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Comparing version 11.0.5 to 12.0.0




@@ -1,16 +0,15 @@

import { Request, CreateHeaders } from 'servie';
import { CreateBody } from 'servie/dist/body/browser';
export * from './transports/xhr';
import { Request } from "servie/dist/browser";
import { transport, XhrResponse } from "popsicle-transport-xhr";
import { toFetch } from "./common";
* Universal request options.
* Expose browser components.
export interface RequestOptions {
method?: string;
headers?: CreateHeaders;
trailer?: CreateHeaders | Promise<CreateHeaders>;
body?: CreateBody;
export { transport, Request, XhrResponse, toFetch };
* Simple universal request creator.
* Browser standard middleware stack.
export declare function request(url: string, options?: RequestOptions): Request;
export declare const middleware: (req: Request) => Promise<XhrResponse>;
* Standard browser fetch interface.
export declare const fetch: (input: string | Request, init?: import("servie/dist/common").CommonRequestOptions<import("servie/dist/browser").CreateBody> | undefined) => Promise<XhrResponse>;
"use strict";
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const servie_1 = require("servie");
const browser_1 = require("servie/dist/body/browser");
// Use `xhr` transport in browsers.
const browser_1 = require("servie/dist/browser");
exports.Request = browser_1.Request;
const popsicle_transport_xhr_1 = require("popsicle-transport-xhr");
exports.transport = popsicle_transport_xhr_1.transport;
exports.XhrResponse = popsicle_transport_xhr_1.XhrResponse;
const common_1 = require("./common");
exports.toFetch = common_1.toFetch;
* Simple universal request creator.
* Browser standard middleware stack.
function request(url, options = {}) {
const { method } = options;
const headers = servie_1.createHeaders(options.headers);
const body = browser_1.createBody(options.body);
const trailer = Promise.resolve(options.trailer).then(servie_1.createHeaders);
return new servie_1.Request({ url, method, headers, body, trailer });
exports.request = request;
exports.middleware = popsicle_transport_xhr_1.transport();
* Standard browser fetch interface.
exports.fetch = common_1.toFetch(exports.middleware, browser_1.Request);

@@ -1,12 +0,6 @@

import { Request, Response } from 'servie';
import { Middleware } from 'throwback';
import { Composed } from "throwback";
import { CommonRequest, CommonResponse } from "servie/dist/common";
* Request normalization.
* Create a `fetch` like interface from middleware stack.
export interface NormalizeRequestOptions {
upgradeInsecureRequests?: boolean;
* Default header handling.
export declare function normalizeRequest<T extends Request, U extends Response>(options?: NormalizeRequestOptions): Middleware<T, U>;
export declare function toFetch<T extends CommonRequest, U extends CommonResponse, A extends any[]>(middleware: Composed<T, U>, Request: new (...args: A) => T): (...args: A) => Promise<U>;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Default header handling.
* Create a `fetch` like interface from middleware stack.
function normalizeRequest(options = {}) {
return function (req, next) {
// Remove headers that should not be created by the user.
// If we have no accept header set already, default to accepting
// everything. This is needed because otherwise Firefox defaults to
// an accept header of `html/xml`.
if (!req.headers.get('Accept')) {
req.headers.set('Accept', '*/*');
// Request a preference to upgrade to HTTPS.
if (options.upgradeInsecureRequests !== false && req.Url.protocol === 'http:') {
req.headers.set('Upgrade-Insecure-Requests', '1');
return next();
function toFetch(middleware, Request) {
function done() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid middleware stack, missing transport function");
return function fetch(...args) {
const req = args[0] instanceof Request ? args[0] : new Request(...args);
return middleware(req, done);
exports.normalizeRequest = normalizeRequest;
exports.toFetch = toFetch;

