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platform-detect - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.1 to 2.0.2



@@ -1,1 +0,236 @@

!function(e,o){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=o():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("platform-detect",o):e["platform-detect"]=o()}(this,function(){"use strict";function e(e,o){var n=window.matchMedia(e);o(n.matches);var i=()=>o(n.matches);return n.addListener(i),()=>n.removeListener(i)}function o(e,o){a[e]&&a[e].forEach(e=>e(o))}function n(){return"tv":t.touch&&s<600?"phone":t.touch&&!t.mouse?"tablet":t.battery?"laptop":"desktop"}var i="undefined"!=typeof navigator&&"undefined"!=typeof window;if(i&&"undefined"!=typeof nw)try{nw.Window.get()}catch(e){i=!1}var t={gui:i,terminal:!i},d=i?navigator.userAgent:void 0;t.node="undefined"!=typeof process&&!!process.versions&&!!process.versions.node,t.pwa=t.gui&&window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches&&null!==document.head.querySelector('[rel="manifest"]'),t.uwp="undefined"!=typeof Windows&&"undefined"!=typeof MSApp,t.nwjs=!(!t.node||!process.versions.nw),t.electron=!(!t.node||!process.versions.electron),t.cordova=!(!t.gui||!window.cordova),t.chromeapp=void 0,t.packaged=t.uwp||t.nwjs||t.electron||t.cordova||t.chromeapp,t.web=!t.node&&!t.packaged,!t.pwa,t.worker=!t.gui&&"undefined"!=typeof self&&void 0!==self.importScripts,!!t.gui&&d.includes("Android"),t.chromeos=!!t.gui&&d.includes("CrOS"),t.tizen=!!t.gui&&d.includes("Tizen"),t.ios=t.gui&&/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(d)&&!window.MSStream||!1,||t.tizen,"win32"===process.platform:d.includes("Windows"),t.macos=t.node?"darwin"===process.platform:d.includes("Macintosh"),t.linux=t.node?"linux"===process.platform:d.includes("Linux")&&!t.linuxBased&&!t.macos,t.edge=t.gui&&d.includes("Edge/"),"Chrome")&&!t.edge,t.safari=t.gui&&d.includes("Safari")&&!!t.edge,t.opera=t.gui&&d.includes("Opera"),t.firefox=t.gui&&d.includes("Firefox"),t.edgeHtml=t.edge,,t.webkit=t.blink||t.safari,t.gecko=t.firefox;var a={};if(t.on=function(e,o){a[e]=a[e]||new Set,a[e].add(o)},t.removeListener=function(e,o){a[e]&&a[e].delete(o)},t.gui)if(t.pixelRatio=parseFloat(window.devicePixelRatio.toFixed(2)),t.gameconsole=d.includes("Xbox")||d.includes("PlayStation"),t.gameconsole)t.gamepad=!0,t.mouse=!0,t.touch=!1,!0,t.battery=!1,!1,t.gamepads=0,window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected",e=>t.gamepads++),window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected",e=>t.gamepads--);else{t.touch=navigator.maxTouchPoints>0,"TV");var r=navigator.getGamepads();t.gamepad=!!r&&Array.from(r).some(e=>null!==e),e("(orientation: portrait)",e=>{t.portrait=e;t.landscape=!e;t.orientation=e?"portrait":"landscape";o("portrait",t.portrait);o("landscape",t.landscape);o("orientation",t.orientation)}),e("(any-pointer: coarse)",e=>{t.touch=e;o("touch",t.touch)}),e("(hover: hover)",e=>{t.mouse=e;t.input=e?"mouse":"touch";t.formFactor=n();o("mouse",t.mouse);o("input",t.input);o("formFactor",t.formFactor)});var s=Math.min(window.screen.width,window.screen.height)}if(t.csp=t.uwp||t.chromeapp||!1,t.nwjs)"sdk"===process.versions["nw-flavor"];else if(t.electron)\\/g,"/").includes("node_modules/electron/");else if(t.uwp);else if(t.web){let e=/./;e.toString=(()=>!0),console.log("%c",e)}else t.node?"production"!!1;return t});
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('platform-detect', factory) :
(global['platform-detect'] = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
// The app has a window to render DOM content in.
var gui = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof window !== 'undefined';
// NW.JS' background script loads into invisible empty HTML page.
// Therefore NW.JS "main" script has all of window, document, navigator objects
// and won't be null if App's window is launched from such "main".
if (gui && typeof nw !== 'undefined') {
try {
} catch(err) {
gui = false;
// The app runs in terminal/console and can only use console.log.
var terminal = !gui;
