16.8.0 (2023-11-20)
Full Changelog
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Accessibility | Input Section (part 2) #13990
- Accessibility | Data Section #14123
- VirtualScroller performance enhancement for Input Components with selection #13993
- MegaMenu & MenuBar | Activate root item on hover. #14086
Fixed bugs:
- Autocomplete | overlayOptions not working #14139
- Dropdown Tab key not closing the overlay #14124
- Component: Calendar. After closing the calendar, the p-overflow-hidden class is not deleted #14012
- MultiSelect: Clear button is visible when field has empty array as value #14145
- p-dropdown: onBlur is been called on selection, without lost focus, and before onChange #14128
- Fileupload component disables upload button #14046
- MultiSelect: Label does not properly update when properties change #13862
- MultiSelect onPanelShow is not fired when there are no options (empty array / filtered) #14058
- p-message/p-toast: long details squeezed closeButton #14125
- Autocomplete: deleting search term causes ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError #14001
- Dropdown & MultiSelect | Cannot scroll on selected on overlay shown. #14142
- AutoComplete | Items are not visible after overlay is opened second time #14137
- Component: p-multiSelect resetFilterOnHide issue #14134
- Dropdown: Triggers 3 onChange events when rendered (two empty) #14136
- ListBox selection is not working from code #14121
- Listbox default values being set. #14041
- PrimeNG : SideBar onHide Not trigger #13933
- Component: p-multiSelect does not render grouped items that have a property named group #14061
- MultiSelect component triggers two empty change events when rendered #14103
- Multiselect: Missing itemValue in onChange event #14100
- REGRESSION 16.7.2: dropdown incorrectly implements NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, writeValue is issuing change. #14095
- dropdown not selected After upgrade Primeng 16 #14094
- Dropdown: Additional case where dropdown causes panel to scroll #14078
- Dropdown: In PrimeNG 16.7.1 interacting with dropdown causes panel to scroll #14039
- p-tooltip : autohide="false" does not work every times #14014
- Accordion: nested inputs loose focus when pressing arrow keys #14105
- Chips: Focus classes are no longer applied #14101
- Autocomplete: Delete selection in multiple mode cause "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nativeElement')" #14064
- Component: p-chips | does not work with Reactive Forms #14062