17.16.0 (2024-05-03)
Full Changelog
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add variant input property for form components. #15328
- Fileupload | add headerTemplate & emptyTemplate. #15430
- Multiselect | add loadingIconTemplate #15431
Fixed bugs:
- Split Button: Aria Label not correctly working #15342
- Scroller: When itemSize is not set, scrolling to top results in component crash #15395
- Tree: Search results are not updated when new data is added #15193
- MegaMenu | Keyboard navigation is broken #15110
- Component: Paginator aria replacement problem #15413
- primeNg timeline vertical alignment broken in case of small devices #14582
- Dropdown loses focus in accordion when using arrow keys #14953
- Calendar: minDate bug when using 12 hourFormat #15286
- p-timeline not mobile responsive in the template section of the timeline documentation #15424
- Fileupload and autocomplete: problems with input transform function #15332
- DynamicDialog: closeOnEscape and dismissableMask not working in combination with closable=false #15401
- TieredMenu Submenus do not display within viewport #13929
- keyboard event code is coming as empty for backspace #15442
- p-menu w/ popup: enter key on number pad doesn't select menu item (accessibility issue) #15415
- Broken Unit Tests #15416