@@ -1,21 +0,19 @@

import { Request, CreateHeaders } from 'servie';
import { CookieJar, Store } from 'tough-cookie';
import { CreateBody } from 'servie/dist/body/node';
export * from './transports/http';
import { Request } from "servie/dist/node";
import { transport, HttpResponse } from "popsicle-transport-http";
import { cookies } from "popsicle-cookie-jar";
import { contentEncoding } from "popsicle-content-encoding";
import { redirects } from "popsicle-redirects";
import { userAgent } from "popsicle-user-agent";
import { toFetch } from "./common";
* Create a cookie jar instance.
* Expose node.js components.
export declare function cookieJar(store?: Store): CookieJar;
export { contentEncoding, cookies, HttpResponse, redirects, Request, toFetch, transport, userAgent };
* Universal request options.
* Node.js standard middleware stack.
export interface RequestOptions {
method?: string;
headers?: CreateHeaders;
trailer?: CreateHeaders | Promise<CreateHeaders>;
body?: CreateBody;
export declare const middleware: import("throwback").Composed<Request, HttpResponse>;
* Simple universal request creator.
* Standard node.js fetch interface.
export declare function request(url: string, options?: RequestOptions): Request;
export declare const fetch: (input: string | Request, init?: import("servie/dist/common").CommonRequestOptions<import("servie/dist/node").CreateBody> | undefined) => Promise<HttpResponse>;
"use strict";
function __export(m) {
for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const servie_1 = require("servie");
const tough_cookie_1 = require("tough-cookie");
const node_1 = require("servie/dist/body/node");
// Use `http` transport by default.
const node_1 = require("servie/dist/node");
exports.Request = node_1.Request;
const throwback_1 = require("throwback");
const popsicle_transport_http_1 = require("popsicle-transport-http");
exports.transport = popsicle_transport_http_1.transport;
exports.HttpResponse = popsicle_transport_http_1.HttpResponse;
const popsicle_cookie_jar_1 = require("popsicle-cookie-jar");
exports.cookies = popsicle_cookie_jar_1.cookies;
const popsicle_content_encoding_1 = require("popsicle-content-encoding");
exports.contentEncoding = popsicle_content_encoding_1.contentEncoding;
const popsicle_redirects_1 = require("popsicle-redirects");
exports.redirects = popsicle_redirects_1.redirects;
const popsicle_user_agent_1 = require("popsicle-user-agent");
exports.userAgent = popsicle_user_agent_1.userAgent;
const common_1 = require("./common");
exports.toFetch = common_1.toFetch;
* Create a cookie jar instance.
* Node.js standard middleware stack.
function cookieJar(store) {
return new tough_cookie_1.CookieJar(store);
exports.cookieJar = cookieJar;
exports.middleware = throwback_1.compose([
// Redirects must happen around cookie support.
popsicle_redirects_1.redirects(throwback_1.compose([popsicle_cookie_jar_1.cookies(), popsicle_transport_http_1.transport()]))
* Simple universal request creator.
* Standard node.js fetch interface.
function request(url, options = {}) {
const { method } = options;
const headers = servie_1.createHeaders(options.headers);
const body = node_1.createBody(options.body);
const trailer = Promise.resolve(options.trailer).then(servie_1.createHeaders);
return new servie_1.Request({ url, method, headers, body, trailer });
exports.request = request;
exports.fetch = common_1.toFetch(exports.middleware, node_1.Request);
"name": "popsicle",
"version": "11.0.5",
"description": "Advanced HTTP requests in node.js and browsers, using Servie",
"version": "12.0.0",
"description": "Advanced HTTP requests in node.js and browsers",
"main": "dist/universal.js",

@@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ "types": "dist/universal.d.ts",

"scripts": {
"prettier": "prettier --write",
"lint": "tslint \"src/**/*.ts\" --project tsconfig.json",
"bundle": "browserify -g [ envify --NODE_ENV production ] -s popsicle -o popsicle.js .",
"bundle:size": "du -h popsicle.js",
"build": "rimraf dist/ && tsc && npm run bundle && npm run bundle:size",
"specs": "HTTPS_PORT=7358 PORT=7357 jest --coverage",
"server:open": "PORT=7357 node scripts/http-server.js & echo $! >; HTTPS_PORT=7358 node scripts/https-server.js & echo $! >",
"server:close": "if [ -f ]; then kill -9 $(cat; rm; fi; if [ -f ]; then kill -9 $(cat; rm; fi",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run build && npm run server:open && npm run specs; EXIT=$?; npm run server:close; exit $EXIT",
"prepare": "npm run build"
"format": "npm run prettier -- \"src/**/*.{js,ts}\"",
"build": "rimraf dist && tsc",
"specs": "jest --coverage",
"test": "npm run -s lint && npm run -s build && npm run -s specs && npm run -s size",
"prepare": "npm run build",
"size": "size-limit"

@@ -66,26 +65,49 @@ "repository": {

"size-limit": [
"path": "./dist/index.js",
"limit": "2.7 kB"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "lint-staged"
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,json,css,md}": [
"npm run prettier",
"git add"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^23.3.5",
"@types/node": "^10.12.10",
"body-parser": "^1.18.3",
"@types/jest": "^24.0.11",
"@types/node": "^12.0.0",
"browserify": "^16.2.3",
"envify": "^4.1.0",
"express": "^4.16.3",
"jest": "^23.6.0",
"methods": "^1.1.2",
"husky": "^2.2.0",
"jest": "^24.6.0",
"lint-staged": "^8.1.6",
"prettier": "^1.17.0",
"rimraf": "^2.6.2",
"ts-jest": "^23.10.4",
"tslint": "^5.10.0",
"size-limit": "^1.3.1",
"ts-jest": "^24.0.1",
"tslint": "^5.16.0",
"tslint-config-prettier": "^1.18.0",
"tslint-config-standard": "^8.0.1",
"typescript": "^3.1.3"
"typescript": "^3.4.1"
"dependencies": {
"@types/pump": "^1.0.1",
"@types/tough-cookie": "^2.3.2",
"make-error-cause": "^2.1.0",
"pump": "^3.0.0",
"servie": "^3.2.3",
"throwback": "^4.0.0",
"tough-cookie": "^2.0.0"
"popsicle-content-encoding": "^1.0.0",
"popsicle-cookie-jar": "^1.0.0",
"popsicle-redirects": "^1.0.0",
"popsicle-transport-http": "^1.0.0",
"popsicle-transport-xhr": "^1.0.0",
"popsicle-user-agent": "^1.0.0",
"servie": "^4.0.6",
"throwback": "^4.1.0",
"tough-cookie": "^3.0.1"

