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PostCSS plugin that helps you protect your CSS code by obfuscating class names and ids. with customizable configuration.

Version published
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👋 Hello everyone,

I've recently started working on Version 2 of postcss-obfuscator 🚀.

First and foremost, I must apologize 🙏 for my absence. I've been incredibly busy due to some life complications 😔.

The upcoming update aims to enhance the plugin and address all outstanding issues 📌.

I will also revisit previously closed inquiries that received unsatisfactory responses 😀.

Being absent has, in a way, been beneficial, as it allowed me to gather more insights about its usage, bugs, etc 🔭.

A huge thank you to @soranoo, @hoangnhan2ka3, and all the others for their excellent work on next-css-obfuscator 👏.

I manage this project during my limited time over the weekends ⏳.

Therefore, I am seeking sponsorship 🤝 to support my efforts in making this plugin stable🛡️.

   Sponsor Me

Here is the current agenda 📅: Click me
## Goals:
   - [ ] Resolve all open issues & closed unsatsfied Isssues.
   - [ ] No breaking changes.
   - [ ] Test With Many Stack as possible.
   - [ ] Better Experince & Features.
## HotFix:
   - [ ] Advanced CSS Parser. issues: #3, #5, #6, #11, #12, #13, #14, #18,,
   - [ ] Accurate Replacer. issues: #9, #10, #20, #24 #octal ,,,
   - [ ] Fix, Improve Stacks:
        - [ ] Use with Astro + Tailwind ? #1
        - [ ] Use with Vite + React + Tailwind ? #2 #22
        - [ ] Use with Gulp-postcss ? #4
        - [ ] Use with Laravel-Mix (outside Laravel) ? #8
        - [ ] How to use with Next.js? #15
        - [ ] Use with Nuxt2/Nuxt3 ? #16
        - [ ] Use with SvelteKit + Tailwind? #17 #21
        - [ ] Need Help Integrating with Techstack: Laravel, InertiaJS (SSR), and React #23
## Bugs: 
   - [ ] Duplicated randoms!.
   - [ ] Accurate classes Count.
   - [ ] Fresh option breaking.
   - [ ] Skip prefix/suffix for ignored classes
## Features
   - [ ] Compare size before & after.
   - [ ] Advanced Tailwindcss Classes.
   - [ ] Support js variables: bg-[url(${card.img})]
   - [ ] ClassIgnore to support regular expression(antdesign): #19
   - [ ] New option shorten(
   - [ ] New classMethod: "escaped"
   - [ ] New classMethod: 'count'.
   - [ ] Testing feature.
   - [ ] Multi srcPath.
   - [ ] Multi desPath.
   - [ ] Draft for orderJson option.
   - [ ] Internal Css support.
   - [ ] Auto Obsfuctaion. setup to genarte classes every time a server is hit.
   - [ ] CDN caches while deployment.
## Tests:
   - [ ] classFinder.
   - [ ] cssReplacer.
   - [ ] RandomsGenerator.
   - [ ] RandomsReplacer.
## Docs:
   - [ ] Better Readme.
   - [ ] Add Sponsors Table.
   - [ ] Wiki usage cases: diffrent stacks, solutions and sourcecodes.
   - [ ] Minimal config.
Your demands, suggestions, and contributions are always welcome 😇.

💻 Check progres on dev branch.

IntroMotivationFeaturesInstallationUsageConfigurationFAQReleasesContributingLicenseCheck Also

:space_invader: PostCSS Obfuscator

  • :date:13-05-2023 :pushpin:Beta Version 1.6.0
  • :computer:NajibRachid :purple_circle:ANMOON :office: XHUB

PostCSS plugin that helps you protect your CSS code by obfuscating class names and ids. with advanced customizable configuration.

This plugin provides obfuscation capabilities to your CSS files by replacing class and id selectors with prefixed, simplified or randomly generated strings. This can help to protect your CSS code from reverse engineering and unauthorized copying, while also reducing the file size of your CSS files. plugin offers advanced customizable configuration.

postcss obfuscator cli json Obfuscation css Obfuscation html Obfuscation react Obfuscation js Obfuscation


  • Protecting intellectual property, licensing & distribution: make it hard for others from stealing your design or using it without your permission.
  • Protect against Web scraping, data mining or any malicious activities like stealing data or content: make it hard extracting data from websites automatically using software tools, which use class names & ids.
  • Minfiy Your code even more: obsfucation/uglify can slightly reduce file size and improve its performance.


