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Pretty Diff
Language aware code comparison tool for several web based languages. It also beautifies, minifies, and a few other things.
Benefits - see overview page for more details
Executing Pretty Diff
Run with Node.js / io.js / CommonJS / RequireJS
Node.js and io.js support is provided by api/node-local.js. This file can execute in the following modes:
- auto - Determine if the resource is text, a file, or a directory and process as such (except that directories are processed with the subdirectory option)
- screen - code input is on the command line and output is to the command line
- filescreen - code input is in a file and the output is to the command line
- file - the input and the output reside in files
- directory - everything in a directory is processed into a specified output directory except ".", "..", and subdirectories
- subdirectory - process the entire directory tree
Execute in the context of a NodeJS application
First install the prettydiff package locally
npm install prettydiff
Add this code to your application
var prettydiff = require("prettydiff"),
args = {
source: "asdf",
diff : "asdd",
lang : "text"
output = prettydiff.api(args);
Execute from the command line
First install the prettydiff package globally
npm install prettydiff -g
Run in windows
prettydiff source:"c:\myDirectory" readmethod:"subdirectory" diff:"c:\myOtherDirectory"
Run in Linux and OSX
prettydiff source:"myDirectory" mode:"beautify" readmethod:"subdirectory" output:"path/to/outputDirectory"
To see a man page provide no arguments or these: help, man, manual
prettydiff help
prettydiff man
To see only the version number supply only v or version as an argument:
prettydiff v
prettydiff version
Set configurations with a .prettydiffrc file.
Pretty Diff will first look for a .prettydiffrc file from the current directory in the command prompt. If the .prettydiffrc is not present in the current directory it will then look for it in the application's directory.
The .prettydiffrc first checks for JSON format. This allows a simple means of defining options in a file. It also allows a JavaScript application format so that options can be set conditionally.
Run in a web browser with api/dom.js
Please feel free to use file to supplement dom.js. Otherwise, dom.js requires supplemental assistance to map DOM nodes from an HTML source. dom.js is fault tolerant so nodes mapped to the supplied don't need to be supported from custom HTML.
To run Pretty Diff using dom.js include the following two script tags and bind the pd.recycle() function to the executing event. Please refer to for an HTML example and documentation.xhtml for option and execution information.
<script type="application/javascript" src="prettydiff.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="api/dom.js"></script>
Run on Windows command line with WSH
Create a WSH script file using XML syntax and with a file extension of
"WSF". This file must have a tag for each supported argument, must be
capable of reading from a file, and retrieving dependencies.
Pretty Diff would be executed using the following on CLI:
cscript prettydiff.wsf
cscript prettydiff.wsf /source:"myFile.xml" /mode:"beautify"
Execute with vanilla JS
var global = {},
args = {
source: "asdf",
diff : "asdd",
lang : "text"
output = prettydiff(args);
Run Pretty Diff in Atom code editor with the atom-beautify package.
Run the unit tests with NPM test Script
cd node_modules/prettydiff
npm test
@documentation - English:
@licstart The following is the entire license notice for Pretty Diff.
This code may not be used or redistributed unless the following
conditions are met:
- Prettydiff created by Austin Cheney originally on 3 Mar 2009.
- The use of diffview.js and prettydiff.js must contain the following
Copyright (c) 2007, Snowtide Informatics Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- Neither the name of the Snowtide Informatics Systems nor the
names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written
- used as diffview function
- The code mentioned above has significantly expanded documentation in
each of the respective function's external JS file as linked from the
documentation page:
- In addition to the previously stated requirements any use of any
component, aside from directly using the full files in their entirety,
must restate the license mentioned at the top of each concerned file.
If each and all these conditions are met use, extension, alteration,
and redistribution of Pretty Diff and its required assets is unlimited
and free without author permission.
@licend The above is the entire license notice for Pretty Diff.
- JS Pretty QA
- JS Pretty widget