16.3.0 (2023-08-30)
Full Changelog
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Toast: Expose default Toast Item life prop for overriding #13577
- SelectButton: getOptionValue is called twice in onItemClick if multiple is false (single mode) #13553
- InputNumber | Add ariaLabelledBy props #13547
- InputNumber - showClear icon not showing when value is "0" #13525
- Knob | Add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy, tabindex props #13504
- TreeTable and TreeSelect: Output emits wrong type (TreeTable.onNodeExpand and TreeSelect.onNodeUnselect and .onNodeSelect) #13415
- p-splitter: nested panels should have min-width: 0 to leverage flex-basis correctly #13323
- Tree/DataView/Table: there is no way to set a custom class to the paginator component #13204
- Wrong type definition of KeyFilter.pKeyFilter (pattern) #13086
- DropDown: open even if disabled #12973
- Carousel or Galleria component autoplay will stop after click any step and can't re-autoplay again #12949
- Component: P-Image Preview Image URL #12928
- Component: Paginator, Table #12897
- Component: Carousel add better playing status support #12706
- DynamicDialog: Close button receives initial focus #12643
- Add LazyLoadOnInit flag for Data View #12526
- Password: Add autocomplete property for input #12362
- In Calender year view disable year issue #12151
- CI: Replace deprecated and non-functional travis-ci.org #10846
- Let the user choose where to place a DynamicDialog rather than in body #9546
- Template support for Tooltip #3496
Fixed bugs:
- Autocomplete Force Selection case sensitive issue #13578
- AutoComplete showClear close icon overlap with loader icon #13572
- Sidenav: Input Key Down triggers "TypeError: ctx_r16.onKeyDown is not a function" #13569
- fileUpload: choose button is disabled after upload when you chose more files than the file limit #13566
- DropDown clear or close icon on click dropDown options open randomly #13560
- DropDown filter search not trimming text and search showing empty #13559
- Sidebar: Badge property not working #13523
- SplitButton [NG]: Menu is not closing when click on outside #13522
- p-steps Docs: Routing Example Broken #13519
- Component: Pick List #13513
- Sidebar related bug #13509
- DynamicDialog: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError for attr.aria-labelledby #13497
- Component:
bad drag behavior #13493 - InputTextarea with autoResize=true have scroll up issues #13484
- Dropdown: Escape Key event not default prevented #13463
- p-overlayPanel does not hide automatically after scrolling #13462
- TableRowSelectEvent: data must not be an array #13383
- Table: Incorrect behavior when a column is both sortable and filterable, and user clicks on a certain part of the filter icon #13361
- p-calendar: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') #13348
- AutoComplete: completeOnFocus #13344
- p-menu: Links are turned into groups #13297
- The
options can be ignored when the dialog is maximized. #13268 - TreeTable: selectionChange emitter type error #13254
- pKeyFilter stops Enter key from submitting form in Firefox #13246
- Calendar: onModelChange not called with keepInvalid=true if user enters a well-formatted date but outside allowed range #13132
- TreeTable: Can't write multi line in a textarea used to edit a cell #13105
- Menubar | ReferenceError: Cannot access 'Menubar' before initialization #13024
- Chips: After clicking the clear button does not allow to input values #13011
- p-password: attribute 'className' instead of 'class' used in content template #13003
- Calendar: formArray marked Touched when item gets removed #12956
- Multiselect: Cannot dynamically change selectionLimit on Multiselect #12775
- Calendar: Error if using datatype string with selectionMode="range" and keepInvalid=true #12722
- Toggleable panel inside another toggleable panel has it's content visible when collapsed by default #12713
- p-button: disabled p-button doesn't work #12692
- Chips doesnt support RegExp Separator as per documentation #12640
- p-autocomplete: baseZIndex, autoZIndex, appendTo not respected #12600
- primeng calendar year view not work with *maxDate* and *minDate* not working #12583
- Button: p-button executing methods on click when disabled #12495