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@@ -110,2 +110,4 @@ # Creating Testable Bots by Separating Concerns

Another problem with this approach is that every piece of functionality in `bot` probably needs to be mocked, e.g. `fs.delete(...)`.
This is a direct result of the imperative style used to code `bot` - at some point a decision is made to take an action, the action is taken, and that's that. It's hard to test.

@@ -124,3 +126,3 @@

export class ActionReference {
class ActionReference {

@@ -127,0 +129,0 @@ constructor (

@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ # Scoring

const returnsNull = Scored.from(null); // null
const returnsNull = Scored.from(undefined); // null
const returnsNull = Scored.from("Bill", 0); // null
Scoring is usually a temporary operation - you wrap results with scores to determine the highest one(s). To unwrap them call `Scored.unwrap`, which will return the wrapped result for any `Scored` and pass through any other results.
Scoring is usually a temporary operation - you wrap results with scores to determine the highest one(s), then unwrap the winner(s). To unwrap a result, call `Scored.unwrap`, which will return the wrapped result for any `Scored` and pass through any other results.
Scored.unwrap(iffyBill); // "Bill"
Scored.unwrap("Bill"); // "Bill"
Scored.unwrap(iffyBill); // "Bill"
Scored.unwrap("Bill"); // "Bill"

@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@

In this example we are maintaining `botstate` which will track
In this example we are maintaining `botstate` which will track whether the bot has asked the user a question.
have a `Transform` which always assigns a score of 1 to a name gleaned from an unambiguously verbose introduction. Otherwise, if there is an outstanding question (the bot previously asked the user's name) it assigns a 50% chance that the entire user's response is a name. In either case we transform that `Scored string` into a `Scored ActionReference` with the same score, greeting the user.
We will add a `Transform` which always assigns a score of 1 to a name gleaned from an unambiguously verbose introduction. Otherwise, if there is an outstanding question (the bot previously asked the user's name) it assigns a 50% chance that the entire user's response is a name. In either case we transform that `Scored string` into a `Scored ActionReference` with the same score, greeting the user.
Meanwhile we have a different `Transform` that is looking for the phrase "current time". If there are no outstanding questions it returns its action with a score of 1, but even if there is an outstanding question we consider that there's a pretty good chance that this phrase represents a command, so it assigns a score of .75.
Meanwhile we will add a different `Transform` that is looking for the phrase "current time". If there are no outstanding questions it returns its action with a score of 1, but even if there is an outstanding question we consider that there's a pretty good chance that this phrase represents a command, so it assigns a score of .75.

@@ -61,22 +62,24 @@ We pass both these transforms to another *Prague* function, `best`, which returns a new transform which calls *all* of the transforms, collects the `Scored`s thereof, and returns the unwrapped result of the highest scoring one.

// all the existing transforms plus:
re(/My name is (.*)/i, 1),
name => Scored.from(name),
re(/My name is (.*)/i, 1),
t => botstate.question === 'name' ? Scored.from(t, .5) : null,
t => botstate.question === 'name' ? Scored.from(t, .5) : null,
scoredName => Scored.from(
scoredName => Scored.from(
re(/current time/),
() => Scored.from(
botstate.question ? .75 : 1
re(/current time/),
() => Scored.from(
botstate.question ? .75 : 1

@@ -116,14 +119,8 @@

The first thing we need is a way to work with more than one result. Enter `Multiple`, which wraps an array of results. You can either create one directly:
To work with multiple results, simply create an array. You can do it statically, as with `values`, or you can use the `multiple` helper to create a `Transform` which calls each supplied `Transform`. If all return `null`, it returns `null`. If only one returns a result, it returns that. If two or more return results, it returns an Array containing them. `multiple` also flattens any results that are themselves arrays.
new Multiple(values);
Or you can use the `multiple` helper to create a `Transform` which calls each supplied `Transform`. If all return `null`, it returns `null`. If one returns a result, it returns that. If two or more return results, it returns a `Multiple` containing them.
Frequently the thing you want to do with multiple results is to sort them:

@@ -133,8 +130,8 @@

const sortme = pipe(
sort(), // sort(true) for ascending, sort(false) for descending (this is the default)
sort(), // sort(true) for ascending, sort() or sort(false) for descending
Thus `sortme()` returns a `Multiple` which contains a sorted array of strings.
Thus `sortme()` returns a sorted array of strings.

@@ -149,3 +146,3 @@ We can narrow down this result using yet another helper called `top`.

)() // Multiple{ results:[ Scored{ result: "hi", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "hello", score: .75 } ] }
)() // [ Scored{ result: "hi", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "hello", score: .75 } ]

@@ -161,3 +158,3 @@

)() // Multiple{ results:[ Scored{ result: "hi", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "hello", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "aloha", score: .70 } ] }
)() // [ Scored{ result: "hi", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "hello", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "aloha", score: .70 } ]

@@ -174,3 +171,3 @@

)() // Multiple{ results:[ Scored{ result: "hi", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "hello", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "aloha", score: .70 }, ] }
)() // [ Scored{ result: "hi", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "hello", score: .75 }, Scored{ result: "aloha", score: .70 }, ]

@@ -199,3 +196,3 @@

In this chapter we introduced the idea of *scoring* results, and the tools necessary to reason about them: the classes `Scored` (with its methods `from` and `unwrap`) and `Multiple`, and the helper functions `multiple`, `sort`, and `top`.
In this chapter we introduced the idea of *scoring* results, and the tools necessary to reason about them: `Scored` (with its methods `from` and `unwrap`) and the helper functions `multiple`, `sort`, and `top`.

