17.14.0 (2024-04-19)
Full Changelog
- Badge | Deprecate "size" property #15314
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Avatar and Badge use the same size attribute, add badgeSize property for badge #12959
Fixed bugs:
- Badge directive with badgeDisabled condition not working #12736
- Toast: Close button is missing in Aura theme #15285
- Messages: OnClose event #15295
- MeterGroup | Add explanation of MeterItem for docs #15284
- TabMenu: In Aura theme, active tab underline does not update properly when using routes with asynchronous resolvers #15269
- Dropdown in Table Filter Menu Fails to Apply Filter When appendTo="body" Is Used #15233
- Pasting Valid data into a pKeyFilter field not possible #12316
- p-table passing any expandedRowKeys will cause table to not expand anymore #15270
- Autofocus #13082
- In a Dynamic Dialog that is opened from another Dynamic Dialog, we can not press Tab to focus on the next field #10472
- AutoFocus for Dropdown: Does not work inside dialogComponent. #14010
- Component: Dynamic Dialog's Autofocus on Close Button #13162
- Component: Messages #15260
- MultiSelect: Scroll functionality lost upon closing modal overlay #15254
- MultiSelect: Aria-checked attribute is not allowed #15246
- TreeSelect: ARIA hidden element must not be focusable or contain focusable elements #15244
- p-table: columnFilter of type numeric are no longer working #15264
- Autocomplete: Down/Up arrows trigger (onSelect) event when autoHighlight="true" #15208
- Component: pDropdown wrapper #15115