  • No 3rd parties, dependencies. just vanilla Nodejs code.
  • Quicker then you think.
  • Postcss plugin, hence its intended to work with any build tool or task runner.
  • Advanced Customizable configuration (Control is yours).
  • Supports all files: .html, .js, .jsx, .vue, .php, ... you name it.
  • Supports a wide range of CSS frameworks (Tailwidcss, Bootstrap, Bulma, ...).


# npm
npm install postcss-obfuscator --save-dev
# yarn
yarn add postcss-obfuscator --dev


First, you need to add postcss-obfuscator to your PostCSS configuration. For example, if you're using postcss-cli, you can add it to your postcss.config.js file:

//postcss.config.js / postcss.config.cjs
module.exports = {
  // other plugins
  plugins: [
      /* options */


The plugin has several options that you can configure to customize its behavior. Here's the default donfiguration:

const defaultOptions = {
  enable: true, // Enable plugin
  length: 5, // Random  name length.
  classMethod: "random", // 'random', 'simple', 'none' obfuscation method for classes.
  classPrefix: "", // ClassName prefix.
  classSuffix: "", // ClassName suffix.
  classIgnore: [], // Class to ignore from obfuscation.
  ids: false, //  Obfuscate #IdNames.
  idMethod: "random", // 'random', 'simple', 'none' obfuscation method for ids .
  idPrefix: "", // idName Prefix.
  idSuffix: "", // idName suffix.
  idIgnore: [], // Ids to ignore from obfuscation.
  indicatorStart: null, // Identify ids & classes by the preceding string.
  indicatorEnd: null, // Identify ids & classes by the following string.  
  jsonsPath: "css-obfuscator", // Path and file name where to save obfuscation data.
  srcPath: "src", // Source of your files.
  desPath: "out", // Destination for obfuscated html/js/.. files.Be careful using the same directory as your src(you will lose your original files).
  extensions: [".html"], // Extesnion of files you want osbfucated ['.html', '.php', '.js', '.svelte'].
  htmlExcludes: [], // Files and paths to exclude from html obfuscation replacement.
  cssExcludes: [], // Files and paths to exclude from css obfuscation.
  fresh: false, // Create new obfuscation data list or use already existed one (to keep production cache or prevent data scrapping).
  multi: false, // Generate obsfucated data file for each css file.
  differMulti: false, // Generate different Random names for each file.
  formatJson: false, // Format obfuscation data JSON file.
  showConfig: false, // Show config on terminal when runinng.
  keepData: true, // Keep or delete Data after obfuscation is finished?
  preRun: () => Promise.resolve(), // do something before the plugin runs.
  callBack: function () {}, // Callback function to call after obfuscation is done.
  • enable: Enable plugin, default is true.
  • length: Random name length for both ids and classes, default is 5.
  • classMethod: Obfuscation method for classes, options are: (random, simple, none). simple will remove pronounced vowels and digits, none will keep original name in case you want to just use prefixes or suffixes. default is 'random'.
  • classPrefix: Prefix for class names, default is nothig.
  • classSuffix: Suffix for class names, default is nothig.
  • classIgnore: Array of classes to ignore from obfuscation. default is none.
  • ids: Enable id Obfuscation, default is false.
  • idMethod: Obfuscation method for ids, options are also: (random, simple, none), _default is 'random'.
  • idPrefix: Prefix for id names, default is nothig.
  • idSuffix: Suffix for id names, default is nothig.
  • idIgnore: Array of ids to ignore from obfuscation. default is none.
  • indicator: Indicator used to replace names. default is none.
  • indicatorStart: Identify ids & classes by the preceding string. default is none.
  • indicatorEnd: Identify ids & classes by the following string. default is none.
  • jsonsPath: Path and file name where to save obfuscation data default is: css-obfuscator.
  • srcPath: Path for your source files, default is: src.
  • desPath: Destination path for obfuscated html/js/.. files. Be careful using the same directory as your src(you will lose your original files). default is: out.
  • extensions: Extesnions Array of files you want osbfucated ['.html', '.php', '.js', '.svelte'], default is '.html'.
  • htmlExcludes: Files and paths to exclude from html obfuscation replacement, default is none.
  • cssExcludes: Files and paths to exclude from css obfuscation, default is none.
  • fresh: Create new obfuscation data list or use already existed one (to keep production cache or prevent data scrapping). default is false.
  • multi: Generate obsfucated data file for each css file, default is false.
  • differMulti: Generate different Random names for each file, default is false.
  • formatJson: Format obfuscation data JSON file, default is false.
  • showConfig: Show config on terminal when runinng, default is false.
  • keepData: Keep or delete data after obfuscation is finished? default is true.
  • preRun: Do something before the plugin runs. default is a promise that immediately resolves.
  • callBack: Callback function to call after obfuscation is done. default is an empty function.

npm scripts example

Then npm scripts can be something like this:

"postcss": "postcss src/**/*.css  --dir build",
"postcss:watch": "postcss src/**/*.css --dir build --watch"
"obfuscate": "node postcss-obfuscate",  // for custome script.


