11.3.2 (2021-04-06)
Full Changelog
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Icon support for TriStateCheckBox #10052
- MenuItem's style and styleClass properties should be apply to li #10045
- Menuitem style and styleClass should applied to the TabMenu #10044
- Placeholder support for Password Component #10030
- Splitter not working on touch devices (including dev tools) #10020
- Dropdown/Multiselect filter change event #9971
- p-confirmDialog should support template #5448
Fixed bugs:
- p-table with save state (localstorage/sessionstorage) remember old value after delete from filter #10065
- Pick list events emit inconsistent types #10063
- Accessibility: Typo in aria attribute valuemin for InputNumber #10058
- Carousel does not always display dynamically added items #10051
- PickList's and OrderList's reorder and move functions not working with filtering #10048
- Picklist dragdrop input can't disable drag and drop #10037
- Toggle All Checkbox not working when using Group templates on Listbox and MultiSelect #10035
- AutoComplete does not display 0 as value when preselected #10031
- Animation "none" not working for p-skeleton #10026
- p-calendar styling is incorrect when it is disabled with an icon #10024
- Dropdown, MultiSelect, Listbox group filter issue when using custom interface instead of SelectItemGroup #10022
- firstDayOfWeek is broken in 11.3.1 #10013
- First node dropped into empty tree not triggering onNodeDrop #9991
- Galleria: thumbnail items doesn't work properly when responsive options are set #9744
- Implemented fix for #9660 prevents finding a value for simple array of options #9742
- Scroll Panel Bars not displaying correctly when the scrollpanel loses/gains width #9727
- MultiSelect Not Displaying Pre-Selected Items Upon Load #9673
- When no label is assigned to pButton, the button should not render #9482