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postcss-structure - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.4 to 0.6.0




@@ -45,5 +45,7 @@ 'use strict';

css.walkAtRules('structure', function (rule) {
rule.each(function (decl) {
if (decl.prop in opts) {
opts[decl.prop] = isNaN(decl.value) ? decl.value.substring(1, decl.value.length - 1) : Number(decl.value);
rule.walkDecls(function (decl) {
if (decl.prop.match(/^unit/) || decl.prop.match(/^gutter/) || decl.prop.match(/^padding/) || decl.prop.match(/^max/) || decl.prop.match(/^min/)) {
opts[decl.prop] = parseFloat(decl.value, 10);
} else if (decl.prop.match(/^align/) || decl.prop.match(/^display/)) {
opts[decl.prop] = decl.value;

@@ -81,3 +83,2 @@ });

var _i2 = decl.value.replace('/', '-').split('-');
e.blobs[_i2[0]] = e.blobs[_i2[0]] || [];

@@ -84,0 +85,0 @@ e.blobs[_i2[0]][_i2[2]] = e.blobs[_i2[0]][_i2[2]] || [];

@@ -79,3 +79,3 @@ 'use strict';

var queryWidth = breakpoint * opts.unit - opts.gutter + 2 * opts.padding + scrollbarsWidth;
var mediaQuery = _postcss2.default.atRule({ name: 'media', params: '(width > ' + queryWidth + 'rem)' });
var mediaQuery = _postcss2.default.atRule({ name: 'media', params: '(min-width: ' + queryWidth + 'rem)' });

@@ -82,0 +82,0 @@ (0, _containersQuery2.default)(opts, breakpoint, mediaQuery, e.containers);

"name": "postcss-structure",
"version": "0.5.4",
"version": "0.6.0",
"description": "A PostCSS plugin to create CSS grids based on a fixed block width.",

@@ -46,2 +46,5 @@ "keywords": [

"ava": {
"files": [
"require": [

@@ -48,0 +51,0 @@ "babel-register"

@@ -11,8 +11,12 @@ # PostCSS-structure [![Build Status][ci-img]][ci]

PostCSS-structure outputs a few CSS classes to make grids.
## Usage
The idea behind PostCSS-structure is that the bloc width doesn't change depending on the screen-size. Media-queries are created depending the number of units that fit into the page.
Install PostCSS-structure from npm:
## Usage
$ npm install postcss-structure --save-dev
Add PostCSS-structure to the required PostCSS plugins:
``` js

@@ -22,33 +26,194 @@ postcss([ require('postcss-structure') ])

## Options and default values
Check [PostCSS usage instructions]( to setup with Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, Npm scripts…
## Settings
- [Global](#global)
- [Container](#containers)
- [Rows](#rows)
- [Blocs](#blocs)
- [Bloc fractions](#bloc-fractions)
- [Blobs](#blobs)
- [Columns](#columns)
- [Show](#show)
- [Right](#right)
### Global
- _unit_: width of a single column
- _gutter_: width of the gutter
- _padding_: padding of the main container
- _max_: maximum number of blocs
- _min_: minimum number of blocs
- _align_: center or left
- _display_: float or flex
A media-query is created for each _unit_ multiple, from _min_ to _max_.
``` css
/* default values */
@structure {
unit: 18, /* width of a single bloc (rem) */
gutter: 1.5, /* width of the gutter (rem) */
padding: 1.5, /* padding of the main container (rem) */
max: 8, /* maximum number of blocs */
min: 2, /* minimum number of blocs */
thumb: 3, /* number of .bloc-thumb fitting in one bloc */
align: 'center', /* 'center' or 'left' */
display: 'flex', /* 'float' or 'flex' */
unit: 18rem,
gutter: 1.5rem,
padding: 1.5rem,
max: 8,
min: 2,
align: center,
display: flex
## Output example
### Containers
`structure-element: container`
## Markup example
The container width is defined for each media-query.
``` css
.my-container {
structure-element: container;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
### Rows
`structure-element: row`
Rows have a negative right margin and are intended to contain either a _bloc_ or a _blob_ element.
``` css
.my-row {
structure-element: row;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
### Blocs
`structure-bloc: breakpoint-width(-offset)`
Blocs have a fixed width.
- _breakpoint_: defined by the number of _units_ that fit into the screen. If the screen is narrower than the _breakpoint_, the bloc takes full width.
- _width_: width of the bloc.
- _offset_ (optional): remaining space before the bloc can take its width. if (_width_ + _offset_) is wider than _breakpoint_, then _width_ shrinks first.
``` css
.my-bloc {
structure-bloc: 3-2;
.my-bloc-with-offset {
structure-bloc: 3-2-3;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
Example (with offset): [input](, [output](, [markup](
### Bloc fractions
`structure-fraction: ratio/total`
- _ratio_: fraction of the total in one row.
- _total_: aribitrary divider, relative to _unit_.
``` css
.my-fraction {
structure-fraction: 3/2;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
### Blobs
`structure-blob: breakpoint-ratio/total`
Unlike blocs, blobs width will change depending on the breakpoint.
- _breakpoint_: defined by the number of _units_ that fit in the screen.
- _ratio_: fraction of the _total_.
- _total_: aribitrary divider, relative to the _breakpoint_.
``` css
.my-blob {
structure-blob: 3-2/3;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
### Columns
`structure-columns: breakpoint-columns(-offset)`
- _breakpoint_: defined by the number of _units_ that fit into the screen. If the screen is narrower than the _breakpoint_, the element has one column.
- _columns_: number of columns.
- _offset_ (optional): remaining space before the columns are active. If (_columns_ + _offset_) is greater than _breakpoint_, then _columns_ shrinks first.
``` css
.my-columns {
structure-columns: 3-4;
.my-columns-with-offset {
structure-columns: 3-4-2;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
Example (with offset): [input](, [output](, [markup](
### Show
`structure-show: breakpoint`
- _breakpoint_: the element is made visible when the screen is wider than _breakpoint_. A class has to be defined above in the CSS to make it invisible.
``` css
.my-element {
structure-show: 3;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
### Right
`structure-right: breakpoint`
- _breakpoint_: the element is pushed to the right when the screen is wider than _breakpoint_.
``` css
.my-element {
structure-show: 3;
Example: [input](, [output](, [markup](
## To do
- [ ] Add markup example in
- [ ] Add Css output example in
- [ ] Add unit to declaration (p.e.: width: 18rem)
- [ ] Make rtl
- [ ] write tests
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