var ua = gui ? navigator.userAgent : undefined;
function registerQuery(query, handler) {
var mql = window.matchMedia(query);
var listener = () => handler(mql.matches);
return () => mql.removeListener(listener)
// The holy grail
var p = {gui, terminal, registerQuery};
// Fully functional Node & core modules.
// it is true for Node.js, Electron, NW.JS
// it is false for browsers with shims or bundles of some Node modules (shimmed process, EventEmitter, etc..)
p.node = typeof process !== 'undefined'
&& !!process.versions
&& !!process.versions.node;
// Detects if the APP is launched as standalone Progressive Web App. Still a website, but looking like OS app, without url bar.
// TODO: WARNING: this returns true even for popup windows created with
p.pwa = p.gui
&& window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches
&& (document.head.querySelector('[rel="manifest"]') !== null);
// Windows 10 app - Universal Windows Platform.
p.uwp = typeof Windows !== 'undefined' && typeof MSApp !== 'undefined';
// Node + Chromium
p.nwjs = !!(p.node && process.versions.nw);
p.electron = !!(p.node && process.versions.electron);
// Cordova mobile app
p.cordova = !!(p.gui && window.cordova);
// Chrome app (Chrome OS app)
p.chromeapp = undefined; // todo
// The platform requires app to be compiled, bundled or packaged.
p.packaged = p.uwp || p.nwjs || p.electron || p.cordova || p.chromeapp;
// The app runs inside browser and is served from a server or browser cache.
p.web = !p.node && !p.packaged;
// App is a plain old webpage and not a PWA. = p.web && !p.pwa;
// Script is executed inside Web Worker
p.worker = !p.gui
&& typeof self !== 'undefined'
&& self.importScripts !== undefined;
//&& self.close !== undefined
//p.serviceWorker = p.worker && !!navigator.serviceWorker.controller
// TODO: test user agent availability in worker
// TODO: figure out if these should be mutually exclusive (Tizen and Android are based on linux and have Linux in their user agents) = p.gui ? ua.includes('Android') : false; // TODO
p.chromeos = p.gui ? ua.includes('CrOS') : false; // TODO
p.tizen = p.gui ? ua.includes('Tizen') : false; // TODO
p.ios = p.gui && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(ua) && !window.MSStream || false;
p.linuxBased = || p.tizen; = p.node ? process.platform === 'win32' : ua.includes('Windows');
p.macos = p.node ? process.platform === 'darwin' : ua.includes('Macintosh');
p.linux = p.node ? process.platform === 'linux' : ua.includes('Linux') && !p.linuxBased && !p.macos;
// These return true if their rendering engine is used to render the app.
// I.e: UWP apps are rendered by Edge's EdgeHTML, Electron/NWJS apps are rendered by Chromium.
//p.edgeAndroid = p.gui && ua.includes('EdgiOS/')
//p.edgeIos = p.gui && ua.includes('EdgA/')
//p.edgeWin = p.gui && ua.includes('Edge/')
//p.edge = edgeWin
// NOTE: Only returnin true for Edge (EdgeHtml) on windows. Android/iOs versions of Edge are powered by Webkit.
p.edge = p.gui && ua.includes('Edge/'); = p.gui && ua.includes('Chrome') && !p.edge;
p.safari = p.gui && ua.includes('Safari') && ! && !p.edge;
p.opera = p.gui && ua.includes('Opera');
p.firefox = p.gui && ua.includes('Firefox');
// TODO: all other android/ios browsers are webkit based.
p.edgeHtml = p.edge;
p.blink =;// || edgeAndroid
p.webkit = p.blink || p.safari;// || edgeIos
p.gecko = p.firefox;
// minimal EventEmitter like API for notifying abou changes
var listeners = {};
p.on = function(name, listener) {
listeners[name] = listeners[name] || new Set;
p.removeListener = function(name, listener) {
if (listeners[name])
function emit(name, value) {
if (listeners[name])
listeners[name].forEach(listener => listener(value));
if (p.gui) {
p.pixelRatio = parseFloat(window.devicePixelRatio.toFixed(2));
p.gameconsole = ua.includes('Xbox') || ua.includes('PlayStation');
if (p.gameconsole) {
// WARNING: do not use Gamepad API unless necessary. On Xbox it automatically hides pointer and shows warning that the site uses
// custom gamepad controls. We don't want to trigger that. This library only observes.
