientCertificate.getPublicKey({
algorithm: {
algorithm: {
name: "RSA-OAEP",
hash: {
algorithm: algorithmParameters,
usages: ["encrypt", "wrapKey"]
}, error =>
//region Encrypt early exported session key on recipient's public key
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result =>
crypto.encrypt(result.algorithm, result, exportedSessionKey),
error =>
//region Append all neccessary data to current CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO object
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result =>
const encryptedKey = await crypto.encrypt(publicKey.algorithm, publicKey, exportedSessionKey);
//region RecipientEncryptedKey
_this.recipientInfos[index].value.encryptedKey = new asn1js.OctetString({ valueHex: result });
_this.recipientInfos[index].value.encryptedKey = new asn1js.OctetString({valueHex: encryptedKey});
}, error =>
return currentSequence;
const jjj = 0;

@@ -1431,68 +1428,50 @@

function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(index)
async function SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(index)
//region Initial variables
let currentSequence = Promise.resolve();
//region Import recipient's private key
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(() =>
if(("recipientPrivateKey" in decryptionParameters) === false)
throw new Error("Parameter \"recipientPrivateKey\" is mandatory for \"KeyTransRecipientInfo\"");
const algorithmParameters = getAlgorithmByOID(_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if("name" in algorithmParameters === false)
throw new Error(`Unknown keyEncryptionAlgorithm: ${_this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
//region RSA-OAEP case
if( === "RSA-OAEP")
if(("recipientPrivateKey" in decryptionParameters) === false)
return Promise.reject("Parameter \"recipientPrivateKey\" is mandatory for \"KeyTransRecipientInfo\"");
//region Get current used SHA algorithm
const schema = _this.recipientInfos[index].value.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams;
const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({ schema });
const hashAlgorithm = getAlgorithmByOID(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if(("name" in hashAlgorithm) === false)
return Promise.reject(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
return crypto.importKey("pkcs8",
name: "RSA-OAEP",
hash: {
}, error =>
algorithmParameters.hash = getAlgorithmByOID(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if(("name" in algorithmParameters.hash) === false)
throw new Error(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
//region Decrypt encrypted session key
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result =>
), error =>
const privateKey = await crypto.importKey(
const sessionKey = await crypto.decrypt(
//region Get WebCrypto form of content encryption algorithm
const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = getAlgorithmByOID(_this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if(("name" in contentEncryptionAlgorithm) === false)
throw new Error(`Incorrect "contentEncryptionAlgorithm": ${_this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
//region Import decrypted session key
currentSequence = currentSequence.then(result =>
//region Get WebCrypto form of content encryption algorithm
const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = getAlgorithmByOID(_this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId);
if(("name" in contentEncryptionAlgorithm) === false)
return Promise.reject(`Incorrect "contentEncryptionAlgorithm": ${_this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`);
return crypto.importKey("raw",
}, error =>
return crypto.importKey("raw",
return currentSequence;

@@ -1499,0 +1478,0 @@

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