11.0.0-rc.2 (2020-11-30)
Full Changelog
Breaking changes:
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Tree toggle icon should not receive focus #9590
- Add new icons of 4.1.0 to PrimeIcons Constants #9565
- New FilterService API #9547
- onShow and onHide event for colorPicker #8828
- Overlay Panel / Confirm Popup The arrow shows wrong #8750
- Dialog.onShow should occur when the animation ends #8747
- Unable to navigate in p-tree when using NVDA or JAWS screen reader #8674
- FilterUtils.filter only accepts filterValue of type string #8348
Fixed bugs:
- Clearing a p-columnFilter / p-dropdown using "showClear" X-button throws a TypeError #9578
- ver. 11.0.0-rc.1 error with table when building in prod. #9567
- MultiSelect not working when Objects contain property "value" #9561
- PickList V11.00-rc-1 Both are triggered at the same time - onMoveAllToTarget, onMoveToTarget #9555
- p-calendar: Pressing Enter key on prev or next month arrows calls onPrevButtonClick or onNextButtonClick twice respectively #9521
- Carousel does not respond to change to numVisible #9049
- Carousel doesn't use 'responsiveOptions' on init #8833
- p-colorPicker not working | Failing on click #8746
- Autocomplete empty text when lost focus #8740
- [Bug] Carousel displays last page when circular=true #8739
- [Bug] Carousel does not recalculate the number of dots on refresh #8705