p.gamepad = true;
p.mouse = true; // this is controvertial. if app decides to use gamepad controls, then it doesnt have the mouse & hover anymore
p.touch = false; = true;
p.battery = false; = p.tablet = p.hybrid = p.laptop = p.desktop = false;
// undocumented api used for detecting current use of the site
p.gamepads = 0;
window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', e => p.gamepads++);
window.addEventListener('gamepaddisconnected', e => p.gamepads--);
} else {
p.touch = navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0; = ua.includes('TV');
// TODO: detect when gamepad is custom handled (and used not just used to control the emulated pointer on smart TVs)
// TODO: throw gamepad into the platform.input
var gamepads = navigator.getGamepads();
p.gamepad = !!gamepads && Array.from(gamepads).some(g => g !== null);
registerQuery('(orientation: portrait)', bool => {
p.portrait = bool;
p.landscape = !bool;
p.orientation = bool ? 'portrait' : 'landscape';
emit('portrait', p.portrait);
emit('landscape', p.landscape);
emit('orientation', p.orientation);
registerQuery('(any-pointer: coarse)', bool => {
p.touch = bool;
emit('touch', p.touch);
registerQuery('(hover: hover)', bool => {
p.mouse = bool;
p.input = bool ? 'mouse' : 'touch';
p.formfactor = getFormfactor();
emit('mouse', p.mouse);
emit('input', p.input);
emit('formfactor', p.formfactor);
// TODO: apply some light transpilation with babel because my relatively new smart tv runs tizen
// with 2 years old chromium which doesn't support destructuring syntax.
function getFormfactor() {
var shorterScreenSide = Math.min(window.screen.width, window.screen.height);
// TODO: add 'iot' or some other form of window-less app or monitor-less hardware.
if (
return 'tv'
else if (p.touch && shorterScreenSide < 600)
return 'phone'
else if (p.touch && !p.mouse)
return 'tablet'
//else if (p.touch && p.mouse)
// return 'hybrid'
else if (p.battery)
return 'laptop'
return 'desktop'
// Detects if the platform is constrained by Cancerous Security Policy.
p.csp = p.uwp || p.chromeapp || false;
if (p.nwjs) { = process.versions['nw-flavor'] === 'sdk';
} else if (p.electron) { = process.execPath.replace(/\\/g, '/').includes('node_modules/electron/');
} else if (p.uwp) { = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.current.isDevelopmentMode;
} else if (p.web) {
// toString on object is only called in developer tools in console.
// NOTE: Printing extra empty line into console is not ideal but it's the only reliable way.
// Window size checking seemed to be somewhat reliable but was failing on Tizen smart TV in the end.
let temp = /./;
temp.toString = () => = true;
console.log('%c', temp);
// TODO: doesnt work anymore in latest chrome
} else if (p.node) { = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
} else {
// Detects if NW.JS runs in SDK version (console available) and if Electron is executed from npm/node_modules/electron global.
// TODO: would be nice to detect if UWP is attached to Visual Studio debugger. = false;
return p;


"name": "platform-detect",
"version": "2.0.1",
"version": "2.0.2",
"description": "🃏 Minimalistic isomorphic library for detection of platform, runtime, APIs and more.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "Mike Kovarik",

@@ -40,2 +40,4 @@ # platform-detect

Minified bundle is also available at [](
## Usage

@@ -73,5 +75,5 @@

import {chrome, edge, safari} from 'platform-detect/browser.mjs'
import {input, mouse, touch, formFactor} from 'platform-detect/formfactor.mjs'
import {input, mouse, touch, formfactor} from 'platform-detect/formfactor.mjs'
if (formFactor === 'tv' && tizen) {
if (formfactor === 'tv' && tizen) {
console.log(`I'm a Samsung Smart TV!`)

@@ -156,3 +158,3 @@ }

* **`landscape`** bool, event
* **`formFactor`** string, event
* **`formfactor`** string, event
<br>values: `phone`, `tablet`, `desktop` or `tv`

@@ -159,0 +161,0 @@ * **`pixelRatio`** float

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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