17.2.0 (2023-12-20)
Full Changelog
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- InputGroup | Add styleClass and style input properties #14404
- ContextMenu | Touch Device support #14375
Fixed bugs:
- Lara Light Teal: $highlightBg implementation defect #14414
- Table: Not able to provide custom Icons for column filter clear icon #14397
- BlockUI: entire page is blocked if "blocked" input contains true by default (even if a target is defined) #14230
- Inputnumber: Inputnumber#currency mode not allowing to remove minus sign for Dollar and INR fields. #14327
- Galleria: After images change not correct numVisible value in component. #14401
- Multiselect does not focus filter input #14387
- Accordion: TextArea shortcuts are not working when used in Accordian Panels #14368
- Component: Autocomplete with long list of options adds scrollbar to the whole page #14281
- Dropdown Empty Filter Message not displayed #14409
- PickList: Filtering bug, when moving item to target list #14334
- Drodown: Unable to type spaces in editable dropdowns #14377
- Table | Apply Rule and Remove Rule texts are not visible in column filter #14365
- Autocomplete: ForceSelection does not force selection - formControl value is changed even without selection #14389
- Table: Sort icons are not showing correct amount directions #14403
- Component: PanelMenu repeated rendering #14373
- Table | Resized column style is not applied (w/column reorder) #14386