A node module that provides a REST client library for the PressGang CCMS. It provides a more semantic interface for application development than the raw PressGang REST interface. Uses restler for the REST interface.
npm install pressgang-rest
Basic Usage v.0.1.0 and up
var pressgang = require('pressgang-rest);
Get a topic:
pressgang.getTopic('', 4324, {revision: 2343, expand: tags},
function (err, topic) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
console.log('Got Topic %s at revision %s', topic.id, topic.revision);
console.log('XML is %s', topic.xml);
and expand
are optional. expand
can take any of the root expandable entities, which include:
Get a Content Spec:
pressgang.getSpec('', 7069, function (err, spec) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
console.log('Got Spec ID %s at revision %s', spec.id, spec.revision);
console.log('The spec contents: %s', spec.content);
console.log('The spec metadata: %s', JSON.stringify(spec.metadata));
Basic Usage v.0.0.13 and below
First, require pressgang-rest
var PressGangCCMS = require('pressgang-rest').PressGangCCMS;
Next, create a new PressGangCCMS object:
var pressgang = new PressGangCCMS('');
Now, you can get the XML of a topic:
pressgang.getTopicData('xml', 8445,
function(err, result){
console.log('The topic xml content is:' + result);
To get the JSON representation of a topic:
pressgang.getTopicData('json', 8445,
function(err, result){
console.log('The JSON representation of the topic is:'
+ JSON.stringify(result);
To get a specific revision of a topic:
pressgang.getTopicData('json', 8445, 10405,
function(err, result){
console.log('The XML of revision 10405 is:'
+ result.xml;
will return true if an ID is a Content Specification:
function(err, is){
if (is) console.log('Topic 456 is a Content Specification')
returns a Content Spec object, which has the plain text content of the Content Spec, and a metadata record.
function(err, result){
You can change the logging level of the PressGangCCMS Object to get details for debugging. The loglevel
defaults to 0. Higher levels produce more trace output on the console:
pressgang.loglevel = 2;
You can also do quick and dirty topic operations, like this:
returns a JSON representation of a topic.
PressGangCCMS.getTopic('http://localhost:8080', 3445, function(topic) { console.log(topic); });
takes an optional revision parameter between the topic ID and the callback. Here 3445 is the topic id, and 23433 is the revision:
PressGangCCMS.getTopic('http://localhost:8080', 3445, 23433, function(topic) { console.log(topic); });
##Source Code
The source is hosted on github at https://github.com/jwulf/node-pressgang-rest.
Up to 0.0.13 it was written using Microsoft TypeScript, and compiled to JavaScript using the node typescript module. There is a TypeScript declaration file in the module.
From 0.1.0 I made it straight-forward JavaScript. Tests have not been updated yet.