What is prosemirror-collab?
The prosemirror-collab package provides collaborative editing functionality for ProseMirror, a toolkit for building rich-text editors. It allows multiple users to edit the same document simultaneously, with changes being synchronized in real-time.
What are prosemirror-collab's main functionalities?
Collaboration Plugin
This code sets up a ProseMirror editor with the collaboration plugin enabled. It initializes the editor state with a document and includes the collab plugin to handle collaborative editing.
const { collab, receiveTransaction, sendableSteps, getVersion } = require('prosemirror-collab');
const { EditorState } = require('prosemirror-state');
const { EditorView } = require('prosemirror-view');
const { Schema, DOMParser } = require('prosemirror-model');
const { schema } = require('prosemirror-schema-basic');
const { exampleSetup } = require('prosemirror-example-setup');
let doc = DOMParser.fromSchema(schema).parse(document.querySelector('#content'));
let state = EditorState.create({
plugins: exampleSetup({ schema }).concat(collab({ version: 0 }))
let view = new EditorView(document.querySelector('#editor'), { state });
Receiving Transactions
This function receives transactions from other collaborators and applies them to the editor state. It uses the receiveTransaction function from the prosemirror-collab package.
function receiveCollabTransaction(view, steps, clientIDs) {
let tr = receiveTransaction(view.state, steps, clientIDs);
Sending Steps
This function checks if there are any steps to be sent to the server for synchronization. It uses the sendableSteps function from the prosemirror-collab package.
function sendCollabSteps(view) {
let sendable = sendableSteps(view.state);
if (sendable) {
// Send sendable.steps and sendable.clientID to the server
Getting Document Version
This function retrieves the current version of the document being edited. It uses the getVersion function from the prosemirror-collab package.
function getDocVersion(view) {
return getVersion(view.state);
Other packages similar to prosemirror-collab
Yjs is a high-performance CRDT (Conflict-free Replicated Data Type) for building collaborative applications. It provides real-time synchronization and offline editing capabilities. Compared to prosemirror-collab, Yjs offers more flexibility and can be used with various data structures and editors, not just ProseMirror.
ShareDB is a real-time database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT). It allows multiple users to edit the same document simultaneously and synchronizes changes in real-time. ShareDB is more general-purpose compared to prosemirror-collab and can be used with different types of data and editors.
Automerge is a library for building collaborative applications using CRDTs. It provides automatic conflict resolution and real-time synchronization. Automerge is similar to Yjs in that it offers more general-purpose CRDT functionality, whereas prosemirror-collab is specifically designed for ProseMirror editors.