@@ -20,63 +20,42 @@ # ![Popsicle](

import { transport, request } from 'popsicle'
import { fetch } from "popsicle";
const req = request('') // Creates a `Request` instance.
const res = await transport()(req) // Transports `Request` and returns `Response` instance.
const req = fetch("");
Thin wrapper to transport [Servie]( HTTP request interfaces.
> Popsicle is a universal package, meaning node.js and browsers are supported without any configuration. This means the primary endpoint requires some `dom` types in TypeScript. When in a node.js or browser only environments prefer importing `popsicle/dist/{node,browser}` instead.
**P.S.** The default export from `popsicle` is `universal.js`. In TypeScript, this can cause trouble with types. Use specific imports such as `popsicle/dist/{browser,node,universal}` instead, depending on preference.
### [Browser](./src/browser.ts)
### Node.js Normalization
The middleware stack for browsers contains _only_ the transport layer. This makes the package tiny and quick on browsers.
Normalizes some behavior that happens automatically in browsers (each normalization can be disabled).
### [Node.js](./src/node.ts)
* Default `User-Agent` insertion
* Default unzip behaviour of `gzip` and `deflate` encoding
* Follows HTTP redirects
The middleware stack for node.js includes a lot more normalization to act similar to browsers:
### Built-in Transports
- Default `User-Agent` initialization
- Default decoding of compressed responses
- Follows valid HTTP redirects
- Caches cookies in-memory
#### HTTP (node.js)
### Errors
* **unzip: boolean** Automatically unzip response bodies (default: `true`)
* **follow: boolean** Automatically follow HTTP redirects (default: `true`)
* **jar: CookieJar** An instance of a cookie jar (`jar()` from `node.js` import)
* **maxRedirects: number** Override the number of redirects allowed (default: `5`)
* **confirmRedirect: Function** Validate `307` and `308` redirects (default: `() => false`)
* **rejectUnauthorized: boolean** Reject invalid SSL certificates (default: `true`)
* **agent: http.Agent** Custom `http.request` agent
* **ca: string | Buffer** A string, `Buffer` or array of strings or `Buffers` of trusted certificates in PEM format
* **key: string | Buffer** Private key to use for SSL
* **cert: string | Buffer** Public x509 certificate to use
* **secureProtocol: string** Optional SSL method to use
Transports can return an error. The built-in codes are documented below:
#### XHR (browsers)
- **EUNAVAILABLE** Unable to connect to the remote URL
- **EINVALID** Request URL is invalid (browsers)
- **EMAXREDIRECTS** Maximum number of redirects exceeded (node.js)
- **EBLOCKED** The request was blocked (HTTPS -> HTTP) (browsers)
- **ECSP** Request violates the documents Content Security Policy (browsers)
- **ETYPE** Invalid transport type (browsers)
* **type: XMLHttpRequestResponseType** Handle the XHR response (default: `text`)
* **withCredentials: boolean** Send cookies with CORS requests (default: `false`)
* **overrideMimeType: string** Override the XHR response MIME type
### Customization
#### Errors
Build the functionality you require by composing middleware functions and using `toFetch`. See [`src/node.ts`](./src/node.ts) for an example.
Transports can return an error. Errors have a `request` property set to the request object and a `code` string. The built-in codes are documented below:
## Plugins
* **EUNAVAILABLE** Unable to connect to the remote URL
* **EINVALID** Request URL is invalid (browsers)
* **EMAXREDIRECTS** Maximum number of redirects exceeded (node.js)
* **EBLOCKED** The request was blocked (HTTPS -> HTTP) (browsers)
* **ECSP** Request violates the documents Content Security Policy (browsers)
* **ETYPE** Invalid transport type (browsers)
- [Popsicle Status]( - Reject on invalid HTTP status codes
- [Popsicle Retry]( - Retry HTTP requests on bad server responses
### Plugins
_Coming back soon._
### Helpful Utilities
* [`throat`]( - Throttle promise-based functions with concurrency support
* [`is-browser`]( - Check if your in a browser environment (E.g. Browserify, Webpack)
* [`parse-link-header`]( - Handy for parsing HTTP link headers
### Creating Plugins

@@ -87,13 +66,8 @@

type Plugin = (req: Request, next: () => Promise<Response>) => Promise<Response>
type Plugin = (
req: Request,
next: () => Promise<Response>
) => Promise<Response>;
### Transportation Layers
See [Servie]( for more information:
type Transport = (req: Request) => Promise<Response>
## TypeScript

@@ -105,5 +79,5 @@

* [Superagent]( - HTTP requests for node and browsers
* [Fetch]( - Browser polyfill for promise-based HTTP requests
* [Axios]( - HTTP request API based on Angular's `$http` service
- [Superagent]( - HTTP requests for node and browsers
- [Fetch]( - Browser polyfill for promise-based HTTP requests
- [Axios]( - HTTP request API based on Angular's `$http` service

@@ -110,0 +84,0 @@ ## License

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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