How it works basically?

  1. Loop over all CSS files.
  2. Uses built-in function(regex) to find classes and ids.
  3. Saves Ids & classes in a JSON file key representing original Names. then generate random names as values.
  4. Creates a new folder from the source folder.
  5. Loops throw files and replace those keys with values from JSON files.


  • Only CSS is supported so call the extension After your code was converted to CSS (Example: SCSS to CSS). It's generally better to call it the last.
  • One of the best practices is to avoid naming your ids & classes reserved words like HTML element names or attributes. (same for JS & CSS).
  • It uses a built-in function to find ids & CSS classes. so it may not work perfectly with advanced CSS selectors.
  • I advise keepData option as default, and using a different build directory: Using the same directory will replace your files and you may lose original classes and ids names. you will get a warning for that.
  • Postcss doesn't support nested directories by default. this is If you intend to work with the plugin's multi-option.

Destination folder?

It's better to keep your source files as they are for easy development. Consider specifying another folder for the build, if you choose your build directory to be the same as the source directory you will be replaced and you will lose your original files.

Support for CSS framworks?

It's designed to work with CSS, hence its supports any framework you can think of:

  • Tailwindcss.
  • Bootstrap.
  • Bulma.
  • ... .

Use indicators?

As mentioned this plugin uses Regex to replace all appearances of classes & ids on files with extensions you specify (be it html, cs, js, ...). Generally, if your class names are unique and avoid reserved keywords, then you got nothing to worry about, otherwise, we got you covered just use the indicatorStart & indicatorEnd options.

For example class, h1, and import are examples of reserved keywords in (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP). so if you insist on breaking naming conventions and using them as id or class names: Then you can use either or both indicator options like this:

indicatorStart: "@",
indicatorEnd: "#",
  let anotherClass = "@class";
<div class="h1# @import#">MyClass</div>

Build Static and make production ready?

Postcss usually is run automatically on dev and build: so it's preferred to create a customer postcss script with the postcss-obfuscator plugin, a script to run only when you want to obfuscate and make the project ready for production.

//postcss.config.js / postcss.config.cjs
const postcss = require("postcss");
const obfuscator = require("postcss-obfuscator");
// other plugins
    /* options */
  .then((result) => {
    console.log("Task Completed!", result);
  .catch((error) => {

But it can also be done like this:

  1. The enable option: to enable it only in specific mode and to make sure CSS works fine in dev mode for debugging:
// process.env.NODE_ENV = "development" //development //obfuscation //production
const isObfscMode = process.env.NODE_ENV === "obfuscation";

//enable: isObfscMode,
  1. The callBack option, a Callback function to call after obfuscation is done. that way once obfuscation is done you can config and prepare your project for production:
 callBack: function () {
	process.env.NODE_ENV = "production"; // to make sure postcss-obfuscator doesn't re-run.

So basically you use callBack option to set the env mode back to production thus obfuscation will not run, and then config your app source folder to use out folder instead of src for production.

Run plugin after some tasks are finished?

You can use the preRun event hook option to delay the plugin until a certain task is finished or to perform some operation before the plugin runs. This option provides greater control over the timing of the plugin's execution and allows you to ensure that any necessary pre-processing or post-processing is completed before or after the plugin runs.

preRun: () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000)), // delay for  10s.
preRun: () => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    // some pre-tasks

How To Use With?

Are you struggling to use it with your tooling & stack environment? please create an Issue. We will be happy to help.