@@ -202,0 +199,0 @@ ## Next

@@ -23,2 +23,4 @@ # More *Prague*

## combine
import { Transform, Returns } from "./prague";
export declare class Multiple {
results: any[];
constructor(results: any[]);
declare type MaybeArray<T> = [T] extends [never] ? never : T | Array<T>;
declare type NullIfNull<T> = NonNullable<T> extends never ? null : never;
declare type F<T> = NonNullable<T> extends never ? never : T;
declare type Flatten<T> = T extends Array<infer U> ? U : T;
export declare function multiple(): Transform<[], null>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>]): Transform<ARGS, R0>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>]): Transform<ARGS, R0 | R1 | Multiple>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1, R2>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R2>]): Transform<ARGS, R0 | R1 | R2 | Multiple>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1, R2, R3>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R2>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R3>]): Transform<ARGS, R0 | R1 | R2 | R3 | Multiple>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1, R2, R3, R4>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R2>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R3>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R4>]): Transform<ARGS, R0 | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | Multiple>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>]): Transform<ARGS, MaybeArray<NonNullable<Flatten<R0> | Flatten<R1>>> | NullIfNull<F<R0> | F<R1>>>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1, R2>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R2>]): Transform<ARGS, MaybeArray<NonNullable<Flatten<R0> | Flatten<R1> | Flatten<R2>>> | NullIfNull<F<R0> | F<R1> | F<R2>>>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1, R2, R3>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R2>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R3>]): Transform<ARGS, MaybeArray<NonNullable<Flatten<R0> | Flatten<R1> | Flatten<R2> | Flatten<R3>>> | NullIfNull<F<R0> | F<R1> | F<R2> | F<R3>>>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], R0, R1, R2, R3, R4>(...transforms: [(...args: ARGS) => Returns<R0>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R1>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R2>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R3>, (...args: ARGS) => Returns<R4>]): Transform<ARGS, MaybeArray<NonNullable<Flatten<R0> | Flatten<R1> | Flatten<R2> | Flatten<R3> | Flatten<R4>>> | NullIfNull<F<R0> | F<R1> | F<R3> | F<R4>>>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[], O>(...args: ((...args: ARGS) => Returns<O>)[]): Transform<ARGS, NonNullable<O> | NullIfNull<O>>;
export declare function multiple<ARGS extends any[]>(...args: ((...args: ARGS) => any)[]): Transform<ARGS, any>;
export {};

@@ -6,8 +6,2 @@ "use strict";

const operators_1 = require("rxjs/operators");
class Multiple {
constructor(results) {
this.results = results;
exports.Multiple = Multiple;
function multiple(...transforms) {

@@ -17,7 +11,7 @@ if (transforms.length === 0)

const _transforms = rxjs_1.from( => prague_1.from(transform)));
return ((...args) => _transforms.pipe(operators_1.flatMap(transform => transform(...args)), prague_1.filterOutNull, operators_1.flatMap(result => result instanceof Multiple ? rxjs_1.from(result.results) : rxjs_1.of(result)), operators_1.toArray(), => results.length === 0 ? null :
return (...args) => _transforms.pipe(operators_1.flatMap(transform => transform(...args)), prague_1.filterOutNull, operators_1.flatMap(result => Array.isArray(result) ? rxjs_1.from(result) : rxjs_1.of(result)), operators_1.toArray(), => results.length === 0 ? null :
results.length === 1 ? results[0] :
new Multiple(results))));
exports.multiple = multiple;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ import { Transform } from './prague';

export declare const sort: (ascending?: boolean) => Transform<[any], any>;
export declare const sort: <O>(ascending?: boolean) => (o: O) => O | Scored<any>[];
export interface TopOptions {

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ maxResults?: number;

@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ "use strict";

exports.Scored = Scored;
exports.sort = (ascending = false) => prague_1.transformInstance(prague_1.Multiple, r => new prague_1.Multiple(r
.map(result => Scored.from(result))
.sort((a, b) => ascending ? (a.score - b.score) : (b.score - a.score))));
exports.sort = (ascending = false) => (o) => Array.isArray(o)
? o
.map(result => Scored.from(result))
.sort((a, b) => ascending ? (a.score - b.score) : (b.score - a.score))
: o;
function top(options) {

@@ -60,12 +61,13 @@ let maxResults = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

return prague_1.transformInstance(prague_1.Multiple, multiple => {
const result = multiple.results[0];
if (!(result instanceof Scored))
throw "top must only be called on Multiple of Scored";
const highScore = result.score;
return rxjs_1.from(multiple.results).pipe(operators_1.tap(result => {
if (!(result instanceof Scored))
throw "top must only be called on Multiple of Scored";
}), operators_1.takeWhile((m, i) => i < maxResults && m.score + tolerance >= highScore), operators_1.toArray(), => results.length === 1 ? results[0] : new prague_1.Multiple(results)));
return (result) => {
if (!Array.isArray(result))
return rxjs_1.of(result);
let highScore;
return rxjs_1.from(result).pipe(operators_1.tap(_result => {
if (!(_result instanceof Scored))
throw "top must only be called on Array of Scored";
if (highScore === undefined)
highScore = _result.score;
}), operators_1.takeWhile((m, i) => i < maxResults && m.score + tolerance >= highScore), operators_1.toArray(), => results.length === 1 ? results[0] : results));

@@ -72,0 +74,0 @@ = top;

"name": "prague",
"version": "0.24.1",
"version": "0.24.3",
"description": "EDSL for rules",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/src/prague.js",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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