  - Initial Version 1.0.0 : 18/02/2023
    - Project Setup.
    - Theory & prove of concept.
  - Initial Version 1.0.3 : 19/02/2023
    - Essential default confugration options (length, jsonPath, placeholder).
    - Settled on a no dependcies solution. built own parser.
    - Developing class finder function.
  - Initial Version 1.0.7 : 20/02/2023
    - Set confugration options.
    - Introduce Id obfuscation.
    - Add prefixers option.
    - Add suffixes option.
  - Initial Version 1.0.9 : 21/02/2023
    - Add srcPath option.
    - Add desPath option.
  - Initial Version 1.1.2 : 21/02/2023
    - Improving class finder method regex.
    - Add showConfig Option.
    - Add formatJson Option.
  - Alpha Version 1.1.5 : 22/02/2023
    - Introducing the Multi option.
    - Refactor & improve code performance.
    - Introduce CLI UI.
  - Alpha Version 1.1.8 : 23/02/2023
    - Introducing the fresh option.
    - Introducing the keepSame option.
    - Adding Logger & logs.
  - Alpha Version 1.2.2 : 24/02/2023
    - Introducing  the callback option.
    - Adding proccess stats/data log.
    - Use a copy method solution.
    - Improve Replace Regex (exclude HTML attributes).
  - Alpha Version 1.2.6 : 24/02/2023
    - Adding Indicator option.
    - deprecate keepSame option.
    - Introduce the differMulti option.
    - Make keepData true as default.
  - Alpha Version 1.3.2 : 25/02/2023
    - Add extensions options.
    - fix differMulti option Bug(class repeation).
    - Deprecate placeholder option.
    - Introducing ExcludeCss option.
    - Introducing ExcludeHTML option.
    - Fix Edge case (Css file count).
  - Alpha Version 1.3.4 : 26/02/2023
    - Fix Files Count (count diffrent extensions).
    - Improve simplify function (add random letter if <1).
  - Alpha Version 1.3.8 : 27/02/2023
    - Add idIgnore/classIgnore Option,
    - Add classMethod option (random/simplify/none).
    - Fix issue (delete data wrong path).
    - Fix bug (Find multiple Ids).
  - Beta Version 1.4.0 : 28/02/2023
    - Improve Exclude Css Option allow Paths.
    - Improve Exclude HTML Option allow Paths.
  - Beta Version 1.4.1 : 01/03/2023
    - Fix Error copying directory: Invalid regular expression: /(?<!</?)\b(sm\:group-hover\)\b(?!=)/: Unterminated
  - Beta Version 1.4.2 : 02/03/2023
     - Fix default replacement set default extensions to ['.html'].
  - Beta Version 1.4.5 : 03/03/2023
     - Fix tailwindcss replacement in html (remove backslash escape character before replace).
     - Fix tailwindcss css replacement. (remove dplicated escape charecter before dot "0.5").
     - Fix HTML Exact Match: e.g. (xl:bottom-0 and xl:bottom-0.5).
  - Beta Version 1.5.0 : 05/05/2023
    - Better Documentation(use cases).
    - Better Documentation(build & production).
    - Fine tuning for tailwindcss (#3 Using tailwindcss arbitrary values).
    - Typo folder name css-obfuscator.
  - Beta Version 1.5.4 : 09/05/2023
    - Better Documentation (Simplified).
    - Fine tuning for tailwindcss (#3 arbitrary values HTML replacment).
    - Fix #5 prefixes & suffixes, trailing slashes.
    - Fix #6 tailwind's escaped backslash issue
  - Beta Version 1.6.0 : 13/05/2023
    - More Use Cases.
    - Better flexible & safer Regex.
    - Fix #9 update regex match exact wording.
    - Fix #10 obfuscation only works for indicators.
    - Set Indicators Start & End.
    - Add preRun event hook option.
  - [Agenda] Beta Version 1.x.x : xx/xx/2023
    - Fix #11 tailwindcss data attributes: PR #12.
    - Fix #13 tailwindcss Advanced Classes: 1-parentheses removed.
    - Fix #14 tailwindcss Advanced Classes: 1-classes used as arbitrary values.
    - Draft new obfuscation method: 'count'.
    - Draft new option: reservedClasses
    - Draft new feature: test(Reverse engineering).
    - Draft for orderJson option.
    - Discard draft: Force option (case: dev env or same Path).
    - Draft for framework option.
    - Fix Files Path (make relative).
    - Add Force option (case: dev env or same Path).
    - Ask before preceding (If dev env or srcPath is desPath).
    - Improve custome script(postcss-obfuscator).
    - Internal Css feature.
    - Refactor tests.


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

Tests included:

npm test


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information. Feel free to use it in your own projects, or contribute to its development on GitHub.

Check Also

PostCSS-prepend | PostCSS-mobile-first

keywords: postcss, plugin, obfuscation, css, css classes, class renamer, postcss-rename-selectors, class prefixer, Postcss obfuscator, PostCSS obfuscation plugin, CSS obfuscation, Class name scrambling, CSS security, Obfuscate CSS code, Protect CSS code, Prevent CSS reverse-engineering, tailwindcss, tailwindcss classes list, tailwindcss classes array json, bootstrap, bootstrap classes array json, Scramble HTML classes, CSS anti-theft protection, code privacy, CSS code obfuscator, CSS class name encryption, anti web scraping, Anti-scraping tools, Anti-scraping technology, Web scraping prevention, Web crawling protection.



Package last updated on 05 Mar 2024

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